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Oceanic Addon

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Oceanic Mod is an addon/mod that adds different aquatic creatures to Minecraft and adds many things like: octopuses, starfish, new fish, crabs, stingrays, anglerfish, sharks, whales and more.



Swordfish are fish that are carnivorous and aggressive and eat other fish smaller than them. They can even attack the player. These fish can be found in the Oceans of Minecraft.


  • Health: 32
  • Attack Damage: 5
  • Attacks: Fish and Player
  • It is totally hostile
  • Can be found in: Oceans

Swordfish: Screenshot


Whales are cetaceans of enormous size. It is one of the largest animals in Minecraft and the Ocean. They are totally peaceful; they will not attack anyone; they will only swim calmly in the Oceans.


  • Health: 180
  • It is totally peaceful
  • Can be found in: Oceans

Whale: Screenshot


The barracudas are fish that are carnivorous and eat other fish smaller than them. They can even attack the player. These fish can be found in the Oceans of Minecraft.


  • Health: 20
  • Attack Damage: 6
  • Attacks: Fish, Crabs and Player
  • It is totally hostile
  • Can be found in: Oceans

Barracudas: Screenshot


This is a fairly large animal, which is hostile and attacks: fish, squid, fish, player and villagers. This animal can be found in the Oceans of Minecraft.


  • Health: 120
  • Attack Damage: 15
  • Attacks: Fish, Squid, Villagers and Player
  • It is totally hostile
  • Can be found in: Oceans

Cachalote: Screenshot


These animals feed and attack fish. You can find crabs on the Beaches. With this addon, you can have crabs. Crabs also serve as food, since when you kill a crab, you will be able to get a crab and cook it in an oven.


  • Health: 8
  • Attack Damage: 2
  • Attacks: Fish
  • Runs away from the player when he approaches
  • Can be found in: Beaches

Crabs: Screenshot

Butterfly Fish

The butterfly fish are beautiful fish, which you can find in the Minecraft Oceans. They are totally peaceful fish, which you can have in Minecraft; these fish can be caught with buckets of water; with these fish, you can make an aquarium, fish tank, etc. in your Minecraft worlds.


  • Health: 12
  • It is totally peaceful
  • Can be found in: Oceans
  • Can be caught with buckets of water

Butterfly Fish: Screenshot

Fish 1

Fish 1, which are beautiful fish, which you can find in the Minecraft Oceans. They are totally peaceful fish, which you can have in Minecraft; these fish can be caught with buckets of water; with these fish, you can make an aquarium, fish tank, etc. in your Minecraft worlds.


  • Health: 12
  • It is totally peaceful
  • Can be found in: Oceans
  • Can be caught with buckets of water

Fish 1: Screenshot

Fish 3

This addon adds the Angler Fish 3, which are fish from the depths. They are hostile fish that attack fish and players, which you can find in the Minecraft Oceans. These fish can be caught with buckets of water, with these fish you can make an aquarium, fish tank, etc. in your Minecraft worlds.


  • Health: 16
  • It is Hostile
  • Attacks: Fish, Players and Villagers
  • Can be found in: Oceans
  • Can be caught with buckets of water

Fish 3: Screenshot

Hammerhead Shark

The Hammerhead Shark. These sharks can be found in the Minecraft Oceans. This shark attacks: Fish, Turtles and Dolphins, so with the player it is totally peaceful.


  • Health: 40
  • Attack Damage: 12
  • Attacks: Fish, Turtles and Dolphins
  • Can be found in: Oceans

Hammerhead Shark: Screenshot

Jellyfish 1-3

Jellyfish, which you can see in the Oceans of Minecraft. They are beautiful animals, but also these creatures are poisonous and dangerous if one gets close enough. These animals are hostile, they will attack any creature that comes close to them.


  • Health: 16
  • Attack Damage: 4 (Attack Effect: Poison, Duration: 30 seconds)
  • Attacks all creatures
  • He is hostile
  • Can be found in: Oceans

Jellyfish 1-3: Screenshot

Killer Whale

The orcas (or killer whales) are quite beautiful, but they are also quite dangerous if you get too close to them. This animal can be found in the Oceans. Orcas will attack: Fish, Barracudas, Crabs, Villagers and Players.


  • Health: 60
  • Attack Damage: 12
  • Attacks: Fish, Player, Crab, Barracuda and Villagers
  • It is totally hostile
  • Can be found in: Oceans

Killer Whale: Screenshot

Lion Fish

Lion Fish are beautiful fish that you can find in the Minecraft Oceans. They are hostile and venomous fish that will attack fish and players, which you can have in Minecraft. These fish can be caught with buckets of water, and with these fish you can make an aquarium, fish tank, etc. in your Minecraft worlds.


  • Health: 18
  • Attack Damage: 4 (Attack Effect: Poison, Duration: 30 seconds)
  • He is hostile
  • Can be found in: Oceans
  • Can be caught with buckets of water

Lion Fish: Screenshot


Lobsters are peaceful animals. These animals feed and attack fish and shrimp. You can find lobsters on the beaches. Lobsters also serve as food, since when you kill a lobster, you will be able to get a lobster and cook it in an oven.


  • Health: 8
  • Attack Damage: 3
  • Attacks: Fish, Shrimp
  • Can be found in: Beaches

Lobsters: Screenshot


The largest shark in the world. The Megalodon is a very dangerous prehistoric shark. They are quite huge animals. They are quite dangerous if something gets too close to them. This animal will attack everything that is close to it. This is one of the most dangerous animals that you will find in the Minecraft Oceans, they can even attack the player. These animals can be found very rarely in the Minecraft Oceans.


  • Health: 120
  • Attack Damage: 19
  • Attacks: Fish, Player, Some Mobs
  • It is totally hostile
  • Can be found in: Oceans (Rarely appears)

Megalodon: Screenshot


Octopuses are animals that you will find in the Oceans. These animals are hostile, they attack players and fish.
These animals also serve as food, since when killing an octopus, it will drop a dead octopus, which can be eaten.


  • Health: 20
  • Attack Damage: 5
  • Attacks: Fish, Players
  • Can be found in: Oceans

Octopuses: Screenshot


Piranhas to the game, which you can find in the rivers of Minecraft. These fish are quite dangerous, they attack any mob that approaches. These animals attack any mob. You can also catch the piranhas with a bucket of water.


  • Health: 10
  • Attack Damage: 2
  • Attacks: Various Mobs
  • It is totally hostile
  • Can be found in: Rivers

Piranhas: Screenshot


Seahorses are quite beautiful animals that are used to decorate Oceans, Aquariums, Fish Tanks, etc. These seahorses can be found in the Oceans. They are totally peaceful animals. You can also catch them with a bucket of water.


  • Health: 12
  • It is totally peaceful
  • Can be found in: Oceans
  • Can be caught with buckets of water

Seahorses: Screenshot


Seamantises are quite strong crustaceans that you will find in the Oceans. These animals are hostile. They attack players and fish. You can find them in the Oceans.


  • Health: 8
  • Attack Damage: 8
  • Attacks: Fish, Players
  • Can be found in: Oceans

Seamantises: Screenshot

White Shark

The White Sharks are quite dangerous animals if something gets too close to them. This is one of the most dangerous animals you will find in the Minecraft Oceans. They can even attack the player. These animals can be found in the Minecraft Oceans.


  • Health: 90
  • Attack Damage: 15
  • Attacks: Fish, Player, Some Mobs
  • It is totally hostile
  • Can be found in: Oceans

White Shark: Screenshot


Shells are animals that decorate the Beaches and Seas. They are totally peaceful animals, which you can find on the Beaches. They are totally peaceful animals.

  • Health: 12
  • They are peaceful
  • Can be found at: Beaches

Shells: Screenshot


Shrimps are peaceful animals. You can find shrimp in the Oceans. Also, shrimp serve as food, since by killing a shrimp, you can get a shrimp and cook it in an oven.


  • Health: 12
  • Attack Damage: 2
  • Attacks: Fish
  • Run away from the player when he approaches
  • Can be found in: Oceans

Shrimps: Screenshot


Snails are animals that decorate the Beaches and Seas. They are totally peaceful animals and they are also quite slow. You can find on the Beaches. They are totally peaceful animals.


  • Health: 8
  • They are peaceful
  • Can be found at: Beaches

Snails: Screenshot


Starfish are animals that decorate the Beaches and Seas. They are totally peaceful animals, which you can find on the Beaches. They are totally peaceful animals. They are used to decorate aquariums, fish tanks, etc.


  • Health: 6
  • They are peaceful
  • Can be found at: Beaches

Starfish: Screenshot


Stingrays are animals that can be found in the Oceans. These animals are hostile and poisonous because when they attack, they can poison their target. They are hostile; they attack the player and fish. These animals are used for aquariums, fish tanks, etc.


  • Health: 32
  • Attack Damage: 7 (Attack Effect: Poison, Duration: 10 seconds)
  • He is hostile
  • Attacks: Player and Fish
  • Can be found in: Oceans

Stingray: Screenshot


Tuna are quite large fish that serve as food, which you can find in the Minecraft Oceans. They are totally peaceful fish, which you can have in Minecraft. These fish can also be used as food, since killing a tuna will give you dead tuna, which is used to make tuna meat.
These fish can be caught with buckets of water, with these fish, you can make an aquarium, fish tank, etc. in your Minecraft worlds.


  • Health: 12
  • It is totally peaceful
  • Can be found in: Oceans
  • Can be caught with buckets of water

Tuna: Screenshot

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Supported versions
1.21.20 1.21.10 1.21.0 1.20.80 1.20.70 1.20.60 1.20.50 1.20.40 1.20.30 1.20.10 1.20.0