Nico's Cave Expansion (v1.6.60)

Discover more features underground. Nico's Cave Expansion is an add-on that will expand your underground exploration by adding a new variety of caves. This add-on will also add new mobs, blocks, plants, foods, and equipment.
Version: 1.6.60
- The add-on will now only work with Minecraft versions 1.21.60 and higher.
- Updated for compatibility with Minecraft version 1.21.60.
- Custom blocks now have liquid detection, which allowed the non-full cube blocks to be waterlogged and custom plants to be destroyed in water.
- Rearranged the custom blocks and items in creative inventory by adding them in new item groups.
"Fixes & Changes"
Glow Bird:
- Improved the flying behavior, and it can now also walk on solid surfaces.
- Increased the chance of being tamed.
- Wild adult glow bird will now spawn or produce a blue feather every 10 to 15 minutes.
- Tamed adult glow bird will now spawn or produce a blue feather every 5 to 10 minutes.
- Decreased the chance of dropping a blue feather upon their death.
- Adjusted the flying sound effects.
Myceling & Glowceling:
- Wild adult myceling will now spawn or produce a tall sprouts every 10 to 15 minutes.
- Tamed adult myceling will now spawn or produce a tall sprouts every 5 to 10 minutes.
- The singular patches of Crystal Cluster will now generate in both the ceiling and floor of the crystal cave.
- Other sizes of amethyst clusters will now also generate in the crystal cave.
- Fixed the item drop of quartz clusters, eggs, & custom plants when breaking them using a tool with silk touch enchantment.
- Custom plants and potted plants will now broken when in water.
- All of the non-full cube blocks like slabs and stairs can now be waterlogged.
- Myceling & glowceling egg will now hatch after 30 minutes after placing it.
- Fixed the sprouted bone display name.
- Custom items that can now be used in a composter as composting items:
- Moss Sprouts
- Mycelium Sprouts
- Glowcelium Sprouts
- Mosshroom Fungus
- Moss Berry
- Moss Berry Cookie
- Moss Berry Pie
- New caves will generate in the negative Y level of the underground.
Glow Bird
- Rarity: Common
- Behavior: Passive
- Mob type: Bird, Aerial, Animal
- Spawn in Crystal Cave, Mosshroom Cave, & Mushroom Cave.
- Health: 16 (Wild) | 22 (Tamed)
- Fly speed: 0.3
- Immune to Fall Damage.
- It can breathe in Air.
- It can be tempted with any type of Seeds, Berries, or Berry Cookies.
- It can be healed by feeding them any type of Seeds, Berries, or Berry Cookies.
- It can be breed by feeding them any type of Seeds or Berries.
- It can lay 4 Glow Bird Eggs on the top a block after breeding.
- It can be aged by feeding them any type of Seeds, Berries, or Berry Cookies.
- It can be tamed by feeding them any type of Berry Cookies.
- Wild Glow Bird can randomly sit.
- Tamed Glow Bird can be sat down.
- A wild adult glow bird can spawn or produce a Blue Feather every 10 to 15 minutes.
- A tamed adult glow bird can spawn or produce a Blue Feather every 5 to 10 minutes.
- Drops on death: Blue Feather, & XP Orbs.
- Avoids (if it wild): Players, Deopard, Fox, Ocelot, & Monsters.
- It can slowly regenerate their health when they sit or sleep.
- A wild Glow Bird can pick up the food that tempts them and eat it.
- Rarity: Common
- Behavior: Hostile
- Mob type: Elemental, Arthropod, Monster
- Spawn in a Crystal Cave.
- Health: 12
- Speed: 0.18
- Immune to Fall Damage.
- It can breathe in Air & Solid Block.
- It can climb through blocks.
- Drops on death: Raw Arthropod Flesh, Amethyst Shard, Quartz Shard, Rose Quartz Shard, & XP Orbs.
- Melee attack damage: 2-3
Moss Shroom
- Rarity: Common
- Behavior: Passive
- Mob type: Shroom, Myconid, Elemental, Mystical
- Spawn in Mosshroom Cave.
- Health: 12 (Wild) | 22 (Tamed).
- Speed: 0.25
- It can breathe in Air.
- It can be tempted with Azalea or Flowering Azalea.
- It can be healed by feeding them Azalea or Flowering Azalea.
- It can be breed by feeding them Azalea.
- It can be aged by feeding them Azalea or Flowering Azalea.
- It can be tamed by feeding them a Flowering Azalea.
- It can sleep during the day.
- Wild Shroom can randomly sit.
- Tamed Shroom can be sat down.
- Tamed Moss Shroom can randomly spawn a Mosshroom Fungus.
- Drops on death: Mosshroom Fungus & XP Orbs.
- It can slowly regenerate their health when they sit or sleep.
- It can release a Poison Effect around itself after being hit.
- Rarity: Common
- Behavior: Neutral
- Mob type: Elemental, Reptile, Animal
- Spawn in a Mushroom Cave.
- Health: 16 (Wild) | 32 (Tamed)
- Speed: 0.22
- Swim speed: 0.10
- It can breathe in Air & Water.
- It can be tempted with Moss Berry Pie & any type of Berries.
- It can be healed by feeding them any type of Berries.
- It can be breed by feeding them Moss Berries.
- It can lay a Myceling Egg on Mycelium after breeding.
- It can be aged by feeding them any type of Berries.
- It can be tamed by feeding them a Moss Berry Pie.
- A wild Myceling can sleep during the day.
- A wild Myceling can randomly sit.
- A tamed Myceling can be sat down.
- A wild adult Myceling can spawn or produce a Tall Mycelium Sprouts every 10 to 15 minutes.
- A tamed adult Myceling can spawn or produce a Tall Mycelium Sprouts every 5 to 10 minutes.
- Drops on death: Mycelium Sprouts, & XP Orbs.
- Aggressive toward (if it tamed): Those attacked by his owner, and those who attack it.
- Melee attack damage: 2-3
- It can slowly regenerate their health when they sit or sleep.
- A wild Myceling can pick up the food that tempts them and eat it.
- It can transform into a Glowceling when you feed it with Tall Glowcelium sprouts.
- Rarity: Uncommon
- Behavior: Neutral
- Mob type: Elemental, Reptile, Animal
- Spawn rarely in Mushroom Cave.
- It mainly spawns through transforming the Myceling.
- Health: 16 (Wild) | 32 (Tamed)
- Speed: 0.22
- Swim speed: 0.10
- It can breathe in Air & Water.
- It can be tempted with Moss Berry Pie & any type of Berries.
- It can be healed by feeding them any type of Berries.
- It can be breed by feeding them Moss Berries.
- It can lay a Glowceling Egg on Mycelium after breeding.
- It can be aged by feeding them any type of Berries.
- It can be tamed by feeding them a Moss Berry Pie.
- A wild Glowceling can sleep during the day.
- A wild Glowceling can randomly sit.
- A tamed Glowceling can be sat down.
- A wild adult Myceling can spawn or produce a Tall Mycelium Sprouts every 10 to 15 minutes.
- A tamed adult Myceling can spawn or produce a Tall Mycelium Sprouts every 5 to 10 minutes.
- Drops on death: Glowcelium Sprouts, & XP Orbs.
- Aggressive toward (if it tamed): Those attacked by his owner, and those who attack it.
- Melee attack damage: 2-3
- It can slowly regenerate their health when they sit or sleep.
- A wild Glowceling can pick up the food that tempts them and eat it.
- It can transform into a Myceling when you feed it with Tall Mycelium sprouts.
Mossy Skeleton
- Rarity: Common
- Behavior: Neutral
- Mob type: Skeleton, Undead
- Spawn in Jungle, Swamp, Mangrove Swamp, Cherry Grove, Lush Caves, Mossy Forest, Overgrown Jungle, & Mosshroom Cave.
- Health: 20 (Wild) | 30 (Tamed)
- Speed: 0.25
- It can breathe in Air & Water.
- It can be tempted with Sprouted Bone.
- It can be healed by giving them Bone, Sprouted Bone, Milk Bucket, Jar of Milk, & Bamboo Tumbler with Milk.
- It can be tamed by giving them a Sprouted Bone.
- Wild Mossy Skeleton can randomly sit.
- Tamed Mossy Skeleton can be sat down.
- Drops on death: Bone, Moss Sprouts, & XP Orbs.
- Avoids: Cave Wolf, & Wolf.
- Aggressive toward (if it's tamed): Monsters, those attacked by his owner, and those who attack it.
- Melee attack damage: 3
- It can slowly regenerate their health when they sit or sleep.
- Wild Mossy Skeleton may pick up random items and equip it.
- Tamed Mossy Skeleton can pick up any equippable item and equip it. They mostly pick up the item that has the most rare or stronger stats.
- It can use any type of weapon, like magic staff, trident, or bow, without needing an ammunition stack.
- Rarity: Common
- Behavior: Neutral
- Mob type: Arthropod, Monster
- Spawn in all nether biomes.
- Health: 14
- Speed: 0.25
- Immune to Fall Damage.
- It can breathe in Air & Solid Block.
- It can climb through blocks.
- It can randomly sit.
- Drops on death: Raw Arthropod Flesh, & XP Orbs.
- Avoids: Active Heated Netherrack.
- Melee attack damage: 1-2
- It can slowly regenerate their health when they sit or sleep.
Minerals Patches
Ore Patches
Fossil Patches
Crystal Patches
Clump of Mosshroom Fungus Vegetation
- Generate in Mosshroom Cave.
Nature Blocks
Moss Sprouts
Small Moss Sprouts
Mossy Skeleton
- Rarity: Common
- Craftable: NO
- Blast Resistance: 0.0
- Hardness: 0.0
- Stackable: 64
- Flammable: YES
- Fuel time: 0.5
- Composting chance: 50
- Drops on breaking: (Nothing)
- Mining Tool: Shears
- Drops with Mining Tool: Short Moss Sprouts
- It can only be placed on top of Moss Block, Pale Moss Block, & Mossed Blocks.
- It can found naturally in Mossy Forest & Mosshroom Cave.
- It can be fertilized using Bone Meal, and it will transform it into a Tall Moss Sprouts.
- It cannot grow randomly.
Tall Moss Sprouts
Mossy Skeleton
- Rarity: Common
- Craftable: NO
- Blast Resistance: 0.0
- Hardness: 0.0
- Stackable: 64
- Flammable: YES
- Fuel time: 1.0
- Composting chance: 65
- It has no collision box.
- Drops on breaking: (Nothing)
- Mining Tool: Shears
- Drops with Mining Tool: Tall Moss Sprouts
- It can only be placed on top of Flower Pot, Moss Block, & Mossed Blocks.
- It can found naturally in Mossy Forest & Mosshroom Cave.
- It cannot be fertilized.
- It's an ingredient for crafting a Sprouted Bone & Moss Sprouts Bale.
Mycelium Sprouts
Small Mycelium Sprouts
- Rarity: Common
- Craftable: NO
- Stackable: 64
- Blast Resistance: 0.0
- Hardness: 0.0
- Flammable: YES
- Fuel time: 1.0
- Composting chance: 50
- Drops on breaking: (Nothing)
- Mining Tool: Shears
- Drops with Mining Tool: Short Mycelium Sprouts
- It can only be placed on top of Mycelium & Myceliated Blocks.
- It can found naturally in Mushroom Fields & Mushroom Cave.
- It can be fertilized using Bone Meal, and it will transform it into a Tall Mycelium Sprouts.
- It can also be fertilized using Glowcelium Bone Meal, and it will transform it into a Tall Glowcelium Sprouts.
- It cannot grow randomly.
Tall Mycelium Sprouts
- Rarity: Common
- Craftable: YES
- Stackable: 64
- Blast Resistance: 0.0
- Hardness: 0.0
- Flammable: YES
- Fuel time: 2.0
- Composting chance: 65
- Drops on breaking: (Nothing)
- Mining Tool: Shears
- Drops with Mining Tool: Tall Mycelium Sprouts
- It can only be placed on top of Flower Pot, Mycelium, & Myceliated Blocks.
- It can found naturally in Mushroom Fields & Mushroom Cave.
- It can be fertilized using Glowcelium Bone Meal, and it will transform it into a Tall Glowcelium Sprouts.
- It cannot grow randomly.
- It's an ingredient for crafting a Mycelium Sprouts Bale.
Glowcelium Sprouts
Tall Glowcelium Sprouts
- Rarity: Uncommon
- Craftable: YES
- Stackable: 64
- Blast Resistance: 0.0
- Hardness: 0.0
- Luminous: 5
- Flammable: YES
- Fuel time: 4.0
- Composting chance: 65
- Drops on breaking: (Nothing)
- Mining Tool: Shears
- Drops with Mining Tool: Tall Glowcelium Sprouts
- It can only be placed on top of Flower Pot, Mycelium, & Myceliated Blocks.
- It cannot found naturally.
- It cannot be fertilized.
- It's an ingredient for crafting a Sprouted Bone & Glowcelium Sprouts Bale.
Mosshroom Fungus
Moss Shroom
Moss Shroom
- Rarity: Common
- Craftable: NO
- Stackable: 64
- Luminous: 8
- Flammable: YES
- Blast Resistance: 0.0
- Hardness: 0.1
- Collision: NO
- Can only be placed on: Dirts, Mud, Moss Block, Mycelium, Mossy Woods, grassed or mossed woods and stones.
- Can found naturally: YES
- Drop: Mosshroom Fungus
- Mining Tool: Shears
- Fertilizable: Bone Meal
- Fertilization: Grow into Huge Mosshroom.
- Can randomly grow: NO
- Recipe ingredients for: Mosshroom Stew
Crops & Fruits
Moss Berry Plant
- Rarity: Common
- Obtainable: NO
- Luminous: 2-8
- Flammable: YES
- Blast Resistance: 0.0
- Hardness: 0.5
- Collision: NO
- Can only be placed on: Dirt, Moss Block, Mycelium, Grassed or mossed woods and stones.
- Can found naturally: YES
- Drop: Moss Berry
- Mining Tool: Shears
- Fertilizable: Bone Meal
- Fertilization: Grow into Moss Berry Plant (Stage 3).
- Can randomly grow: YES
- Randomly grow into: Moss Berry Plant (Stage 2 -3)
- Grow faster when it's planted on farmland.
Fungus Blocks
Heated Netherrack
- Rarity: Common
- Craftable: NO
- Stackable: 64
- Flammable: NO
- Blast Resistance: 2.5
- Hardness: 0.4
- Can found naturally: YES
- Drop: Heated Netherrack
- Mining Tool: Pickaxe
- Smeltable in: Furnace, & Blast Furnace.
- Recipe ingredients for: Nether Brick
- Heated netherrack will randomly transform into Active Heated Netherrack.
Active Heated Netherrack
- Rarity: Common
- Craftable: YES
- Stackable: 64
- Luminous: 2
- Flammable: NO
- Blast Resistance: 2.5
- Hardness: 0.4
- Can found naturally: YES
- Drop: Heated Netherrack
- Mining Tool: Pickaxe
- Silk Touch Drop: Active Heated Netherrack
- An active heated netherrack can explode when you step on it.
- Mobs with fire immunity cannot trigger this block to explode.
- It will also randomly transform into normal Heated Netherrack.
Myceliumed Stones
Crystal Clusters
Tin Ores
Zinc Ores
Prismarine Ores
Deepslate Prismarine Ore
- Rarity: Common
- Craftable: NO
- Stackable: 64
- Flammable: NO
- Blast Resistance: 30.0
- Hardness: 0.6
- Can found naturally: YES
- Drop: (Nothing)
- Mining Tool: Pickaxe
- Mining Tool Drop: Prismarine Shard
- Silk Touch Drop: Deepslate Prismarine Ore
- Smeltable in: Furnace, & Blast Furnace.
Olivine Ores
Heated Netherrack Olivine Ore
- Rarity: Common
- Craftable: NO
- Stackable: 64
- Flammable: YES
- Blast Resistance: 15.0
- Hardness: 0.4
- Can found naturally: YES
- Drop: (Nothing)
- Mining Tool: Pickaxe
- Mining Tool Drop: Olivine Fragment
- Silk Touch Drop: Heated Netherrack Olivine Ore
- Smeltable in: Furnace, & Blast Furnace.
Netherrack Diamond Ore
- Rarity: Common
- Craftable: NO
- Stackable: 64
- Flammable: NO
- Blast Resistance: 15.0
- Hardness: 0.4
- Can found naturally: YES
- Drop: (Nothing)
- Mining Tool: Pickaxe
- Mining Tool Drop: Diamond
- Silk Touch Drop: Netherrack Diamond Ore
- Smeltable in: Furnace, & Blast Furnace.
- Recipe ingredients for: Diamond
Soul Sand Echo Shard Ore
- Rarity: Common
- Craftable: NO
- Stackable: 64
- Flammable: NO
- Blast Resistance: 7.5
- Hardness: 0.2
- Can found naturally: YES
- Drop: (Nothing)
- Mining Tool: Shovel
- Mining Tool Drop: Echo Shard
- Silk Touch Drop: Soul Sand Echo Shard Ore
- Smeltable in: Furnace, & Blast Furnace.
- Recipe ingredients for: Echo Shard
Construction Blocks
Stones Stairs
Polished Stairs
Bricks Stairs
Stones Slabs
Polished Slabs
Bricks Slabs
Polished Blocks
Polished Soul Stone
- Rarity: Common
- Craftable: YES
- Stackable: 64
- Flammable: NO
- Blast Resistance: 30.0
- Hardness: 0.3
- Can found naturally: NO
- Drop: Polished Soul Stone
- Mining Tool: Pickaxe
- Recipe ingredients for: Polished Soul Stone Stairs, Polished Soul Stone Slab, & Soul Stone Bricks.
Bricks Blocks
Limestone Bricks
- Rarity: Common
- Craftable: YES
- Stackable: 64
- Flammable: NO
- Blast Resistance: 30.0
- Hardness: 0.5
- Can found naturally: NO
- Drop: Limestone Bricks
- Mining Tool: Pickaxe
- Smeltable in: Furnace, & Blast Furnace.
- Recipe ingredients for: Limestone Bricks Stairs & Limestone Bricks Slab.
Soul Stone Bricks
- Rarity: Common
- Craftable: YES
- Stackable: 64
- Flammable: NO
- Blast Resistance: 30.0
- Hardness: 0.3
- Can found naturally: NO
- Drop: Soul Stone
- Mining Tool: Pickaxe
- Smeltable in: Furnace
- Recipe ingredients for: Soul Stone Bricks Stairs, Soul Stone Bricks Slab, & Cracked Soul Stone Bricks.
Cracked Bricks Blocks
Chiseled Blocks
Smooth Blocks
Compacted Blocks
Rose Quartz Block
- Rarity: Common
- Craftable: YES
- Stackable: 64
- Flammable: NO
- Blast Resistance: 30.0
- Hardness: 0.4
- Can found naturally: NO
- Drop: Rose Quartz Block
- Mining Tool: Pickaxe
- Smeltable in: Furnace, & Blast Furnace.
- Recipe ingredients for: Rose Quartz Stairs, Rose Quartz Stairs, & Rose Quartz Pillar.
Utility & Functional Blocks
Lamps & Lanterns
Rose Quartz Lamp
- Rarity: Common
- Craftable: YES
- Stackable: 64
- Luminous: 3-15
- Flammable: NO
- Blast Resistance: 25.0
- Hardness: 0.4
- Can found naturally: NO
- Drop: Rose Quartz Lamp
- Mining Tool: Pickaxe
- Interactable: YES
- The luminous light level can be adjusted by direct interaction with it.
Miscellaneous Materials
Mob Drop
Glow Bird Egg
Glow Bird
- Rarity: Common
- Craftable: NO
- Stackable: 16
- Throwable: YES
- Impact Damage: 1
- Impact Spawn: Baby Glow Bird
- Tradeable to: Wandering Trader
- Cookable: NO
- Recipe ingredients for: Cake, & Pies.
Blue Feather
Glow Bird
- Rarity: Common
- Craftable: NO
- Stackable: 64
- Tradeable to: Wandering Trader
Raw Minerals
Olivine Fragment
Netherrack Olivine Ore
Heated Netherrack Olivine Ore
- Rarity: Common
- Craftable: NO
- Stackable: 64
- Recipe ingredients for: Olivine
Crops & Fruits
Moss Berry
- Rarity: Common
- Craftable: NO
- Stackable: 64
- Eatable: YES
- Food nutrition: 2
- Plantable on: Dirts, Farmland, Grass Block, Moss Block, Podzol, & Mycelium.
- Planted: Moss Berry Plant
- Recipe ingredients for: Moss Berry Pie, & Moss Berry Cookie.
- Use to feed the: Myceling.
- Use to breed the: Glow Bird, & Myceling.
Processed Foods
Olivine Chestplate
- Rarity: Common
- Craftable: YES
- Stackable: 1
- Wearable on: Chest
- Durability: 264
- Armor Protection: 8
- Knockback Resistance: 0.0
- Enchantable: YES
- Repairable item: Olivine, & Olivine Chestplate.
- Smeltable in: Furnace, & Blast Furnace.
Additional Recipes
- More additional recipes for Vanilla's block and item.
Prismarine Shard
Nether Brick
Echo Shard
Blast Furnace
Prismarine Shard
Nether Brick
Echo Shard
Known Issues/Bugs
- Equipment model with a glowing texture doesn't glint when it has an enchantment.
- This refers to olivine armor and magic staffs.
- The enchantments are still applied to the equipment, but it's just don't the glints in the model.
- The custom stairs won't connect with other stairs.
- Stairs connections are very difficult to make. It may require a hard code to be able to connect with other stairs, including vanilla stairs.
- Vanilla fences and walls are connected to a non-solid custom block.
- Grass block will transform into dirt when non-solid custom block is placed at the top of it.
- Some of the non-solid blocks won't break when the supporting blocks are broken.
- Most of the major updates to the add-on could not be fully updated the old version in your world due to major changes. It may cause some errors in your world.
- I recommend that you duplicate your world and test the add-on to see if it will break your world.
- Try compressing all the files inside the pack, then change the file extension to 'mcpack'.
- Subscribe to my YouTube channel:
https://www.youtube.com/@nicothekid8316 - Donation to keep me working on my add-ons:
https://ko-fi.com/dangelarts - Discord server for all my add-ons:
https://discord.com/invite/5RfKGtQA3S - Follow me on Twitter:
- Add-ons may only be compatible with Minecraft version 1.21.60 or higher.
- This add-on is NOT using a 'player.json' file.
- This add-on is mostly compatible with other add-ons.
- Add-on will work on the realm or server; just make sure you install the correct file and enable the experimental gameplay options correctly.
- Add-on is not tested yet on the beta and preview versions of Minecraft, so expect some bugs if you are using those versions.
- Remove the old packs before installing the new version of the packs.
- If you make a review, gameplay, or showcase about the add-ons, please don't forget to give credit or put the original link (this ModBay page).
- Do not provide the direct link (mediafire) or any other download link that I didn't provide.
Download Guide
- Click the download option below 'Nico's Cave Expansion (v1.6.60) [Behavior]'. It will lead you to the Boostellar site.
- On the Boostellar site, find and click 'Click on Ad'.
- An ad article will pop up. After 15 seconds, just go back or close the ad page.
- On the Boostellar site again, find and click 'Unlock Content'. This will take you to the Mediafire site.
- On Mediafire, click the download button to download the file.
- Toggle OFF the creator setting options, this may prevent some lag in your gameplay and also keep the error logs from popping up.
- Make sure that you download and install both the behavior and resource packs of the add-on.
- This add-on doesn't need any experimental options to toggle on.
- Download both the 'Behavior Pack [BP]' and the 'Resource Pack [RP]'.
- Use the 'Server Pack' just in case the 'BP' or 'RP' don't work on servers or realms.