Sword Abilities 1.21

"New swords with an ability for each one!" It is a mod that contains swords that will help you in your world.
What is the Sword Abilities Mod?
- It is a mod that contains swords that will help you in your world, and you go on adventures without being afraid of anything while you have these swords.
What is the purpose of making this mod?
- The purpose is definitely a benefit to me and to you as well and I hope you enjoy your world with these new swords.
Will there be newer versions and new things for the mod?
- Yes, definitely, there is no doubt that other things and swords will come to this mod.
What are the new swords?
1. Fire Sword
- Damage: 6
- Ability: Fire protects you around.
Crafting: [1] Magma Cream and [1] Magma Block and [1] Stick
2. Ice Sword
- Damage: 6
- Ability: Ice shield which protects you.
Crafting: [2] Blue Ice Blocks and [2] Snow Blocks and [1] Stick
3. Slime Sword
- Damage: 5
- Ability: Jump higher.
Crafting: [2] Slime Balls and [1] Stick
4. Wind Sword
- Damage: 7
- Ability: Push mobs away with damage.
Crafting: [1] Compressed Iron Block and [1] Feather and [1] Stick
New Block!
Compressed Iron Block
Crafting: [4] Iron Blocks
5. Health Sword
- Damage: 6
- Ability: Fast Regeneration.
Crafting: [1] Instant Health Potion and [1] Emerald and [1] Stick
6. TP Sword
- Damage: 7
- Ability: TP mobs to the air.
Crafting: [1] Ender Pearl and [3] Obsidian and [1] Stick
7. Slowness Sword
- Damage: 5
- Ability: Makes Mobs Slower.
Crafting: [2] Soul Sand and [1] Stick
8. TNT Staff
- Damage: 4
- Ability: Summons TNT at your position and blocks do not break when TNT explodes.
Crafting: [2] TNT and [2] Diamonds and [1] Stick
Is there something missing? Ohh... Yeah, I forgot.
Definitely, a new mob!
Mutant Iron Golem
- Health: 100 Hearts.
- Damage: About 32 hit power.
- He can become a friend and sometimes an enemy!
- He can be tamed using Cooked Food.
- You can make him sit or stand.
You can craft him, but don't hit him, because he will be a little upset!
Crafting: [2] Compressed Iron Blocks and [3] Carved Pumpkin
Updated on June 27
- Updated to support 1.21