Make Monsters Scary Again! (MMSA)

Have you ever thought Minecraft was getting too easy? Do you wish that the monsters were threatening like they once were when you started playing? The Make Monsters Scary Again (MMSA) Addon does exactly what it says it does: make the Minecraft monsters scary again. This addon adds no new mobs or features, instead, it tweaks the stats of the vanilla mobs to make them threatening once again.
Currently, only the monsters pictured below have been changed, but more monsters and other changes will be added in the future!
The Changes:
Increased targeting distance
Monsters now target players through blocks (they no longer need to see the player to target them)
Basic mobs:
- These mobs are balanced around the player having iron and unenchanted diamond tools. By the time you get enchanted diamond tools, these mobs should pose little threat.
Standard Stats:
- Health: 30
- Movement: [0.20-0.35]
- Attack Damage: [1-20]
- Time to convert to a drowned: 3 seconds
Baby Zombie (viarent):
- Movement: [0.40-0.50]
- Attack Damage: [1-3]
- Scale: 0.5x
- Spawn Chance: 4%
Giant Zombie (varient):
- Health: 60
- Movement: [0.40-0.50]
- Attack Damage: [1-3]
- Scale: 2x
- Spawn Chance: 1%
Standard Stats:
- Health: 20
- Movement: 0.3
- Fire Rate: [0.25-0.75]
Slowness Skeleton (Variant):
- Shoots slowness IV (0:02) arrows
- Spawn Chance: 25%
Weakness Skeleton (Variant):
- Shoots weakness I (0:30) arrows
- Spawn Chance: 25%
Poison Skeleton (Variant):
- Shoots poison I (0:15) arrows
- Spawn Chance: 25%
- Standard Stats:
- Health: 15
- Movement: 0.2
- Detonation Range (how close they get before exploding): 0.75 blocks
- Fuse length: 0.5 seconds
- Standard Stats:
- Health: 16
- Movement: [0.45-0.55]
- Attack Damage: [1-3]
Baby Spider (Variant):
- Health: 5
- Movement: [0.55-0.65]
- Attack Damage: [1-2]
- Scale: 0.3x
- Spawn Chance: 20%
Giant Spider (Variant):
- Health: 25
- Movement: [0.35-0.55]
- Attack Damage: [6-10]
- Scale: 2x
- Spawn Chance: 3%
Standard Stats:
- Health: 20
- Movement: [0.20-0.25]
- Underwater Movement: [0.25-0.45]
- Attack Damage: [4-10]
Baby Drowned (Variant):
- Movement: [0.20-0.25]
- Underwater Movement: [0.45-0.55]
- Scale: 0.5x
- Spawn Chance: 5%
Standard Stats:
- Health: 40
- Movement: 0.8
- Attack Damage: [10-15]
Nether mobs:
These mobs are balanced around the player having enchanted diamond tools. The Nether is a very dangerous place, and so you should make sure to bring as much food, milk, and arrows as possible.
Wither Skeleton
Standard Stats:
- Health: 40
- Movement: [0.2-0.35]
- Attack Damage: [15-35]
- Withering effect duration: 30 seconds
- Detection Range: 4 blocks
- Will NOT attack you if youโre wearing a mob head (unless you attack them, of course)
- Can Spawn with helmets and higher damage swords
Blindness Skeleton (Variant):
- Attack Damage: [5-15]
- Gives Blindness effect instead of Withering
- Spawn Chance: 50%
Standard Stats:
- Health: 10
- Movement: [0.33-0.53]
- Attack Damage: [15-25]
- Ranged attack burst shots: 8
Standard Stats:
- Health: 10
- Movement: 0.03
Baby Ghast (Variant):
- Health: 5
- Movement:[0.10-0.15]
- Scale: 0.5x
- Spawn Chance: 5%
Giant Ghast (Variant):
- Health: 20
- Ranged attack burst shots: 3
- Scale: 2x
- Spawn Chance: 5%
Other Features:
Sleeping is for nerds!
I removed sleeping because skipping the night takes away most of the challenge of Minecraft. Now you must use think about how much time you spend outside more carefully so as to not waste it! Beds still reset your spawn point.
Addition of The Hunger Rework addon
The Hunger Rework is another addon I made that was always meant to go alongside this one. It limits how long you can sprint and makes food heal you when eaten. All Hunger Rework features come in a second pack when downloading becasue it uses the player.json file which sometimes competes with other addons. Plus not everyone likes this change).
Note: Play on easy or normal difficulty when using this addon.It was not designed for Hard difficulty.
Updated on June 06
Update 2.0: โInto The Nether pt.Iโ
The Big Stuff:
- Added monster variants
- Changed the Blaze, Ghast, and Wither Skeleton
- Balance changes to the skeleton, enderman, and drowned
Balance Changes:
- Skeletons now fire at a slow, medium, or fast rate.
- Drowned now does 4-10 damage (previously 4)
- Enderman does 10-15 damage (previously 11)
Monster Movement Improved!
- Previously, monsters all had two movement options: normal and fast. Now, monsters' movement ranges from the two movement options.
- Added monster variants!
- Surface Overworld monsters (Zombies, Creepers, etc.) are balanced around Iron Armor
New Zombies variants
Big Zombie:
- Health: 60
- Damage: [15 - 25]
- Movement: [0.1-0.2]
- 1% spawn chance
New Skeleton variants
Slowness Skeleton:
- Fires Slowness IV [0:02] arrows
- 25% spawn chance
Poison Skeleton:
- Fires Poison I [0:15] arrows
- 25% spawn chance
Weakness Skeleton:
- Fires Weakness I [0:30] arrows
- 25% spawn chance
New Spider Variants
Baby Spider:
- Health: 5
- Damage: [1-2]
- Movement: [0.55-0.65]
- 20% spawn change
Big Spider:
- Health: 25
- Damage: [6-10]
- Movement: [0.35-0.55]
- 7% spawn chance
New Ghast Variants
Big Ghast:
- Health: 20
- Fires 3 fireballs
- 5% spawn chance
Baby Ghast:
- Health: 5
- Fires faster
- Movement: [0.1-0.15]
- 5% spawn chance
New Wither Skeleton Variant
Blindness Wither Skeleton:
- Gives blindness instead of Withering
- Does less damage
- 50% spawn chance
Updated Nether monsters
- Nether monsters are balanced around protection II diamond armor
- Melee attack damage: [15-25]
- Movement: [0.35-0.55]
- Now Fires in eight fireball burst
- Health 10
- Added mob variants
Wither Skeleton:
- Health: 40
- Movement: [0.2-0.3]
- Base Attack Damage: [15-35]
- Wither effect duration: 30 seconds
- Comically low detection range
- Will NOT attack you if youโre wearing a mob head (unless you attack them, of course)
- Can Spawn with helmets and higher damage swords