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Salt Ore and Food || Compatible with any Addon and Realms!!!

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This addon will add a new mineral that you can obtain in the depths of the cave, the salt will allow you to give your meals a better flavor and therefore your hunger bars will rise more than normal. Apart from that, it adds new crafts such as cooking eggs, meat rotten, carrots, beets, etc.

Salt Addon Logo


  • You can use it with almost any addon as this addon DOES NOT USE PLAYER.JSON, so it will be compatible with almost any addon, and you can easily put it at the end if you want.

Experimental Options👾

  • This addon does not need any experimental options to work correctly.


The salt mineral appears in the caves in its normal form, then we have the deepslate version that appears from heights 35 to -64.

Salt Ore: Screenshot 1

Salt Ore: Screenshot 2


Salted Food

With the help of salt, you can season Minecraft food, giving you 2 food bars when you consume it. Here is a list and an image of the items that you can season with salt.

Salted Foods

Here is the list of custom dishes that you can add salt to to make them more delicious:

  • Cooked Potato
  • Cooked Beetroot
  • Cooked Carrot
  • Cooked Cod
  • Cooked Salmon
  • Cooked Chicken
  • Cooked Beef
  • Cooked Porkchop
  • Cooked Mutton
  • Cooked Rabbit
  • Rabbit Stew
  • Mushroom Stew
  • Cooked Rotten Flesh
  • Cooked Egg

To add salt to your food, all you have to do is go to the crafting table, make sure the food is cooked and then place the food on the crafting table along with the salt. That way, you will get the food with salt.

Salted Steak Recipe

Cooked Food

Now, with this addon, you can cook some Minecraft items that normally could not be consumed, but thanks to this addon, they will now be more useful.

This addon also allows you to cook some vanilla items that you normally wouldn't be able to without it, and you can also add salt to make the food even better.

Cooked Rotten Flesh

Cooked Rotten Flesh Recipe

Cooked Egg

Cooked Egg Recipe

Cooked Beetroot

Cooked Beetroot Recipe

Cooked Carrot

Cooked Carrot Recipe

Updated on September 12

  • Salt textures were changed.
  • Made it compatible with current versions of Minecraft.
  • Manifest was updated.
  • Json code was improved.
Download links
Salt Addon BH
Salt Addon RS
Supported versions
1.21.20 1.21.10 1.21.0