Dismember | Piglins!

This addon allows you to dismember mobs, as well as some fatal blow animations. The wounds are not just aesthetic, you can disarm mobs, break their armor more easily, or watch them dying after decapitate them.
Even though the addon is not complete, you can test it since its mechanics are compatible with survival!
How the addon works?
First of all, not every addon will work.
My addon must to be the first addon, otherwise it will not work, follow the image:
See how my addon is above Coptaine's Animations addon?
I actually only tried 2 addons with mine:
Coptaine's Animations: Working fine with the without blinking setting.
Actions & Stuff: Just select the option "Actions & Stuff" and put my addon above.
(Only works with the 32x option of Actions & Stuff)
Little nerd explanation:
This addon now uses primarily render controllers (we used textures, client entities and models prior to this update) because it allows better compatibility with other addons (including animation and texture addons).
Which addons will not work?
If your addon does not use the vanilla render controllers, it will not work.
The addon will change itself based on the texture you use.
The dismemberments have one simple rule: break the armor.
Every time you hit the mob, the game will roll a die. If you are lucky, two things can happen: Critical damage (not to be confused with vanilla critical) and Fatal blow. (You cannot choose which member you'll cut, it's luck-based.)
Blows Critical hits currently have 2 variations:
Decapitation: Self-explanatory, decapitation necessarily requires the mob to be without a helmet, otherwise the critical hit will not decapitate it, but will break the helmet. Decapitation has "bleed" damage (currently the highest inside the addon, 3 damage every 2.5 seconds).
Arms: The arms require the mob to be without a chestplate, if the mob is wearing a chestplate, the critical hit will break it, but will not tear off the arms. You can tear off arms individually or both, by cutting off the right arm for example you can disarm a skeleton (He'll turn into a melee mob, like a zombie). Each arm will deal the mob 1+ damage over time. Removing one arm will reduce the mob damage, removing both of the arms will remove even more.
Fatal blows are the rarest type of dismemberment, they instant K.O the mob.
Requirements: The mob cannot have any piece of armor and he must have every member, example: If the mob lost his arms, he cannot receive a fatal blow.
Zombies cannot receive fatal blows while underwater btw.
- Zombie: Critical damage and fatal blow.
- Skeleton: Critical damage and fatal blow.
- Husk: Critical damage and fatal blow.
- Drowned: Only Critical damage.
- Creeper: Only critical damage (decapitation).
- Spider: Critical damage and Fatal blow.
- Cave spider: Critical damage and Fatal blow (shares everything with the normal spider btw).
- Stray: Only critical damage.
- Bogged: Only critical damage.
- Wither Skeleton: Only critical damage.
- Piglin: Only critical damage.
- Piglin brute: Only critical damage.
Corpses and limbs always despawn between 10-15 seconds, you cannot Interact with corpses, but you can move the limbs. They are not killable and you can't hit them.
Use the command if you want to remove corpses or limbs from the map: /event entity @e mob:despawn
Only Entity damages or Projectile damages count as a critical or fatal blow hit, fire damage, fall damage... will not trigger any kind of critical or fatal blow.
Babies are not supported by the mod.
These have no armor restrictions like Critical damage and Fatal blow. Environment kills have unique requisites and you can't trigger them by normal methods.
Follow the current Environment kills available and their requisites:
Mobs affected: Creeper, Zombie, Husk
Just make the mob fall on a stalagmite. (Must be high enough to give fall damage.)
Mobs affected: Skeletons
1°: The mob has no injuries.
2°: The mob has 10 or less HP.
3°: Hit the mob with fire. (Not burning damage, sun damage or campfire, it has to be fire damage.)
Mobs affected: Zombie, Husk, Creeper
1°: The mob have no injuries.
2°: Hitted by an anvil.
I completely changed how the addon works just to add support to other addons. Environment kills and fatal blows were poorly made, I'm going to redo them in a better way.
Please, report any bugs you find, you can comment any suggestions you have.
Updated on February 25
- Added Piglin support! (Critical damage)
- Added Piglin brute support! (Critical damage)
- Added Bogged support (Critical damage).
- Added Compatibility with Actions & Stuff addon. (Only 32x, and you still need to buy their addon, folk.)
- Creepers cannot transform into charged while headless, and Charged creepers cannot be dismembered anymore.
- Temporarily removed Fatal Blows.
- Temporarily removed Environment Kills.
- Added Stray Support.
- Added Texture and animation addons support.
- Improved limbs system (you can cut head and arms, not only arms or head anymore).
- Removed tons of shit files.
- Added Spider support (critical damage and fatal blow).
- Added Cave spider support (same thing as normal spider).
- Added new Zombie and Husk impaling environment kills.