Master Builder Wand

Hello, I'm ZorroCraft from India ๐ฎ๐ณ. In this addon, you can craft a builder wand & use it to quickly build. It's specially designed for skyblock-like maps.
Modded blocks supported!
๐Showcase video:
Block Selection:
Block Requirements:
About -
"Master Builder Wand" Addon is a utility-focused Minecraft tool designed to make building easier and faster.
- Appearance: The wand resembles a blaze rod.
- Crafting Recipe: Combine 1 stick and 1 yellow dye to craft the wand.
- Usage:
- Hold the wand and select the block you wish to use by clicking on it.
- Face the direction you want to build.
- Activate the wand to build dynamically by:
- Right-Clicking (PC).
- Tab Screen (Old Controls on touch).
- Clicking the Eat Button (New Controls on touch).
This tool is perfect for builders who want to speed up their construction process with a simple and intuitive mechanic.
Updated on January 29
- Changed the recipe, made it simple and early game accessible.
- All block supported, including modded.
- Build location will be according to player face.
- Fixed not working on 1.21.50+ version & server. Now you can enjoy it without errors!
- Added wand use description.
- Added block description.
- Script API system added.