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Teleportation Addon 2.0 (1.20.40 → 1.20.80+)

Thumbnail: Teleportation Addon 2.0 (1.20.40 → 1.20.80+) Go to files

🔸Did you get bored traveling thousands of blocks everytime you play in your world / server?
🔸With this Addon you can stop that and start using Teleportations for an easier life!

Teleportation Addon Logo

🔸Watch the video below to know how the teleportation works.
🔸And thank you for choosing this Addon ❤️

Showcase Video:

🔸If you faced any glitch or problem, just write a comment about it.
🔸Don't forget to give me your feedbacks about the addon and what you want me to add next.
🔸There will be more features coming soon.


🔻New Update 1.5.0: (Now Supports 1.20.30 - 1.20.40)

🔸This update has a bunch of new features ⬇️

🔸1) Mobs Teleportation:

You can access it when you click on a teleportation using a compass and you will be able to choose a mob in the range and teleport it to another linked teleportation and this will cost 250 power.

🔸2) Upgrade Teleportation:

Now you can upgrade your teleportation using The Teleportation's Upgrader and it will has some new abilites you can see them in the video below.

🔸3) Custom Commands:

Now there are some commands that will help you.

To see the commands list in the game write tp/help in the chat for now there are only 3 commands for members and one extra for operators.

🔸4) Quality of Life Changes:

In this update, there are some bug fixes and improvements in the addon.

You can charge the teleportation using dragon's breath.

Note: You should watch the video below to know more about the update and if you have faced any issue write a comment about it or add me on discord: m_mz3g.

1.5 Update Showcase:


Teleportation Addon v2.0 Logo

🔻New Update 2.0: (Supports 1.20.40 - 1.20.50 - 1.20.60+)

🔸This update has a bunch of new features ⬇️

🔸1) Teleportation Template:

Now there are 14 templates for your teleportations you can apply one of them by clicking on a teleportation using the template and you can change it with other template and you can remove the template from the settings.

🔸2) Symbols:

Now you can put a symbol for your teleportations from a wide list and you can change it anytime from the settings.

🔸3) Teleportation Linker:

Now there is a simpler way to link your teleportations all you need to do is to click on a teleportation using ender pearl and you will get the teleportation linker for this teleportation (and you can right/hold click the item to know more details about the teleportation) and then you should go to the other teleportation and click it using the teleportation linker and you will be able to link them.

🔸4) Bug Fixes / Quality of Life Changes:

So many Bug Fixes and Quality of Life Changes, you can see them in the game.

Note: You should watch the video below to know more about the update and if you have faced any issue write a comment about it or add me on discord m_mz3g.

Important Note: Please do not make a direct download link for the addon and if you want to make a video about it add the provided download link.

2.0 Update Showcase:

🔸Thanks a lot for Reading.

🔸There is going to be a really big update coming soon.

Updated on April 25

  • Updated to support Minecraft 1.20.80+
Changelog for April 06 / Old Update
  • Updated to support Minecraft 1.20.70+
Download links
⬇️Download Link V2.0 (1.20.80)
⬇️Download Link V2.0 (1.20.70)
⬇️Download Link V2.0 (1.20.60)
⬇️Download Link V2.0 (1.20.50)
⬇️Download Link V2.0 (1.20.40)
Supported versions
1.20.80 1.20.70 1.20.60 1.20.50 1.20.40
6 043
  1. No avatar image ruben Guest
    This addons it si good, shame that developer update once or twice for year
  2. No avatar image square Guest
    Do you support 1.21?
  3. 3nclair profile avatar 3nclair
    Hello! is there an update for 1.21? thank you!
  4. Rolex35 profile avatar Rolex35
    am am am ❤️
  5. hai saya menggunakan versi 1.20.81 namun di tempat teleportnya hanya tersedia menu setting,apa yang saya harus lakukan,karena menurut saya ini add-on yang sangat bagus,terimakasih
  6. caah profile avatar caah
    Quando coloco o teleportation no chão n aparece pra por nome e nem nada, fica como se fosse algo decorativo
    1. MZ3G profile avatar MZ3G Author
      Qual é a sua versão do jogo? Certifique-se de ativar todas as opções de teste nas configurações mundiais e baixe o complemento no link apropriado para a versão do jogo.
      1. caah profile avatar caah
        Minha versão é a 1.20.81 e tá tudo ativado, até criei outro mundo pra verificar se eu não tinha ativado tudo mas ficou idêntico, entrei nas partes dos mods e tinha esse aviso aqui (A propriedade '/metadata/generated_with' não é usada neste tipo de conteúdo. O campo será ignorado.)
        1. MZ3G profile avatar MZ3G Author
          Siga os seguintes passos: Primeiro, exclua os materiais do jogo das configurações e armazenamento. Segundo, baixe novamente o mod do link 1.20.80 e tente novamente 🧡.
  7. Brother the link of version 1.20.80 redirects me to the page of the Elevators addon please fix, or share link without Shorteners Hehe 😁
    1. MZ3G profile avatar MZ3G Author
      I'm sorry for that , I have updated the link and waiting for ModBay to accept the changes.
  8. nice addon. a bit overdeveloped and full of details :)
    1. MZ3G profile avatar MZ3G Author
      حبيبي والله بحذف جدة بالتحديث الجاي 🧡
      1. how mush to buy the right to own the add-on?
        1. MZ3G profile avatar MZ3G Author
          For free 🧡
  9. Hello, unfortunately I think it broke with 1.20.70, the teleport menu no longer appears. How long do you think it will take to fix this? Why this addon is very important for my world 😔
    1. MZ3G profile avatar MZ3G Author
      I have updated it , waiting for ModBay to accept the new post thanks for using the addon 🧡
  10. Um dos melhores addons que já vi, muito feliz por já ter voltado a funcionar!
    1. MZ3G profile avatar MZ3G Author
      Muito obrigado e haverá uma grande atualização para isso no futuro
  11. naser profile avatar naser
    the addon no work with 1.120.51 I hope update.
    1. MZ3G profile avatar MZ3G Author
      I tried it with the 1.20.51 update and it works , try downloading the addon again using the 1.20.50 link , if it didn't work also there is a big update coming soon. Thanks a lot for choosing this Addon 🧡
  12. Hola amigo, se acaba de actualizar a la 1.20.50 y el addon ya no sirve :(, espero que puedas solucionarlo por qué es un muy buen addon, yo tengo instalada la versión 2.0.
    1. MZ3G profile avatar MZ3G Author
      Lo actualizaré pronto a 1.20.50 con modificaciones y mejoras de rendimiento Gracias por usar este complemento ♥️🌹