Mods with Food for Minecraft PE 1.20.40 - Page 2

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zorrocraft profile avatar

Head Stealing | PvP Addon

Hi, I am Zorrocraft From India 🇮🇳.This addon makes player deaths more intense. When a player dies, they stuck into spectator mode and drop their head as loot. Other players can collect those heads.

Thumbnail: Head Stealing | PvP Addon
CloudLightning profile avatar

Cloud Creepypasta

On this ModBay page, I will share some of the creepypasta add-on I've created. Each add-on features more than 5-30 animations and possesses unique skills different from typical add-ons.

Thumbnail: Cloud Creepypasta
2 006
gamehunter profile avatar

Demon Slayer Addon

Hello everyone! In this Minecraft Demon Slayer addon, I packed all the slayers and demons. This addon is light and can be played on any phone.

Thumbnail: Demon Slayer Addon
1 050