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Half Timbered House #4

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New variation of a half-timbered house. This time I used mangrove blocks for the roof instead of bricks. I think it looks much better. Inside it's fully furnished with a kitchen, dining room, bathroom, living room, and a bedroom. Pretty small, since it's also meant to be used for survival play, which should also be easy to build in survival play since materials are pretty easy to get. Might take a bit of time due to all the detailing. Built for Bedrock Edition version 1.21.30 or higher.

Some Screenshots:

Half Timbered House #4: Screenshot 1

Half Timbered House #4: Screenshot 2

Half Timbered House #4: Screenshot 3

Half Timbered House #4: Screenshot 4

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Supported versions
1.21.50 1.21.40 1.21.30
  1. No avatar image TRK8
    Awesome Work! , Have you ever built structures for survival other than houses if so, i want to discuss with you on discord if possible
    1. Lindolas profile avatar Lindolas Author
      Thank you :) Mostly houses and mansions. I might try castles at some point as well. Sure, how can I find you on Discord?
      1. No avatar image TRK8
        Search TRK8 on YouTube or trk8.#0
        1. No avatar image TRK8
          If didn't work, see my addon page and join my discord server
          1. Lindolas profile avatar Lindolas Author
            Found it but the invite was invalid.
          2. No avatar image TRK8
          3. No avatar image TRK8
            Try this and tell me if it didn't work
          4. Lindolas profile avatar Lindolas Author
            Yep, this one worked.