Plants vs Zombies 2: Bedrock Patch 2.4

Are you one of those og fans of the game Plants vs. Zombies and Plants vs. Zombies 2? Well, you're in luck because we will give you plants vs zombies experience in MCPE/BE. This addon will give you nostalgia.
- Creator: LiL Studios
- YouTube
- Discord server
Important Notes:
- Addon only support minecraft version 1.20 and later
- You can learn from the codes of this addon, but remember that copying is not learning
- You are allowed to do a video review on video platform like YouTube, but you MUST put the proper download link [ this site ]
- If you have low end devices and the addon is crashing, you can try decreasing your render distance to prevent lag
- Supported languages: English, Chinese
This addon is fun to play, it is also survival friendly, there's a lot of zombies and plants to choose from!
Permission for ModBay:
Gameplay Video
Important notes about the addon
How to obtain Sun in Survival Mode?
Sun will spawn naturally in the Overworld, go look for some.
How to obtain Coins, Gems, & Plant food?
These items are randomly dropped by zombies, & bosses.
How to get Plants?
You can buy plants on the plants shop using the PvZ Menu item.
I want to fight Zomboss, how do I spawn him?
You can get or buy Zomboss spawn egg from the Boss shop using the PvZ Menu.
- Health: 600
- Drops: Music Disc, Almanac, Gems
Constantly summons Zombies.
How to use the seed packets?
Long press on them, remember that it does have cooldown, you cannot use it while it is in cooldown.
How to use and obtain custom PvZ discs?
Pvz discs can be obtained from rare zombie loot drops, to use it you need the block called 'Music Box', it works like a jukebox but for pvz discs only, it can be obtained by crafting it [see recipes section].
PvZ Menu
- Sun x2
- Book
PvZ Music Box
- Planks x7
- Gem
- Sun
Garden Trolley
- Planks x7
- Dirt
PVZ Music Discs
Lawn Mower
Used to destroy Zombies.
Each zombie has its own stats (health and damage).
Other screenshots
Updated on July 25
*Changed the submission thumbnail due to a mistake.
Patch 2.4
- Added 1.20 Support
- Fixed spawn eggs visibility bug
- Removed unecessary scripts
- I removed pvz menu for the meantime
I am currently working on a better revamped shop system for survival mode, as well as new zombies and plants
Soon to come
- Structures
- Biomes
- New systems
- Support for Garden Warfare addon