Pokemetel profile avatarPokemetel
nice variety and clean textures
MilkyMan profile avatarMilkyMan
I Like Em Big, I Like Em Chonky, I Like Em Round And Somethin Somethin
Summord profile avatarSummord
Such a cool interface, epic mod!
levinator521 profile avatarlevinator521
Please fix the ui
D profile avatarD
In the changelog we have replaced "[*]" with "(*)" due to incorrect processing by the site engine (we will try to fix this in the near future). So don't be scared 😀
D profile avatarD
Yea, this addon uses player.json file
Dune profile avatarDune
Wow awesome, I'm gonna have to check how well it runs on worlds though. Sounds like a CHUNKY addon.
Dune profile avatarDune
Awesome, is there a way to increase your stamina or thirst? I would really love to see that.
Dune profile avatarDune
Wow amazing. Does this have player.json?
Duckjr profile avatarDuckjr
Hey Sirob! Excellent addon! I'm sure you're already aware that the newest update 1.19.70 has broken this addon, looking forward to an update soon ❤️
D profile avatarD
A fantastic addon! I'm really waiting for the fix of the Rain Collect and Water Purifier! ☺️👍
Blayy profile avatarBlayy
I had actually forgotten to do this before, it turned out very well, thank you. ♥️
Vlliage profile avatarVlliage
It was not a mistake, I just found it simpler to upload file
D profile avatarD
This is really a crazy mod! But I wouldn't recommend using it in your personal survival world without having a copy of it 😀

The only question. You uploaded the file to ModBay when on MCPEDL you provided a link. If this was done mistakenly, please let us know and we will fix it ☺️