OP Weapons Add-on

Are you tired of normal weapons? Well, try the OP weapons add-on that adds 3 new weapons with their own abilities.
Frost Katana:
Frost Katana has 13 damage.
The Basic Attack is "Frost Slice"
- Frost Slice is an attack that affects one group of mobs and has 4 damage.
Has 3 skills:
- Frost Dash
- Freezing Slice
- Frozen Strike
Frost Dash is an attack that damages a line of mobs and deals the mobs a Frost Bit.
Use the skill: "Swift + Hold"
Freezing Slice is an attack that does many slices and one ground slice.
Use the skill: "Swift + Hit"
Frozen Strike is an attack that deals many damage and gains strength and speed effect once used.
Use the skill: "Hold"
Dawnbeacker has 15 damage.
The Basic Attack is "Dawn Slice"
- Dawn Slice is an attack that effects one group of monsters and has 6 damage.
Has 4 skills:
- Dawn Attack
- Dawn Dash
- Breaker Raised
- Dawn Force
Dawn Attack is an attack that damages mobs around you.
Use the skill: "Swift + Hit"
Dawn Dash is an attack that dashes through mobs on a line.
Use the skill: "Swift + Hold"
Breaker Raised is an attack that raises mobs in the sky and drops them.
Use the skill: "Shift + Jump"
Dawn Force is an attack that slices the mob, lifts it into the sky, and slices and has a ground explosion.
Use the skill: "Hold"
Desolate Skiver:
Resolate Skiver has 19 damage.
The Basic Attack is "Skiver Slice"
Skiver Slice is an attack that effects one group of mobs and has a piercing attack.
Has 3 skills:
- Area Slice
- Flaming Slice
- Skiver Explosion
Area Slice is an attack that damages mobs around you.
Use the skill: "Hold"
Flaming Slice is an attack that slices and slices to the ground and does ok damage.
Use the skill: "Swift + Hit"
Skiver Explosion is an attack that explodes around you.
Use the skill: "Swift + Hold"
That is all it is, so thank you for reading this description, and the tutorial of the attacks will be cleared, so enjoy the add-on.
Updated on June 08
- Added recipes for the weapons.
- Changed some weapon damage. Some increased, some decreased.
- Changed some weapon effect damage.