End's Delight Bedrock (Unofficial)

This addon is the End's Delight Mod unofficial port on bedrock edition and reproduced to the greatest extent possible.
Port Permission
The End's Delight mod on Java edition is under the MIT License. This license allows me to port it to bedrock edition. Here is the license link: FoggyHillside/End-s-Delight (github.com)
Special thanks to foggyhillside for creating this excellent mod!
◆ Foods and Drinks
Lots of foods and drinks that have been added:
▶ Ender Pearl Grain can be obtained by cutting end pearl.
▶ Chorus Fruit Grain can be obtained by cutting chorus fruit.
◆ Blocks
You can store chorus fruit.
▶ End Stove is a functional block without a GUI that provides heat for the Skillet and Cooking Pot when active, and can also smelt certain items on its own. When smelting items, it can simultaneously smelt up to 6 different items of the same or different types. While active, the End Stove can be extinguished using a shovel or water bucket. When extinguished, it can be reignited using flint and steel.
◆ Chorus Succulent
Chorus Succulent naturally generate in The End.
Chorus Succulent can be placed on top of blocks, up to 3 per block. They produce light, with the first one producing 3 light levels, and each subsequent one producing 2 additional light levels.
◆ Knife
Added four new knives.
- Kill the Ender Dragon with a knife, additional Dragon Leg, Raw Dragon Meat, and Dragon Tooth will be dropped.
- Kill Shulker, additional Shulker Meat will be dropped.
- Kill Endermite, additional Raw Endermite Meat will be dropped.
◆ Cooking Pot Recipes
The cooking pot will display the cooking pot recipes in this addon.
◆ Language Contributor
- Sanjy (es_ES)
◆ Updated on October 26
- Updated to version 1.21.40+ to ensure compatibility with the latest version.
- Updated to version 1.21.20 to ensure compatibility with the latest version.
- Updated to 1.21.
- HCF no longer used.
- Chorus succulent can grow.
- Fixed a bug where cutting ender pearls and chorus fruits would not return items.
- Updated to 1.20.80.
Finally, thanks for downloading!