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OP Weapons Add-on

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Are you tired of normal weapons? Well, try the OP weapons add-on that adds 3 new weapons with their own abilities.

Frost Katana:

Frost Katana

Frost Katana has 13 damage.

The Basic Attack is "Frost Slice"

  • Frost Slice is an attack that affects one group of mobs and has 4 damage.

Has 3 skills:

  • Frost Dash
  • Freezing Slice
  • Frozen Strike

Frost Dash is an attack that damages a line of mobs and deals the mobs a Frost Bit.
Use the skill: "Swift + Hold"

Freezing Slice is an attack that does many slices and one ground slice.
Use the skill: "Swift + Hit"

Frozen Strike is an attack that deals many damage and gains strength and speed effect once used.
Use the skill: "Hold"



Dawnbeacker has 15 damage.

The Basic Attack is "Dawn Slice"

  • Dawn Slice is an attack that effects one group of monsters and has 6 damage.

Has 4 skills:

  • Dawn Attack
  • Dawn Dash 
  • Breaker Raised
  • Dawn Force

Dawn Attack is an attack that damages mobs around you.
Use the skill: "Swift + Hit"

Dawn Dash is an attack that dashes through mobs on a line.
Use the skill: "Swift + Hold"

Breaker Raised is an attack that raises mobs in the sky and drops them.
Use the skill: "Shift + Jump"

Dawn Force is an attack that slices the mob, lifts it into the sky, and slices and has a ground explosion.
Use the skill: "Hold"

Desolate Skiver:

Desolate Skiver

Resolate Skiver has 19 damage.

The Basic Attack is "Skiver Slice"

Skiver Slice is an attack that effects one group of mobs and has a piercing attack.

Has 3 skills:

  • Area Slice
  • Flaming Slice
  • Skiver Explosion

Area Slice is an attack that damages mobs around you.
Use the skill: "Hold"

Flaming Slice is an attack that slices and slices to the ground and does ok damage.
Use the skill: "Swift + Hit"

Skiver Explosion is an attack that explodes around you.
Use the skill: "Swift + Hold"

That is all it is, so thank you for reading this description, and the tutorial of the attacks will be cleared, so enjoy the add-on.

Updated on June 08

  • Added recipes for the weapons.
  • Changed some weapon damage. Some increased, some decreased.
  • Changed some weapon effect damage.
Download links
Original One (Download Here)[zip, 805.9 Kb] / Downloads: 234
Recipe Update[zip, 807.31 Kb] / Downloads: 62
Damage Update[zip, 807.56 Kb] / Downloads: 38
Supported versions
1.21.0 1.20.80 1.20.70 1.20.60
21 045
  1. No avatar image stopstealing Guest
    Atleast give the real creator credit
    Real Creator: Frezzen ID
    1. No avatar image Kipoman
      Can you give me the creator socials? Can't find this frezzen
  2. No avatar image stopstealing Guest
    This is not yours, stop stealing this addon the real creatir is Frezzen
  3. No avatar image frezzen Guest
    Where did the addon come from?
  4. No avatar image jonathan Guest
    Keep on creating this is amazing
  5. CreeperMax395eth profile avatar CreeperMax395eth Author
    Is not Craftable but some day it will be added soon
  6. No avatar image guest someone Guest
    How to get this weapon in survival mode?