hinojosaisrael356 profile avatarhinojosaisrael356
E no sé si soy al único que le pasa pero cada vez que juego el vampiro craft con otros complementos el juego se me cierra me puede decir que pasa
meowmeow profile avatarmeowmeow
Through file explorer, have you clicked View -> Show -> File Name Extensions?
Also, what worked for me is decompressing the zip file, opening the file and compressing the three files within into zip files and converting those into .mcaddon
PrincePandaman profile avatarPrincePandaman
The variety of animals is so fun! They also fit so well with the vanilla style that it feels right at home. I have this in my realm and my family really enjoys exploring to find all the newly added animals.
PrincePandaman profile avatarPrincePandaman
This is an especially useful addon! I'm enjoying it. I use it to go between farms and places I discover that look fun to build in.
ImQLogicals profile avatarImQLogicals
Welp, it doesn't let me install it because it says the Zip file isnt valid and when I download the zip file it doesnt let me convert it to a .mcaddon
😑I meant Bedrock, but the keyboard
BetaGasick profile avatarBetaGasick
Does it work with blocks from other addons?
meowmeow profile avatarmeowmeow
actually, good news! i found a solution. rather than the .mcaddon, i downloaded the zip file instead and changed the file from a .zip to a .mcaddon
edit: i dont think everything works as intended though, but ill keep tinkering and ill update on what happens
meowmeow profile avatarmeowmeow
sorry for the late reply! i've been busy
it tells me it's "not a valid zip file" for some reason, no matter how many times I've redownloaded the file and recompressed it.
DolphinMasterMB profile avatarDolphinMasterMB
I always recommend trying to use the experimental features, if the addon doesn't run correctly! Although for this addon those features shouldn't be needed! You haven't found the new monsters yet? Those do spawn automatically based on their own natural conditions! There are no spawn eggs, because this monsters are exceptional and use different rules other than vanilla Minecraft! They should spawn! Maybe try downloading the addon again and do a reinstall!
DolphinMasterMB profile avatarDolphinMasterMB
So you are new to using mods/addons? I'm glad you like to try my addon! Have you actually already successfully installed the addon though? You could find any tips or information and instructions in my Youtube videos too! If you haven't got the addon yet, I might still be able to help! Please let me know what you need to know exactly! Cheers! ; )
DolphinMasterMB profile avatarDolphinMasterMB
An error?! What kind of error? Does it prevent you from using the addon in your world? I actually have never heard of this bug before! Maybe try removing the complete addon and get the new one after! Could you please give some more details what actually happened?
meowmeow profile avatarmeowmeow
Hi!! I've been having an issue with uploading this addon to my Minecraft world. There's constantly an error whenever I click on it, and I've tried compressing, adjusting, and reworking things in the file but it hasn't worked for me. Is anyone else experiencing this?
LavaLord1515 profile avatarLavaLord1515
What is Minecraft cornerstone?