No avatar imageGuest Herobrine
How do I get it? I’m on mobile
No avatar imageYetikadaver
well...i was wrong it only has the resorce pack and when i click on it to see if there are any details about why it maybe dont works it says that its the ''hauntet by Herobrine'' pack is... does anyone knows waht the problem could be?
No avatar imageYetikadaver
okay Forgett waht i said it works now
No avatar imageLegendary Creeper (Guest)
This is an issue with Mediafire. You don't require it.
No avatar imageYetikadaver
It Isnt able to Install it says there is an duplicate but i dont have one
No avatar imageLooth
And it’s cool!
No avatar imageLooth
Yoooo guys this one those not work use the nightmare wolf it works
Sanidhya_Not profile avatarSanidhya_Not
Yaa I just Checked It will be Fixed tomorrow
zam profile avatarzam
No avatar imageCledovaldo
Ele aparece e nao some eu fiquei preso no spawa toda ora eu tava morrendo
kennaralfredomdby profile avatarkennaralfredomdby
¡Bro! El link está mal, acabo de descargarlo y no es la textura correcta. El link descarga la textura "quick-senttings".
DaBigJ profile avatarDaBigJ
Can you add an easter egg where if you name a hedgehog Sonic it turns blue
No avatar imageFrkster567
Fake!!! I can’t even download it without waiting hours for a stupid ad. Won’t let me download either file. I call fake!! Others on here must be paid!!!!!
No avatar imageBoygamer-g87
Perfect for analog horror video