Bank+ v1.0.0 | 1.21.0

This add-on will give you access to deposit money in the bank and withdraw it at any time.
This add-on can give you access to withdraw, deposit and transfer money to other players.
- Withdraw
- Deposit
- Transfer Money
- Transaction log
How to use:
- Set economy and bank objectives in the config file (if it's the same as economy and banking objectives in ur world, leave it default).
- Add the objectives in the config to the world using the command /scoreboard objectives.
- And type a!bank in chat to show BankUI.
Important Notice:
Don't forget to enable Beta APIs and Cheats so that the add-on works as it should.
- FLATICON for bank icon.
- And others can be found in the Credit.txt file.
- Creator: @AndyTmvn_