๐๐ฒ๐๐ฑ๐ฎ๐น ๐๐๐ฟ๐ป๐ถ๐๐๐ฟ๐ฒ | +๐ด๐ฑ๐ฌ ๐๐๐ข๐๐๐ฆ | ๐ป ๐ฃ๐ฎ๐น๐ฒ ๐๐ฎ๐ฟ๐ฑ๐ฒ๐ป

Do you need simple and streamlined medieval furniture? Do not look any further! Feudal Furniture is the mod you need, in it you will find more than 390 pieces of furniture with a simple and original Minecraft style.
How to create it?
Like other mods of its same collection, Feudal Furniture is created from clay, with it, you can create a variety of boxes that will contain the furniture you need, the boxes will be different depending on the type of wood you want and if you want a miscellaneous decoration, you will also find a box for it!
What can I decorate?
This add-on is specialized to decorate medieval areas such as ruined castles, huge cities, medieval farms and rustic houses.
Feudal / Medieval Furniture Updated
Main Blocks
๐ช Spikes: Functional for creating traps for players and mobs.
๐ฏ๏ธ Medieval Lamps: Functional lamps.
๐งบ Baskets: Can hold items such as apples or carrots.
๐ช Gates: Can be opened and closed manually.
โ๏ธ Automatic Trapdoors: Useful for traps; if a player stands on them, the trapdoor will automatically open.
๐ฅ Fireplace: Can be lit with a flint and steel, and if a chimney is placed above, smoke will come out.
๐ช Chairs and Benches: Can be used to sit.
๐๏ธ Windows: Can be opened and closed manually.
๐ Signs: Directional arrows for pathfinding and signs to mark inns, mines, markets, etc.
Survival: Clay is needed, you have to introduce it in a stonecutter and many variants of boxes will come out, each one has all the versions of a type of wooden furniture, depending on what type of wood you choose from the box, you can create furniture of a type of wood or other.
Creative: There are 2 ways, the main one is by going to the creative menu and looking at the bottom in the decoration section and the other way is with commands, you would have to enter the following in the chat: /give @p ff: (select the block or put their name).
Featured Images
If you don't have inspiration, check these photos and enjoy the mod!
Support me on Patreon
Support me on patreon and receive all my content without shorteners and in advance!
Activate these options for the addon to work!
The addon is ready to start with a single click, little by little it will be updated to put more content.
Remember to delete addon cache to fix any errors.
Join the Official Discord!
Join the official TRMC Studios discord and share your ideas and photos with the community!
Creator:ย Trotamundos872 | Team TRMC Studios
Updated on January 11
Version: 5.0
New Blocks:
- Added Cobblestone corner
- Added Stone Brick corner
- Added rolled carpet V1
- Added rolled carpet V2
- Added Barrel
- Added Pale Window
- Added Pale Trunk V2
Main Settings:
- We have changed several old textures
- We have added extra crafting to the main description page
Updated on December 13
Version:ย 4.9
New Blocks:
- Added Oak Sturdy trapdoor
- Added Birch Sturdy trapdoor
- Added Acacia Sturdy trapdoor
- Added Spruce Sturdy trapdoor
- Added Dark oak Sturdy trapdoor
- Added Jungle Sturdy trapdoor
- Added Crimson Sturdy trapdoor
- Added Warped Sturdy trapdoor
- Added Mangrove Sturdy trapdoor
- Added Cherry Sturdy trapdoor
- Added Bamboo Sturdy trapdoor
- Added Pale Sturdy trapdoor
Main Settings:
- We have added the crafting of the pale garden wooden box (we forgot to add it in the previous version).
- We have added new directories in textures.
- We have fixed bugs in the categories, now all apple baskets belong to their respective wood category.
Version: 4.8
- Add-on updated to 1.21.50.
New Blocks:
- Added Pale Bench
- Added Pale ladder
- Added Pale staircase (Version A)
- Added Pale staircase (Version B)
- Added Pale stairs
- Added Pale shelf (Version A)
- Added Pale shelf (Version B)
- Added Pale bookshop (Version A)
- Added Pale bookshop (Version B)
- Added Pale bookshop (Version C)
- Added Pale shelf
- Added Pale table
- Added Pale work table
- Added Pale table
- Added Pale desk
- Added Pale picnic table
- Added Pale walkway (Version A)
- Added Pale walkway (Version B)
- Added Pale walkway (Version C)
- Added Pale walkway (Version D)
- Added Pale boards (Version A)
- Added Pale boards (Version B)
- Added Pale boards (Version C)
- Added Pale stool [Seat]
- Added Pale trunk (Version A)
- Added Pale trunk (Version B)
- Added Pale logs
- Added Pale box
- Added Pale logs with spikes
- Added Pale desk
- Added Pale lying trunk [Seat]
- Added Pale stump [Seat]
- Added Pale bar table
- Added Pale sign
- Added Pale sign
- Added Pale clothes line
- Added Pale Inn home sign
- Added Pale Inn tavern sign
- Added Pale Inn mine sign
- Added Pale Inn eat sign
- Added Pale fence
- Added Pale fence gate [Interactive]
- Added Pale Pillory stocks
- Added Pale window [Interactive]
- Added Pale ladder
- Added Pale barricade
- Added Pale basket of apples [Stackable]
- Added Pale basket of carrots [Stackable]
- Added Pale throne [Seat]
- Added Pale target
- Added Pale tree lantern [Bright]
- Added Pale lantern stand [Bright]
Version: 4.7
- Add-on updated to 1.21.44.
New Blocks:
- Added Oak basket of carrtots
- Added Birch basket of carrtots
- Added Acacia basket of carrtots
- Added Spruce basket of carrtots
- Added Dark Oak basket of carrtots
- Added Jungle basket of carrtots
- Added Crimson basket of carrtots
- Added Warped basket of carrtots
- Added Mangrove basket of carrtots
- Added Cherry basket of carrtots
- Added Bamboo basket of carrtots
New Features!
- We have added a new feature, stackable blocks! You can now store items in specific blocks, you can store items by clicking on them one by one, and if you don't have anything in your hand, you can remove the block. This feature has been added to Apple Baskets and Carrot Baskets (new blocks).
Version: 4.6
- Add-on updated to 1.21.41!
New Blocks:
- Added Oak basket of apples
- Added Birch basket of apples
- Added Acacia basket of apples
- Added Spruce basket of apples
- Added Dark Oak basket of apples
- Added Jungle basket of apples
- Added Crimson basket of apples
- Added Warped basket of apples
- Added Mangrove basket of apples
- Added Cherry basket of apples
- Added Bamboo basket of apples
Version: 4.5
New Blocks:
- Added Chiseled andesite block
- Added Chiseled diorite block
- Added Chiseled granite block
- Added Coated stone block (split version)
- Added Coated stone block (column version)
- Added Coated stone block (mosaic version)
- Added Coated stone block (brick version)
Main Changes:
- Item group name has been changed from ff-woodtype to tr-woodtype (this is done to be compatible with other add-ons).
- The Patreon book has been removed and the information on the More Addons button has been modified to refer to it.
- Spanish translation has been added.
- Cannonballs have been temporarily removed (they cause problems due to a poor system).
Version: 4.4
New Blocks:
- Added Diorite cornice wall
- Added Granite cornice wall
- Added Andesite cornice wall
- Added Diorite Lantern
- Added Granite Lantern
- Added Andesite Lantern
Main Changes:
- The add-on is now available for 1.21.30, no experimental features are needed.
- The "More Addons" button has been added to the menu, this button will be used to inform you of compatible add-ons, functionalities, etc.
- Emoticons have been modified, this may make the addon incompatible with other emoticon addons.
- The 3D model of a skeleton has been modified, it will now be seen correctly without black spots.
Version: 4.3
New Blocks:
- Added skeleton position: prone
- Added skeleton position: chained
- Added skeleton position: piled
- Added skeleton position: leaning
- Added skeleton position: buried
- Added wither skeleton position: prone
- Added wither skeleton position: chained
- Added wither skeleton position: piled
- Added wither skeleton position: leaning
- Added wither skeleton position: buried
Main Changes:
- A couple of textures have been deleted and the "doghouse" textures have been updated.
Version: 4.2
New Blocks:
- Added Books
- Added Farm fork
- Added Pile of gold coins
- Added Pile of silver coins
- Added Pile of copper coins
- Added Parchment
Main Changes:
- Rotations have been fixed AGAIN, Mojang has updated the block display system in the UI again and it is now fixed for over 750 blocks.
- Seating has been fixed, you can now sit down and the rotation will work correctly.
- The books have been changed, they now work correctly and can be created.
- Some wood textures have been updated.
Version: 4.1
New Blocks:
- Added Oak Logs with spikes
- Added Birch Log with spikes
- Added Acacia Log with spikes
- Added Spruce Log with spikes
- Added Dark Oak Log with spikes
- Added Jungle Log with spikes
- Added Crimson Log with spikes
- Added Warped Log with spikes
- Added Mangrove Log with spikes
- Added Cherry Log with spikes
- Added Bamboo Log with spikes
Main Changes:
- The add-on has been updated to be compatible with 1.21.20 and 1.21.21.
- Fixed all rotation issues, blocks are now rotated 180ยบ but will be displayed correctly in the creative menu.
- Moved the add-on API from 1.12 beta to 1.13.
- Changed the subscribe event system, now it has been fixed.
Version: 4.0
New Blocks:
- Added Oak Log (acumulation)
- Added Birch Log (acumulation)
- Added Acacia Log (acumulation)
- Added Spruce Log (acumulation)
- Added Dark Oak Log (acumulation)
- Added Jungle Log (acumulation)
- Added Crimson Log (acumulation)
- Added Warped Log (acumulation)
- Added Mangrove Log (acumulation)
- Added Cherry Log (acumulation)
- Added Bamboo Log (acumulation)
- Added Oak Chair
- Added Birch Chair
- Added Acacia Chair
- Added Spruce Chair
- Added Dark Oak Chair
- Added Jungle Chair
- Added Crimson Chair
- Added Warped Chair
- Added Mangrove Chair
- Added Cherry Chair
- Added Bamboo Chair
- Added Saw on Stump
Main Changes:
- The free patreon book and the add-on catalog have been updated.
- The rotation system has been changed, the custom rotation component will no longer be used.
Version: 3.9
New Blocks:
- Added Oak lantern stand
- Added Birch lantern stand
- Added Acacia lantern stand
- Added Spruce lantern stand
- Added Dark Oak lantern stand
- Added Jungle lantern stand
- Added Crimson lantern stand
- Added Warped lantern stand
- Added Mangrove lantern stand
- Added Cherry lantern stand
- Added Bamboo lantern stand
Main Changes:
- Added icons to interactable blocks and glow blocks!
- Added spike damage, now your script will damage the person on the block.
- Modified sitting system, now you can have a name with spaces and it will not release errors.
- Modified all entity collisions of the blocks, now the console log will not release errors.
- Patreons book added, in which you can find the subscription levels and their benefits.
Version: 3.8
No HCF needed!
Main Changes:
- The chimney has been fixed, and now the particles are canceled when you break it.
- The fireplace has been developed, and now you can interact with it with the lighter.
- All blocks in the creative menu have been organized by wood type, and miscellaneous blocks.
- The ff:sit2 and the item:stack have been deleted, they are no longer important.
- The rotation has been modified (fixed preview) and now uses the original vanilla system to rotate the blocks.
- Updated the test map to be compatible without HCFs.
- You can now play 100% with Beta APIs.
Version: 3.7
The add-on has been updated to stop using the holiday creator features, it will only use the Beta APIS, which means that most blocks will be reset (including their rotation). Please be careful!
Main Changes:
- All blocks have been updated to a vanilla rotation (the original one from Bridge V1 is no longer used).
- All JSON events have been deleted.
- New functions have been added using custom components for block functions.
- The interaction with the blocks has been changed to one through JS.
- The stairs have been fixed, and now their backup will be automatically deleted when they are removed.
Version: 3.6
New update!
Added blocks:
- Added Oak sharp vertical trunk
- Added Birch sharp vertical trunk
- Added Acacia sharp vertical trunk
- Added Spruce sharp vertical trunk
- Added Dark Oak sharp vertical trunk
- Added Jungle sharp vertical trunk
- Added Crimson wsharp vertical trunk
- Added Warped sharp vertical trunk
- Added Mangrove sharp vertical trunk
- Added Cherry sharp vertical trunk
- Added Bamboo sharp vertical trunk
The code of the entire add-on has been completely changed: pick and entity collision have been changed to selection collision and collision box, the permutations have been changed, this causes the rotation of all the blocks to be restarted, the format version has changed from 1.17.0 to 1.20.20, the creative categories to a system in description and components that will stop working in 1.21.10 have been deleted.
(IMPORTANT, if you do not want the rotations to be reset, do not update and stay on version 3.5)
Version: 3.5
New update!
Added blocks:
- Added Target
- Added Oak tree Lantern
- Added Birch tree Lantern
- Added Acacia ree Lantern
- Added Spruce tree Lantern
- Added Dark Oak tree Lantern
- Added Jungle tree Lantern
- Added Crimson tree Lantern
- Added Warped tree Lantern
- Added Mangrove tree Lantern
- Added Cherry tree Lantern
- Added Bamboo tree Lantern
New update!
Added blocks:
- Added Oak Wood Chair
- Added Birch Wood Chair
- Added Acacia Wood Chair
- Added Spruce Wood Chair
- Added Dark Oak Wood Chair
- Added Jungle Wood Chair
- Added Crimson Wood Chair
- Added Warped Wood Chair
- Added Mangrove Wood Chair
- Added Cherry Inn Wood Chair
- Added Bamboo Inn Wood Chair
- We have corrected some pick collision blocks such as: 2-guide sign and stool, they will no longer give an error message
- We have fixed some bugs with the interactive book "add-ons catalog"
New update!
Added blocks:
- Added Oak Inn mine sign
- Added Birch Inn mine sign
- Added Acacia Inn mine sign
- Added Spruce Inn mine sign
- Added Dark Oak Inn mine sign
- Added Jungle Inn mine sign
- Added Crimson Inn mine sign
- Added Warped Inn mine sign
- Added Mangrove Inn mine sign
- Added Cherry Inn mine sign
- Added Bamboo Inn mine sign
- Added Oak Inn eat sign
- Added Birch Inn eat sign
- Added Acacia Inn eat sign
- Added Spruce Inn eat sign
- Added Dark Oak Inn eat sign
- Added Jungle Inn eat sign
- Added Crimson Inn eat sign
- Added Warped Inn eat sign
- Added Mangrove Inneat sign
- Added Cherry Inn eat sign
- Added Bamboo Inn eat sign
Other Changes:
- We have solved the 462 Errors that the servers report in their logs, now there will be no error "missing version tag"
New update! In this update we have added many new blocks, and we have updated the books of all the libraries and added 5 color variations in them
Added Blocks:
- Added Oak Tabern Sign
- Added Birch Tabern Sign
- Added Acacia Tabern Sign
- Added Dark Oak Tabern Sign
- Added Jungle Tabern Sign
- Added Crimson Tabern Sign
- Added Warped Tabern Sign
- Added Mangrove Tabern Sign
- Added Cherry Tabern Sign
- Added Bamboo Tabern Sign
- Added Automatic trapdoor (It only activates when someone stands on top)
- Added Open Book
- Added Accumulation of books
Other Changes:
- All books have been changed for books with better texture and geometry, 66 blocks have been updated
- Fixed bugs with the torch holder
- The geometry of the boxes has been corrected
- The target names have been updated (in the previous version they were called Diana, now they are called target)
New update! We have added new blocks, adapted textures and geometries and fixed bugs!
Added Blocks:
- Added Oak Diana
- Added Birch Diana
- Added Acacia Diana
- Added Dark Oak Diana
- Added Jungle Diana
- Added Crimson Diana
- Added Warped Diana
- Added Mangrove Diana
- Added Cherry Diana
- Added Bamboo Diana
- Added chains 50ยบ
Other Changes:
- We have reformed the block geometries to be compatible with 1.20.70
- We have corrected the names of the thrones, they are now displayed correctly
- We have fixed bugs in the test map to make it compatible
- We have changed the barricades to fit next to their woods
- We have corrected the textures of the tents
New update! We have added 12 new pieces of furniture already craftable in the stonecutter!
Added Blocks:
- Added Oak clothes line
- Added Birch clothes line
- Added Acacia clothes line
- Added Dark Oak clothes line
- Added Jungle clothes line
- Added Crimson clothes line
- Added Warped clothes line
- Added Mangrove clothes line
- Added Cherry clothes line
- Added Bamboo clothes line
- Added fireplace tools
Other Changes:
- We have corrected the postures for sitting on the throne and on the stools
- We have corrected the corrupted images in the post
New update! We have added 14 new pieces of furniture already craftable in the stonecutter!
Added Blocks:
- Added Oak market tend
- Added Birch market tend
- Added Acacia market tend
- Added Dark Oak market tend
- Added Jungle market tend
- Added Crimson market tend
- Added Warped market tend
- Added Mangrove market tend
- Added Cherry market tend
- Added Bamboo market tend
- Added Cobblestone fireplace
- Added Cobblestone chimney
- Added Iron chain (broken)
For the fireplace to work, you will have to click with a lighter, the fireplace will release smoke at that moment.
Now the add-on will have a version markup to be able to store versions of Feudal Furniture.
New update! We have added 22 new pieces of furniture already craftable in the stonecutter!
The map has been updated adding more areas.
Added Blocks:
- Added Oak Bench
- Added Birch Bench
- Added Acacia Bench
- Added Dark Oak Bench
- Added Jungle Bench
- Added Crimson Bench
- Added Warped Bench
- Added Mangrove Bench
- Added Cherry Bench
- Added Bamboo Bench
- Added Oak shelf
- Added Birch shelf
- Added Acacia shelf
- Added Dark Oak shelf
- Added Jungle shelf
- Added Crimson shelf
- Added Warped shelf
- Added Mangrove shelf
- Added Cherry shelf
- Added Bamboo shelf
New update! We have added new blocks and fixed many visual bugs. The map has been updated adding more areas.
Added Blocks:
- Added Oak Barricade
- Added Birch Barricade
- Added Acacia Barricade
- Added Dark Oak Barricade
- Added Jungle Barricade
- Added Crimson Barricade
- Added Warped Barricade
- Added Mangrove Barricade
- Added Cherry Barricade
- Added Bamboo Barricade
- Added Oak Stair V4
- Added Birch Stair V4
- Added Acacia Stair V4
- Added Dark Oak Stair V4
- Added Jungle Stair V4
- Added Crimson Stair V4
- Added Warped Stair V4
- Added Mangrove Stair V4
- Added Cherry Stair V4
- Added Bamboo Stair V4
- Added openability to all 11 window variants
New update! Mod updated to 1.20.51, we have added single block ladders and barrels.
Added Blocks:
- Added Oak Ladder
- Added Birch Ladder
- Added Acacia Ladder
- Added Dark Oak Ladder
- Added Jungle Ladder
- Added Crimson Ladder
- Added Warped Ladder
- Added Mangrove Ladder
- Added Cherry Ladder
- Added Bamboo Ladder
- Added Barrel
New update! In this update, we have added more windows! They work with a single click to open and close them! Separately, we have added a couple of miscellaneous blocks.
Added Blocks:
- Added Oak Window
- Added Birch Window
- Added Acacia Window
- Added Dark Oak Window
- Added Jungle Window
- Added Crimson Window
- Added Warped Window
- Added Mangrove Window
- Added Cherry Window
- Added Bamboo Window
- Added Torch Stand
Fixed all the bugs and errors of 1.20.40, the geometry of the boards has been fixed, and the desks have been corrected to be compatible with other mods.
Added Blocks:
- Fixed Acacia Boards
- Fixed Oak Boards
- Fixed Dark Oak Boards
- Fixed Spruce Boards
- Fixed Mangrove Boards
- Fixed Warped Boards
- Fixed Crimson Boards
- Fixed Birch Boards
- Fixed Acacia Boards V3
- Fixed Oak Boards V3
- Fixed Dark Oak Boards V3
- Fixed Spruce Boards V3
- Fixed Mangrove Boards V3
- Fixed Warped Boards V3
- Fixed Crimson Boards V3
- Fixed Birch Boards V3
- Fixed and updated to version 1.20.32
- Added a new language, Chinese [Including Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macau]
- The language has been applied to the 450 available blocks.
Added Blocks:
- Added Oak boards
- Added Birch boards
- Added Acacia boards
- Added Spruce boards
- Added Dark Oak boards
- Added Jungle boards
- Added Crimson boards
- Added Warped boards
- Added Mangrove boards
Other Changes:
- Fixed issue with throne seats and stools.
In this update we have updated the mod to 1.20.30, we have added 11 new blocks and finally we have released a Test map, Feudal Camp.
Added Blocks:
- Added Oak stump
- Added Birch stump
- Added Acacia stump
- Added Spruce stump
- Added Dark Oak stump
- Added Jungle stump
- Added Crimson stump
- Added Warped stump
- Added Mangrove stump
- Added Cherry stump
- Added Bamboo stump
Other Changes:
- Modified bamboo blocks for compatibility to 1.20.30.
- Added test map to show the mod's capabilities.
In this update, we have added new road signs and new one-block stairs!
Added the following blocks:
- Oak sign
- Birch sign
- Acacia sign
- Spruce sign
- Dark Oak sign
- Jungle sign
- Crimson sign
- Warped sign
- Mangrove sign
- Cherry sign
- Bamboo sign
- Oak stairs
- Birch stairs
- Acacia stairs
- Spruce stairs
- Dark Oak stairs
- Jungle stairs
- Crimson stairs
- Warped stairs
- Mangrove stairs
- Cherry stairs
- Bamboo stairs
Other Changes:
- 3 entities have been added to prepare the update of storage blocks.
- All the textures have been changed and the wrong color pixels have been removed for better particles.
- Brick textures have been modified for a better particle experience.
Stairs & Ladder Update! We have made the mod compatible for the bedrock VR version, apart from that we have added 2 new stairs!
Added the following blocks:
- Oak ladder
- Birch ladder
- Acacia ladder
- Spruce ladder
- Dark Oak ladder
- Jungle ladder
- Crimson ladder
- Warped ladder
- Mangrove ladder
- Cherry ladder
- Bamboo ladder
- Oak stairs (long)
- Birch stairs (long)
- Acacia stairs (long)
- Spruce stairs (long)
- Dark Oak stairs (long)
- Jungle stairs (long)
- Crimson stairs (long)
- Warped stairs (long)
- Mangrove stairs (long)
- Cherry stairs (long)
- Bamboo stairs (long)
Internal Settings:
- We have adjusted the collisions and the pick collision of the tables.
Pillory Stocks Update! We have added new blocks and adapted the mod to 1.20.1 and 1.20.10!
Added the following blocks:
- Oak Pillory stocks
- Birch Pillory stocks
- Acacia Pillory stocks
- Spruce Pillory stocks
- Dark Oak Pillory stocks
- Jungle Pillory stocks
- Crimson Pillory stocks
- Warped Pillory stocks
- Mangrove Pillory stocks
- Cherry Pillory stocks
- Bamboo Pillory stocks
- Cherry Bench
- Bamboo Bench
- Cherry Desk
- Bamboo Desk
Internal Settings:
- Added all the craftings of the bamboo.
Fence update! We have added a new wood variation, the Bamboo!
Added the following blocks:
- Bamboo Bench
- Bamboo ladder
- Bamboo staircase
- Bamboo staircase
- Bamboo shelf V1
- Bamboo shelf V2
- Bamboo bookshop V1
- Bamboo bookshop V2
- Bamboo bookshop V3
- Bamboo table
- Bamboo work table
- Bamboo table
- Bamboo desk
- Bamboo picnic table
- Bamboo walkway V1
- Bamboo walkway V2
- Bamboo walkway V3
- Bamboo walkway V4
- Bamboo boards V1
- Bamboo boards V2
- Bamboo stool
- Bamboo trunk
- Bamboo logs
- Bamboo logs with spikes
- Bamboo desk
- Bamboo lying trunk
- Bamboo boards
- Bamboo bar table
- Bamboo clothes line
- Bamboo Inn sign
- Bambo fence
- Bamboo fence gate
Internal Settings:
- Added all the craftings of the bamboo.
Fence update! We've added a lot of blocks and wood variations, plus we've added a new fence gate!
Added the following blocks:
- Oak fence
- Birch fence
- Acacia fence
- Spruce fence
- Dark Oak fence
- Jungle fence
- Crimson fence
- Warped fence
- Mangrove fence
- Cherry fence
- Oak fence gate
- Birch fence gate
- Acacia fence gate
- Spruce fence gate
- Dark Oak fence gate
- Jungle fence gate
- Crimson fence gate
- Warped fence gate
- Mangrove fence gate
- Cherry fence gate
Internal Settings:
- Added a delay of 1.0 for all blocks
- Added names and crafting for 1.0 blocks
Mega update! We've added a lot of blocks and wood variations, plus we've added new functionality to the stairs!
Added the following blocks:
- Oak house poster
- Birch house poster
- Acacia house poster
- Spruce house poster
- Dark Oak house poster
- Jungle house poster
- Warped house poster
- Crimson house poster
- Cherry house poster
- Mangrove house poster
- Oak clothes line
- Birch clothes line
- Acacia clothes line
- Spruce clothes line
- Dark Oak clothes line
- Jungle clothes line
- Warped clothes line
- Crimson clothes line
- Cherry clothes line
- Mangrove clothes line
- Dark Oak runway
- Jungle runway
- Warped runway
- Crimson runway
Internal Settings:
- The stairs have been improved, they are now fully functional like the ones in the base game
- We have changed some outdated logos
Throne update! We have added a new piece of furniture, the thrones! in them you can sit and decorate as you wish, even in all its variants, and you can find it in its corresponding box or in the creative, Apart from that, the mod has been fixed and updated to 1.19.70
Added the following blocks:
- Oak throne
- Birch throne
- Acacia throne
- Spruce throne
- Dark Oak throne
- Jungle throne
- Warped throne
- Crimson throne
- Cherry throne
- Mangrove throne
Mega update! Added 68 new blocks based on the 2 new woods, Mangrove Wood and Cherry Wood!
Added the following blocks:
- Cherry Bench
- Mangrove Bench
- Cherry ladder
- Mangrove ladder
- Cherry staircase
- Mangrove staircase
- Cherry staircase
- Mangrove staircase
- Cherry shelf
- Mangrove shelf
- Cherry shelf
- Mangrove shelf
- Cherry bookshop v1
- Mangrove bookshop v1
- Cherry bookshop v2
- Mangrove bookshop v2
- Cherry bookshop v3
- Mangrove bookshop v3
- Cherry table
- Mangrove table
- Cherry work table
- Mangrove work table
- Cherry table
- Mangrove table
- Cherry desk
- Mangrove desk
- Cherry picnic table
- Mangrove picnic table
- Cherry walkway
- Mangrove walkway
- Cherry boards
- Mangrove boards
- Cherry trunk
- Mangrove trunk
- Cherry logs
- Mangrove logs
- Mangrove logs with spikes
- Cherry logs with spikes
- Cherry lying trunk
- Mangrove lying trunk
- Cherry bar table
- Mangrove bar table
- Cherry sign
- Mangrove sign
- Cherry clothes line
- Mangrove clothes line
- Cherry Inn sign
- Mangrove Inn sign
- [+++]
Internal Settings:
- Added 2 new crafting boxes for Mangrove Wood and Cherry Wood.
Added new blocks for version 1.3 and added new experimental blocks in our natural wood version.
Added the following blocks:
- Oak board
- Birch board
- Acacia board
- Spruce board
- Dark Oak board
- Jungle board
- Warped board
- Crimson board
Internal Settings:
- Added some hay textures to the main wood templates.
- The mod has been disabled for use in VR.
In this update we have updated the mod to 1.19.60, added new blocks.
Added the following blocks:
- Oak hallway desk
- Birch hallway desk
- Acacia hallway desk
- Spruce hallway desk
- Dark Oak hallway desk
- Jungle hallway desk
- Warped hallway desk
- Crimson hallway desk
Internal Settings:
- Added to the creative the blocks of update 1.0 and 1.1
- Added names to wooden signs
In this update, we have updated the mod to 1.19.50.
Added the following blocks:
- Oak bookshop sign
- Birch bookshop sign
- Acacia bookshop sign
- Spruce bookshop sign
- Dark Oak bookshop sign
- Jungle bookshop sign
- Warped bookshop sign
- Crimson bookshop sign
Internal Settings:
- Added descriptions to the bookshops.
- Wooden palettes of all kinds have been added to creative.
- Changed name to Medieval Furniture.
In this update, we have updated the mod to 1.19.50, added new blocks and fixed many bugs.
Added the following blocks:
- Oak inn sign
- Birch inn sign
- Acacia inn sign
- Spruce inn sign
- Dark Oak inn sign
- Jungle inn sign
- Warped inn sign
- Crimson inn sign
Internal Settings:
- Everything has been updated to 1.19.50
- Fixed double desk table
- Ladder design has been changed
- The stackable libraries have been changed
- Fixed the bug with the texture of the boxes
- Added survival mode posters