Cloud Anime Bosses
Hi everyone, this mobs addon will provide uniqueness and something different from other addons. This addon is designed with advanced AI and stands out from all other addons.

Hi everyone, this mobs addon will provide uniqueness and something different from other addons. This addon is designed with advanced AI and stands out from all other addons.
Welcome to the Minecraft World of Pokémon, Jump into Craftmon Legacy and start your epic adventure catching, battling and evolving Pokémon to become the very best Pokémon trainer you can be.
More Vanilla Weapons+ Complete: The complete package that brings together hammers, elite swords, and battle axes into one mod.
More Vanilla Foods+ Complete: This complete mod package combines all the new stews, breads, and pies into one cohesive experience.
As you know, Minecraft only has three Camera Perspectives, which is good but not enough. So I made this mod, which adds some new useful & interesting Camera Perspectives to Minecraft.
Accurate Craft, an essential addon that will help improve your Minecraft world!
Slimes Expansion is a creative Minecraft addon that brings an exciting variety of slime-themed items to your game. Explore a vibrant collection of gear, including boots, crystals and more!
More Vanilla Animals+ Bears is a Minecraft mod that expands your world with new panda and bear variants.
Phanerozoic Revival is an add-on about prehistoric life, including dinosaurs and other animals and plants for Minecraft Bedrock Edition.