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Disciples of The Void, Skin Pack I

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This pack features seven skins based off of characters from one of my most popular addons "Disciples of The Void, Volume I". With these skins you can put yourself in the shoes of these wild, powerful creatures.


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This pack contains skin versions of multiples bosses from my addon "Disciples of the void, Volume I". If you would like to check out the addon, it can be found here. There are five main stars of this addon but there are two extras included, but we will focus on the main ones in this writeup.

In the original addon, You face off against the legends known as The Disciples, mutated everyday overworld beasts blessed by an ancient entity with unknown origins. This pack contains his being in skin form.


Deathblade, Skeleton of Crystalization

Deathblade, Skeleton of Crystalization

Deathblade, a mutated, bloody, crystalized wither skeleton is the most powerful of the second set of disciples. He was originally a wither skeleton heavily enhanced by command blocks. Once his creator discovered the ability to create his own, sentient mobs, he gladly created Deathblade along with his brothers.

Alatar, Evoker of Envy

Alatar, Evoker of Envy

Alatar is the dark magic wielding side of the original bunch. In the old days, he was just an evoker with a speed, resistance, and regeneration buff with strength induced vexes. But when his creator gave him his own body separate from his kind, he left his past behind and flipped the concept of evoker spells on it's head.

Brawlatar, Disciple of Dissension

Brawlatar, Disciple of Dissension

Brawlatar was without a doubt the most ready to fight monster of all time. he literally had an arena all to himself to brawl with others. Him and his creator fought all the time for fun. (he would always win btw)

Eribus, Disciple of Culmination

Eribus, Disciple of Culmination

Eribus was like the others, a mutated mob. except he was kept in a Dungeon filled with puzzles and traps to confuse the player. then was there to finally take out the player at the end. it was confusing, pointless, and relentless, And he liked it.

Extorris-Poeta, The First Creator

Extorris-Poeta, The First Creator

Extorris-Poeta is (at least what is left of) the creator of the original disciples. he resembles an enderman in a suit skin from the Xbox 360 version of minecraft with chains wrapped around him. It seems that the player behind the skin has left, leaving him to rot in this mutated form, and he is NOT happy about it.

This concludes volume I of this pack. There will be a Volume II of this later down the line but for now... Enjoy!

Download links
Disciples of The Void, Skin Pack I
Supported versions
1.20.50 1.20.40 1.20.30 1.20.10 1.20.0 1.19.0 1.18.0 1.17.0 1.16