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Trumpet Skeleton BE

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Skeleton is a mob that holds a Bow
The Bow is used for shooting arrow

Instead of holding a Bow...
What if they were Able to hold a... Trumpet?

That's what this Addon Does!

This Addon is an Unofficial Port of "Trumpet Skeleton" mod made by Jamieswhiteshirt_

And the mod is MIT Licensed




Interact with the item to play a Doot sound!
Can be Obtained by killling a Skeleton holding this item!

Trumpet Skeleton: Screenshot

◆ They don't shoot arrows anymore, they use it as melee weapon!

Sometimes they play the trumpet for Fun!

◆ The trumpet is Even played when they use it to Hit you!



Jamieswhiteshirt_ as the creator of the mod!


◆ What's the Tartarean Trumpet Skeleton?

Resolution: Tartarean Trumpet Skeleton

This subpack allows the Trumpet Skeleton to be rarely spawned as Tartarean like the ones from the Tartarean Mobs addon!



Required Experimental Feature:

Required Experiments for Trumpet Skeleton BE Addon

Working on 1.17.0+!

Enjoy & Play Doot!


> My Discord <

For Addon Progression, Support, Suggestion, Bug Report & Hang-Out!

Download links
Supported versions
1.21.0 1.20.0 1.19.0 1.18.0 1.17.0