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The Man From The Fog Addon

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If you like playing in survival mode with a little horror addon, this addon is for you! It adds a night dweller to your world, your only mission is to survive!

The Man From The Fog mod is for the Java Edition version, this one is for Bedrock Edition!


Man From The Fog: It's a very hostile mob from the "Man from the Fog" mod. He is depicted as a very tall figure (resembling an Enderman) with long arms and legs, outstretched white eyes, and sharp, bloody fangs.

The Man From The Fog: Screenshot 1

The lore consistently changes for the Man of the Fog, but the most widely accepted lore behind the Dweller is that he wishes to corrupt the player's mind or soul over time. Chasing in the shadows increases the player's paranoia, doubt, and negative emotions that facilitate corruption. As an immensely powerful but evil being, he enjoys psychologically tormenting humans. Extracting fear is sadistically fun.

The Man From The Fog: Model 1

The Man From The Fog: Run Animation

Health: 300

Damage: 15


  • He moves very fast.
  • Can swim fast.
  • When he detects prey, he will summon lightning.
  • Can break doors, glass, trapdoors and fences.
  • Can despawn.

The Man From The Fog: Screenshot 2

He will appear at night, in any biome!

The Man From The Fog: Model 2

Notice: This mob can make a very loud sound, turn down the volume when testing it!

Leave all experiments activated, otherwise, Man From The Fog will not work properly!

The Man From The Fog: Screenshot 3

The Man From The Fog: Screenshot 4

The Man From The Fog: Screenshot 5


(This mod is not working as it should, the reason was that after the new Minecraft update, they removed the "holiday creator features" experiment. So soon I will make an update that will be compatible with the new versions!)

Updated on September 02

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed spawn rules.
Download links
The Man From The Fog Addon
Supported versions
1.21.0 1.20.0 1.19.0 1.18.0 1.17.0
21 542
  1. This is good but can you loweer the volume of his sound
  2. No avatar image Endermonster234 Guest
    can he spawn lighting or not because it is not spawning lighting when he found me
    1. No avatar image Matols Guest
      It’s because the Experimental option Holiday creator features is removed from the game
  3. No avatar image Guest jimmy Guest
    he isn't de spawning
  4. No avatar image Aleksandar Guest
    My Minecraft name is acko512 :)
  5. No avatar image Aleksandar Guest
    Your guys want to be friends in Minecraft?
  6. No avatar image Aleksandar Guest
    I have 1.21.50 that is newest version of Minecraft
  7. No avatar image Aleksandar Guest
    Best addon
  8. No avatar image MitkaBolka Guest
    And when exactly is the patch planned for new versions of minecraft?
  9. No avatar image Guest Muhammad Guest
    Can you PLEASE make the dweller not be able to break cobblestone and obsidian?This is just a suggestion to make the mod better.
  10. No avatar image ISMAIL16K Guest
    Dear Loozenty , This is mod is so fantastic! Can you please add glow eyes and teeths?
  11. No avatar image Jhoan_ling Guest
    También tiene agregado su silbido?
  12. No avatar image Psylex Guest
    how to download pls
  13. No avatar image XaviermmYbaj Guest
    Can you add a version for chrome?
  14. No avatar image Антивирус Guest
    Почему он после спавна ночью не пропадает днём? Он меня до следующей ночи мучил
  15. No avatar image DWELLERFAN.N1 Guest
    Yo can you make this feature i dont like when it attacks you when you not look at it can you maybe try to add the java when you look it strikes please do .if no its okay :D