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Item Magnets Addon

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The Item Magnets Addon introduces various magnet items into the game, allowing players to attract nearby items towards them. Each magnet type has a different maximum range of attraction, adding a new layer of utility and strategy to item collection. Players can equip these magnets and easily gather items within the specified range, making resource collection more efficient and enjoyable.

-โ—- Functionality -โ—-

Functionality GIF

-โ—- Wooden Magnet -โ—-

4 Block Radius

Wooden Magnet Recipe

-โ—- Stone Magnet -โ—-

6 Block Radius

Stone Magnet Recipe

-โ—- Iron Magnet -โ—-

8 Block Radius

Iron Magnet Recipe

-โ—- Diamond Magnet -โ—-

12 Block Radius

Diamond Magnet Recipe

-โ—- Netherite Magnet -โ—-

16 Block Radius

Netherite Magnet Recipe

Lore: Each magnet displays its maximum range in the item description.

This addon enhances gameplay by simplifying the item collection process, making it faster and more convenient for players to gather resources from their surroundings.

Updated on December 12

  • Updated to support Minecraft 1.21.50.
Changelog for October 30 / Old Update
  • Updated to support Minecraft 1.21.40.
Changelog for September 23 / Old Update
  • Updated to support Minecraft 1.21.30.
Changelog for August 15 / Old Update
  • Updated to support Minecraft 1.21.2.
Download links
Item Magnets Addon (1.21.40) v1.2.1[mcaddon, 168.54 Kb]
Item Magnets Addon [1.21.50] v1.3.0
Item Magnets Addon (1.21.30) v1.2.0
Item Magnets Addon (1.21.2) v1.1.0
Item Magnets Addon (1.21.0) v1.0.0
Supported versions
1.21.50 1.21.40 1.21.30 1.21.20 1.21.10 1.21.0 1.20.80 1.20.70 1.20.60