Blood Magic

Sap the life out of your enemies with your vampiric abilities. Never let any of them escape, utilize your inhumane speed as you cast skills to chase them. Your blood is your most valuable weapon.
Blood Magic
- Bleed [Damage]
- Upon hitting enemies with your blood blade or your skills, you have a chance to make them bleed.
Basic Attack:
- Blood Slash
Skill 1:
- Vampiric Thirst [Chaser | Lifesteal]
- For a limited amount of time, you are granted speed and can steal health by lunging onto enemies within 5 blocks radius while damaging them and weakening them.
Skill 2:
- Blood Spikes [Area]
- Summons blood spikes around you that deals damage to enemies that come in contact with it.
Skill 3:
- Force Bleed [Damage | Area]
- Instantly damages 5 enemies within 12 block radius and inflicts continuous bleeding damage.
- Bloodlust
- Creates an area where everyone can't leave, you are granted speed, and you can steal great amount of health and deal great amount of damage for a limited amount of time by lunging unto enemies within 5 blocks radius and dragging your enemies. Weaken those you steal life from.
This hostile mob spawns in the nether in the soulsand valley and in new graveyard structures in the overworld.
- HP: 45
- Melee Damage: 12 with wither effect.
- Soulflame Range Damage: 6 with 3s fire time.
Drops wraith essence and wraith's soul on death.
Wraith Scythe
- Attack Damage: 8
- Durability: 1250
- Makes you immune to wither and gives fire resistance when on hand.
- Can shoot a short range wave of soul fire.
Crafting Recipe:
To acquire magic in SURVIVAL, when you first load the world, you will be given an option to choose a magic (for this, it's just Blood). Once you've chosen, it will occupy your first 5 slots in your hot bar. (same goes for everyone in the world)
You can also acquire magic in CREATIVE in the equipment inventory.
There is also a mana system in this addon. Your mana recovers slowly through time and the maximum is 100. To have unlimited mana, use the command "/function nomanager"
If you play in multiplayer, once you load the world and everyone is in, once you choose a magic, everyone will be granted that magic, for now. Which means they could also become Blood magic users and some skills won't work on them.
You can also greatly support me and my future creations by SUBSCRIBING to my YouTube Channel and Following me on my Social Accounts! THANKS!!!!
Updated on February 11
- Updated for 1.21.5.
- Updated for 1.21.4.