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Overgrown | A Nature Overhaul Texture Pack for Minecraft Bedrock Edition

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This texture pack tries to improve nature as much as possible by changing/adding new textures, models, and variants while keeping the vanilla feel of the game. It features detailed textures and variants for a bunch of blocks and all the flowers, grasses, crops and other foliage; better and biome dependent colorful leaves; improved models for lilypads, sugarcanes, vines, mushrooms, saplings, leaves, seagrass, dripstone and more! This pack is still in the works and will be receiving a bunch of updates so stay tuned!




Overgrown | A Nature Overhaul: Screenshot 1

Overgrown | A Nature Overhaul: Screenshot 2

Overgrown | A Nature Overhaul: Screenshot 3

Overgrown | A Nature Overhaul: Screenshot 4

Overgrown | A Nature Overhaul: Screenshot 5

Overgrown | A Nature Overhaul: Screenshot 6

Overgrown | A Nature Overhaul: Screenshot 7

Overgrown | A Nature Overhaul: Screenshot 8

Overgrown | A Nature Overhaul: Screenshot 9

Overgrown | A Nature Overhaul: Screenshot 10

Overgrown | A Nature Overhaul: Screenshot 11

Overgrown | A Nature Overhaul: Screenshot 12

Overgrown | A Nature Overhaul: Screenshot 13

Overgrown | A Nature Overhaul: Screenshot 14

Overgrown | A Nature Overhaul: Screenshot 15

Overgrown | A Nature Overhaul: Screenshot 16

Overgrown | A Nature Overhaul: Screenshot 17

Overgrown | A Nature Overhaul: Screenshot 18

Overgrown | A Nature Overhaul: Screenshot 19

Overgrown | A Nature Overhaul: Screenshot 20

Overgrown | A Nature Overhaul: Screenshot 21

Overgrown | A Nature Overhaul: Screenshot 22

Overgrown | A Nature Overhaul: Screenshot 23

Overgrown | A Nature Overhaul: Screenshot 24

Overgrown | A Nature Overhaul: Screenshot 25

Overgrown | A Nature Overhaul: Screenshot 26

Overgrown | A Nature Overhaul: Screenshot 27

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Overgrown | A Nature Overhaul: Screenshot 30

Overgrown | A Nature Overhaul: Screenshot 31


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Important Info!

This Pack comprises a Texture Pack and a Models Pack. You are required to download both for all the features. If you do not want to use the improved models, then only download and use the Texture Pack.

Place the Models Pack on top of the Texture Pack for proper functioning.

Place the Pack on top of any other you are using to avoid conflict.



This Texture Pack was greatly inspired from Stay True and A Little Taste of Jerm Texture Pack for Minecraft Java Edition. Huge credits to their respective creators for the original idea and inspiration! Their assets have NOT been used in the making of this Texture Pack.


Terms of use!

  • If you want to use this pack in a video, then share the LINK TO THIS PAGE, NOT the direct link or any custom link.
  • You are not allowed to use any of the textures, code or modify this pack except for personal use.
  • You are not allowed to publish this on ANY other website without my permission.

If you do not follow, I WILL find you and sue you.

Please report any bugs, give suggestions or contact me on my YouTube: @FusedBolt or Discord: fusedbolt

Lightning Border

Updated on January 30

Models pack v1.1.1

  • Added biome colors for vines
  • Vines will have different colors depending upon the biome
  • Fixed dark green colored vines in warm biomes
V1.0.3 / July 21 / Old Update

V1.0.3 Fixed the bugs introduced in Minecraft 1.21:

  • Fixed the texture and variants of short grass
  • Fixed the texture and variants of tall grass
  • Fixed the texture and variants of ALL tall flowers
  • Added a new item texture for short grass
V1.0.2 / June 30 / Old Update

V1.0.3: Fixed the bugs introduced in Minecraft 1.21:

  • Fixed the texture and variants of short grass
  • Fixed the texture and variants of tall grass
  • Fixed the texture and variants of ALL tall flowers
  • Added a new item texture for short grass
  • Added a new item texture for tall grass
V1.0.2 / June 27 / Old Update

V1.0.2: Tons of bug fixes and quality improvements!

  • Fixed incorrect texture of birch sapling in inventory with models pack
  • Fixed incorrect texture of acacia sapling in inventory with models pack
  • Fixed incorrect texture of jungle sapling in inventory with models pack
  • Fixed incorrect texture of dark oak sapling in inventory with models pack
  • Fixed incorrect texture of spruce sapling in inventory with models pack
  • Fixed incorrect texture of birch leaves in inventory with models pack
  • Fixed incorrect texture of spruce leaves in inventory with models pack
  • Fixed incorrect texture of jungle leaves in inventory with models pack
  • Fixed incorrect texture of dark oak leaves in inventory with models pack
  • Fixed incorrect texture of acacia leaves in inventory with models pack
  • Fixed the bug introduced in the latest version of Minecraft: textures and variants of all the flowers now properly work

NOTE: Textures and variants of grasses,ferns and tall flowers currently do not work on 1.21 and will be fixed soon!

Download links
Overgrown TP1.1+MP1.1.1
Supported versions
1.21.50 1.21.0 1.20.80 1.20.70 1.20.60 1.20.50 1.20.40 1.20.30 1.20.10 1.20.0
7 472
  1. Hey Fused, can you make a compatiblity with Overgrown and Expansive Biomes?
  2. Как мне скачать эту текстуру из Curse Forge
    1. No avatar image R
      Перейди в секцию "files" - и там будут все ссылки на скачивание
  3. Yoru. profile avatar Yoru.
    Model pack didn't work at 1.20.81, The flower hasn't changed
    1. Yoru. profile avatar Yoru.
      Now it's work