boomdogzgamer25 profile avatarboomdogzgamer25
Can you do the same thing with amethyst, Quartz, redstone, and lapis.
DolphinMasterMB profile avatarDolphinMasterMB
Thank you very much! Btw the install error might be that the file is actually quite big and the connection uncertain! Minecraft has some connection/download issues for multiplayer and addons even though your network is stable! Maybe just try again or try another Wifi network! Cheers! ; )
D profile avatarD
I'm sure they keep the most interesting features in secret for later, as it has been with 1.20 ๐Ÿค”
PetergamerXD profile avatarPetergamerXD
Hello everyone, the addon works in the latest versions and does not use player.json. In case you're wondering, tell me about your experiences with the addon.
Duquesa profile avatarDuquesa
The addon is extremely good, I got scared a lot haha โ€‹โ€‹but I wanted to say something, I try to play with a friend, but when he enters my world it gives an error and he can't install the package
D profile avatarD
I think that would be a great idea. On the Java Edition we have a Caupona mod, it would be nice to see something similar for BE ๐Ÿค”
Feesh38 profile avatarFeesh38
Do you think that I could use the code from this add-on to make a realistic cooking add-on?
Feesh38 profile avatarFeesh38
But I think the new version is almost readyโ€ฆ
D profile avatarD
Very cute ๐Ÿค—
DolphinMasterMB profile avatarDolphinMasterMB
Please know that both messing with commands and editing the source code could easily break the complete addon! I strongly recommend not using the functions to often those are really complicated and you should avoid using those! Everything is automatic! Herobrine joins and leaves at random! Herobrine is really sneaky! You might not always be able to notice him! Please try to be patient! Maybe reinstall the addon! Delete the old version before installing the new one! Versions don't stack! Also the next update might just solve all issues! I hope I could help! Cheers! ; )
DolphinMasterMB profile avatarDolphinMasterMB
You actually don't need any function commands! Everything works automatically! Herobrine joins and leaves your world when he wants! Cheers! ; )
theredghost204 profile avatartheredghost204
Steel is made by cooking iron in a furnace
Excuse me the owner of this mod. when i use that mod on my computer the mod is invisible can you please fix it?
Feesh38 profile avatarFeesh38
Lol I just released this, and it's instantly covered by like the 5 other posts above it... oh well lol