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Advanced Waypoint v2 [Supports 1.21.60] ♻️🔥

Thumbnail: Advanced Waypoint v2 [Supports 1.21.60] ♻️🔥 Go to files

Tired of traveling the great distances to return home or to your village in Minecraft? Today I made the solution for you with my advanced waypoint. It won't run anymore because it will enable you to easily teleport between places and also the dimensions. I didn't tell you that you could teleport to the last place you died🤫

Credits ↓

  • Addon made by me: @shadowgamer100k
  • Waypoint thumbnail creator: Discord: @alexbk
  • Waypoint compass item disigner: MZ3G

If you need to make a review about this addon mention my channel in the description.

Advanced Waypoint v2 Logo


What's new ✨?

  • 🎉 New, The size of the addon has become small.
  • 🎉 New, Gui new button icons.
  • 🎉 New, Feature access: waypoint now you can share your waypoint with your friends.
  • 🎉 New, Flags colors.
  • 🎉 New, I added icons, now you can add an icon for your waypoint.
  • 🎉 New, Now you can select the flag of the waypoint.
  • 🎉 New, More settings...
  • 🎉 New, Admin panel: you can manage the waypoints of your server.
  • 🎉 New, The admin can set the limit of the waypoints that's the players can create.
  • 🎉 New, Now you can make more than 999999 wapoints.
  • 🎉 New, Removed the points system, just for now.

What has been fixed 🔧?

  • 🔨 Fixed, An issue where the player would not be teleported.
  • 🔨 Fixed, The problem of waypoint disappearing from other players when moving away from it.



New v2 GUI Showcase: Screenshot 1

New v2 GUI Showcase: Screenshot 2

New v2 GUI Showcase: Screenshot 3

New v2 GUI Showcase: Screenshot 4

New v2 GUI Showcase: Screenshot 5

New v2 GUI Showcase: Screenshot 6

New v2 GUI Showcase: Screenshot 7

New v2 GUI Showcase: Screenshot 8

New v2 GUI Showcase: Screenshot 9

New v2 GUI Showcase: Screenshot 10



Waypoint Compass Recipe


To see the admin panel, you must have an admin tag. To get it, type this command in the Minecraft chat:

/tag @s add admin




Advanced Waypoint Item Recipe

This is how to make this item, which does not decrease its durability, so it is enough for you to make it once.


My Points Menu

Trading Slider Menu

You can get points in exchange for exchanging ores, and each ore has its own price.

Send Points to ur Friends Menu

You can also send points to other players and your friends within the game.


Waypoints Manager Menu


Create Your Own Waypoint Menu

To create your own waypoint, all you have to do is write its name, the color of the name you want, and also the type of waypoint - is it private or public?

#You can make an Arabic name:

Arabic Waypoint Name

#And English too:

English Waypoint Name

You can hide the flag. All you have to do is press Shift and hit the flag and agree to hide it. If you want to show it, follow the same steps.

Hide the Flag Confirmation


Edit the Waypoints Name Menu

Here, you can change the name of the Waypoint. All you have to do is be 4 blocks away from the Waypoint whose name you want to change, then open it and select the new name. You can also hide the name by activating the toggle, but make sure to write any letter so you can hide it.


To hide the name, make sure to write anything in the input field, then activate the toggle.


Delete Some Specific Waypoint Menu

A drop-down will appear showing you all your Waypoints. Select the ones you want to delete and press Submit.


Teleport Options Menu


Private Waypoints Menu

Here all your private waypoints will appear, which no one can access except you.


Global Waypoints Menu

Here, all public waypoints for players will appear, bearing the name of the waypoint, the name of the player who created it, and how many blocks you are away from it. The image on the button varies according to the dimension in which the Waypoint is located, and it allows you to know the dimension in which this Waypoint is located.


Last Death Teleport Menu

This addition or this option will enable you to return to the last place you died, and this will be easy for you to return to collect your things before they disappear, and also not to miss the discovered areas.

  • If you die in the overwold, 10 points will be deducted from you to return;
  • If you die in the nether, 20 points will be deducted from you to return;
  • If you die in the end, 30 points will be deducted from you to return;

Now there is only one setting, which is languages, there are two languages in the addon: Arabic and English

Edit the Language Menu

Settings Menu

Showcase Video:

If you do not understand the explanation, I have prepared a video for you. Go and watch it to understand more! ↓↓↓

Requred Experiments:

Required Experiments for Advanced Waypoint Addon

Updated on February 14

  • The addon is working right now on the last Minecraft Bedrock version 1.21.60.
Changelog for June 29 / Old Update
  • Updated the addon to work with Minecraft 1.21.
Changelog for May 17 / Old Update
  • Updated the addon to work with Minecraft 1.20.80.
Changelog for March 17 / Old Update
  • Updated the addon to work with Minecraft 1.20.70.
Changelog for March 11 / Old Update
  • Updated the addon to work with Minecraft last versions: 1.20.60 and 1.20.61 and 1.20.62.
Changelog for February 26 / Old Update
  • Fixed the download links.
Changelog for January 18 / Old Update

What's new ✨?

  • 🎉 New, The size of the addon has become small.
  • 🎉 New, Gui new button icons.
  • 🎉 New, Feature access waypoint now you can share your waypoint with your friends.
Changelog for December 09 / Old Update
  • Now the addon supports the new Minecraft bedrock version 1.20.50. ✳️
Changelog for December 02 / Old Update
  • Fix some bugs in the addon.
Changelog for November 20 / Old Update
  • Now the flag appears naturally in other dimensions.

I hope you like the addon! :)

My Youtube

My Discord Server

Download links
Download Advanced Waypoint from Here
Supported versions
1.21.20 1.21.10 1.21.0 1.20.80 1.20.70 1.20.60 1.20.50 1.20.40 1.20.30
10 966
21 comment
  1. No avatar image ¥jaguarmp¥ Guest
    Actualizalo para 1.21.40 porfa
  2. No avatar image blulune Guest
    Hello, I can't download the latest version, the behavior and resource pack links are on a loading screen and I can't download them. Could you fix it? I would love to use this add-on, I already had an old version of it :(
  3. No avatar image ahmedsultan Guest
    Please update it to 1.21
  4. No avatar image fafi Guest
    Excelente addon, cuando lo actualizas para la 1.21?
  5. No avatar image denxx Guest
    Why his not working for 1.20.70 I need it so much 😭
  6. Storm profile avatar Storm
    Funciona perfectamente, gracias por excelente complemento! "Faltan dependencias" pero funciona 1.20.81
  7. Y para servidores?cómo aria
  8. Is this compatible with any addons?
    1. ShadowGem100k profile avatar ShadowGem100k Author
      yes its compatible with any addons
  9. posada profile avatar posada
    Amigo, ojalá la puedas actualizar para la versión 1.20.71
  10. Provided '/dependencies/0/uuid' element is not a valid UUID in pack manifest. Or smth. Great addon tho I remember using it a while back
    1. ShadowGem100k profile avatar ShadowGem100k Author
      i fixed it
  11. BH لا يعمل
  12. seno profile avatar seno
    هل يعمل على1.20.71
  13. Los enlaces están mal no puedo descargar el complemento porque me envía a otro complemento
    1. ShadowGem100k profile avatar ShadowGem100k Author
      I fixed it : )
  14. MZ3G profile avatar MZ3G
    Great addon ♥️
  15. The crafting recipe should be more expensive
    1. ShadowGem100k profile avatar ShadowGem100k Author
      I would be happy for you to tell me about the recipe that came to your mind so that I can apply it