Reckon Economy System Addon

Reckon Soul Gaming presents you another addon, "The Reckon Economy System." With this addon, you can start the economy in your world. Offer players to collect the Emerald, convert it into Emerald Blocks, and exchange blocks for new currency.
There are lots more with currency. There are three types of new NPC: The Banker, The Chef, and Nukennin: Armory. You can use these NPCs as you want to. Make a room like the one below, or just release it. If someone finds it, they can trade with it. This also works on a server or a realm.
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The Banker: You can exchange Emerald Blocks to convert in Currency of 1,5,10,20,50,100 dollar bill and use to exchange with player to buy something
The Chef: Buy Food from the currency. Foods likes Kfc chicken. soup, Oreo, coffee etc..
The nukennin : The Armory. Purchase armors or buy the diamond. iron, pickaxe, sword etc... Also we gonna update v2 soon with more npc and trading...
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- All rights belongs to us.
- Give credits to us if you are making a video and give mcpedl link only.
- We are now going to claim all videos and websites which do not give credits to us and not giving mcpedl link.
Please send us the link if you are using this addon on YouTube video. We would really appreciate that.
- Download the addon and save in your device.
- Open the addon its Automatically import the addon.
- Create a New game or use your old world (Backup your Old world First)
- Now start Play.