Billey's Mobs 4.5

This is an add-on that implements 37 mobs to the game, specifically pets and fish, most of which can be useful in unique ways that make them worth interacting with in survival, every recently added or updated mob in this add-on has at least 1 unique use. This update (which is also the first version of this add-on to be on this website) adds the rat, a mob that has 2 good uses and additionally serves as an example for what every mob in this add-on is soon going to be like.
In-game wiki of the add-on
You can now get information about the mobs while in-game, meaning you can enjoy this add-on to its full extent without having to read this page every time you want to e.g. learn what a mob is tamed with.
You'll get basic information (tame item and use) about each mob the first time you come across one and to get more details, use a book or a feather on the mob.
Anglerfish - Updated!
- Use a book or a feather on one to get this information in-game
- Health: 7 hearts
- Damage: 5 hearts + poison for 30 seconds
- Attacks: cod, salmon, tropical fish pizzafish and monsters, neutral to players
- Spawns in oceans, most commonly in deep ones
- New!: If you feed an anglerfish glowstone, it'll start spawning random fish of the biome it's in for some time.
- Glowstone dust lasts for 14 seconds and glowstone blocks last for 50 seconds.
- The more water around an anglerfish the more fish it'll spawn
- Drops: cod, salmon, bones or a new item called Anglerfish Light that makes fish when you are in survival mode attack you dealing little to no damage instead of being afraid of you, the anglerfish light can also be put on the offhand
- Has 7 variants (one of them is not shown in the picture) and 1 rare golden variant that drops diamonds, iron, sea grass and tridents at the same time
- "Sugar"
- Use a book or a feather on one to get this information in-game
- Health: 10 hearts
- Damage: 6 hearts + poison for 15 seconds
- Attacks: anglerfishes, pizzafishes, cods and monsters, neutral to players
- Drops: 0-4 swordfish fillets and 2 of these
- Swordfish Fin
- Swordfish Tail
- Swordfish Stick
- Raw Cod
- Raw Salmon
- An extra swordfish fillet
- The swordfish parts and swordfish meat are used to craft the fish sword which deals 14 hp (7 hearts) damage to fish from this addon, more information about it and its golden version in "Items>Swordfish Items" in this page
- Spawns in oceans
Mercat - Updated!
- Use a book or a feather on one to get this information in-game
- Health: 10 hearts
- Damage: 2 hearts + slowness for 15 seconds
- Attacks: small fish, pizzafish and monsters, neutral to players
- Spawns wherever there's water
- 3 naturally spawning variants and 4 more secret ones, the 3 of the secret ones are obtained similarly to most secret mob variants in this addon, and the other one is obtained by doing something* that someone that didn't read the mercat's details might do
- Has to breathe air and will come up to breathe air randomly and when their target escapes or dies, though unlike dolphins and orcas they can live indefinitely out of water
- Can only be sit when on land
- Can be lured, bred and healed with sea pizza, vanilla fish, raw piranha, raw catfish and raw betta fish but can only be tamed with sea pizza, raw piranha and raw betta fish
- You can put the hat on it
- Will bring you random items from this addon or fishing items after you sleep with them
- I don't think they can teleport to you while you are on water, so either move slowly, put them in your boat or leash them if you want to transport them across large distances in water
- Can be made to sit only out of water
- Can kill a lot of fish pretty fast when tamed
- Can be milked with a bottle
- 8 bottles of mercat milk and 1 bucket in a crafting table will result in a bucket of milk and 8 empty bottles
- Mercat milk can be crafted into fermented mercat milk, either by 5 mercat milk bottles and 4 nether fungi or by 8 bottles of mercat milk and one colorful powder, or drank to clear weakness, withering, and slownesss
- Fermented mercat milk bottles can be thrown and will likely be used to make mercat cheese in the future
- Fermented mercat milk bottles will stun mobs around where they fall for like a second, give them speed and strength and make most of them mad at each other
- New!: You can also craft throwable mercat milk, which removes withering, slowness, and weakness from whatever it's thrown at
*something deadly for the mercat
Orca (Coming soon)
- Use a book or a feather on one to get this information in-game
- Health: 30 hearts
- Attack damage: 8.5 hearts
- Neutral to players
- Like vanilla dolphins, they can't breathe underwater and will have to jump out of water to breathe
- Attacks: anglerfishes, pizzafishes, sharks, cods and monsters
- Rideable and leashable, but not controllable when tamed
- Don't spawn naturally due to how annoying their "AI" is, will spawn naturally once they are remastered
- Remodel and hopefully use coming soon, open to suggestions for uses
- Their model will be way better than the one in the picture
Zombie/Withered Cat
- Use a book or a feather on one to get this information in-game
- Feeding a damaged zombie cat clownfish kills it
- Wild:
- Health: 4 hearts
- Damage: 2 hearts
- Attacks: Cats (cats also attack zombie cats) and players (sometimes)
- Spawns in jungle nights
- Burns in daylight
- Tameable with fish or strings
- Tamed:
- Health: 10 hearts
- Completely peaceful with normal cats
- Brings you random ores when you wake up
Skeleton Cat
Same as the Zombie Cat but it's tameable with nether wart and brings you random Nether items when you wake up. It's also neutral to players but sometimes an aggressive skeleton cat spawns in instead which attacks players and normal cats. Dyeable. billey:skeleton_cat
Pigeon - Updated
- Use a book or a feather on one to get this information in-game
- 3 hearts health
- Several variants
- Spawns in plains and flower forests
- Poops every 10-20 minutes
- No fall damage
- You can put the hat on it, you can take it off by attempting to put another hat while it's already wearing one
- Switches between walk and fly mode
- Wild
- Tameable with seeds, bread and carrots
- Flies away from players
- Tamed
- Can both walk and fly
- Healable with seeds, bread and carrots
- Randomly makes leaves drop apples
- Poop stain
- Drops itself
- Can be crafted into bone meal or used to boost the addon's pollinating mobs (woodlice and stick bugs)
- You can also craft a potion of slow falling 4:00 with 1 pigeon poop, 1 boring powder and 1 of any potion or water bottle
- The picture is slightly outdated the texture is less noisy now
- Use a book or a feather on one to get this information in-game
- 5 hearts health
- Shearable
- Tamed pizzafish can't be killed by getting sheared
- Drops 2-5 pieces of pizza when it's not eaten
- You can put a piece of pizza back on an eaten pizzafish
- Friendly to everything expect monsters
- Other fish eat it piece by piece
- Spawns in coral reefs
- Regrow their pieces 10-30 minutes after being eaten
"Great White" Shark
- Use a book or a feather on one to get this information in-game
- Getting a remodel soon
- Health: 20 hearts
- Spawns in oceans, most commonly in deep ones
- 7.5 hearts attack damage
- Attacks: anglerfishes, mercats, swordfishes, pizzafishes, cods and monsters
- Drops: cod, bones and shark teeth, drops more teeth on tame that on death
- They also drop teeth randomly, more commonly than hammerheads, and when they attack something, shark teeth can be used to upgrade the fish sword into a golden fish sword (information about it in "Items") or usedd to craft the shark tooth sword whcich can't be enchanted andd hass quite low durability but it deals quite a lot of damage and has a sweeping edge effect that ddoesnt affect tamedd mobss
- Three personalities
- Shy: fears players, 25% chance
- Hostile: attacks 25% chance, when a player hits a shy shark it permanently becomes hostile
- Neutral: neutral to players, 50% chance
- They got a new model in this update, but they'll soon get another use, more color variants, and be renamed to just "sharks"
Endercat - Updated!
- Use a book or a feather on one to get this information in-game
- Wild:
- Health: 8 hearts
- Damage: 2 hearts
- Attacks: Cats (cats also attack endercats) and players (sometimes)
- Spawns in jungle nights and in the End
- Randomly teleports
- Tameable with chorus fruit
- Tamed:
- Health: 16 hearts
- Completely peaceful with vanilla cats
- New!: Randomly teleports the nearest monster in a 10 block radius away from you, you can also feed them popped chorus fruit to make it do that instantly but it has a 3 second cooldown
- Brings you random End items when you wake up
- Use a book or a feather on one to get this information in-game
- Despite being one of the most unique mobs in the add-on, they have no unique use, open to suggestions
- Spawns in coral reefs
- Attacks drowned and pizzafishes
- Tamed and healed using most of sea items except sea pickles
- Can detect targets from even farther away as it grows up
- Level it up by feeding it or by waiting
- Can instantly transition to the next level using picklepet fertilizer, using it on an adult one will make it shake and spawn an untamed baby picklepet that can be tamed instantly using picklepet fertilizer
- Looks cool underwater when it's dark
- Adult ones don't need to be underwater
- Level 1
- 2 hearts health
- 0.5 hearts attack damage
- Can survive out of water for only 15 seconds
- Level 2
- 4 hearts health
- 1.5 hearts attack damage
- Can survive out of water for 10 mins
- Drops some sea stuff
- Level 3
- 8 hearts health
- 3.5 hearts attack damage
- Can breathe both water and air
- Places a pickle every 30-50 minutes
- Breedable
Angel Cat and End Angel Cat
- Use a book or a feather on one to get this information in-game
- Angel cat
- Scares phantoms, creepers and hostile cats
- Drops phantom membranes
- Tameable with fish
- When it's wild it will spawn in still mode for 15-40 seconds or until something hits it
- When it leaves still mode it'll fly for 3-5 mins.
- Spawns in jungles
- Gives regeneration to your pets and both wild and tamed snails in a 16 block radius every 30 seconds
- End angel cat
- Spawns in the End and jungle nights
- Teleports randomly
- Not hurt by water
- Tameable with chorus fruit instead of fish
- Gives strength and speed to snails every 15 seconds
- billey:duck
- 3 hearts health
- You can put the hat on it, you can take it off by attempting to put another hat while it's are already wearing one
- You can put a chest on it, to put items in the chest throw them to the duck, to take them out put the duck above a hopper and the chest is removed like the hat but all items inside of it will disappear
- Because of the petting feature, to make a rideable duck sit or stand you need to sneak while holding a fish sword, or a golden fish sword
- 7 variants (and a secret one)
- Spawn in swamps, rivers and I hope lakes
- Sleeps with its owner or randomly when it's night, you can wake it up by coming very close to it
- They can't sleep if they are tamed and aren't sitting
- Can be bred, healed, tamed and grown up, using seeds, melon or carrots
- Ducks and banana ducks protect each other, if you hit a duck or a banana duck all ducks and banana ducks around it will bend their neck forward, chase you and bite you for 10 second
- When wild, hostile to anything that is holding chicken, feathers or cooked chicken
- You can use the /replaceitem command to make a mob hold chicken and then wild ducks will attack it
- Tamed ducks will find items in grass and water for you, the items they fin mostly consist of seeds but you can also (rarely) get ore nuggets and other items
- This is getting some kind of nerf soon
- Duck armor
- You can only put armor on ducks you own
- I don't know if I'll make it useable for the rest of the pets
- Use dirt to remove the armor
- Ducks equipped with armor defend their owner
- See "Items/Duck Armor" in this page for information about each armor piece and either the in-game crafting table recipe book for the recipes
Angel Pig
- Use a book or a feather on one to get this information in-game
- 15 hearts health wild, 20 hearts tamed
- Spawn in plains kind of rarely but a bit more commonly in flower forests
- 4 hearts attack damage
- Tameable using golden carrots
- Gives withering and levitation to monsters from any add-on, resistance with hidden particles to pets from billey's mobs or vanilla cats, and turn pigeon poop to bone meal every 15 seconds
- Use a book or a feather on one to get this information in-game
- Spawn in snowed beaches and on top of frozen oceans
- 8.5 hearts health
- You can put the hat on it, you can take it off by attempting to put another hat while it's already wearing one
- 2.5 hearts attack damage
- Neutral
- Switches between water and land mode
- Penguins on land on water mode while being on top of normal ice have a random chance to get a 10 second long speed boost or break the ice under them to get to water
- Look funny when they are angry
- Tamed ones hunt vanilla fish and pizzafish for you, though mercats are much better at that
- Can be tempt, bred and healed using raw cod, salmon or clownfish
- Adults are tamed with clownfish
- Babies are tamed and grown up with raw cod or salmon
- Getting a better use, smaller model, and variants soon
- Use a book or a feather on one to get this information in-game
- 4 hearts health wild 8 hearts health tamed
- Drops a raw snail item that when it eaten it gives the potion effect the snail gave when it was alive when attacking, cooking it makes it give the opposite effect when eaten instead, eating a snail will give you a snail shell, which can be crafted to bone meal by using 2 of them
- Spawn rarely in plains in small groups, commonly in rivers in small groups and commonly in large groups in jungles
- 16x8 color combinations and three types
- Weakness Snail (quite common), antennas are straight and deals no damage, knockback and gives weakness 1 until you die or drink milk
- Slowness Snail (common), antennas are slightly bent and deals 0 or half a heart damage, knockback and gives slowness 1 until you die or drink milk
- Withering Snail (rarer), antennas are bent a bit more than the slowness snail and deals no damage, knockback and gives withering until you die or drink milk
- They are all considered the same mob, spawned from the same spawn egg and are targeted from the same identifier
- Attack monsters for you when they are tamed but even the poisonous snail can't kill a zombie without dying as well so you need a couple of snails to just kill a zombie.
- Snails are much more powerful when they have angel mobs near them
- They don't attack creepers expect for the creeper from this
- Randomly sleep while they are wild
- You can wake them up by damaging them or by interacting with them
- When you make a tamed one sit it'll sleep until you make it stand up
- Make "Z" particles while they are sleeping
- Climb walls like spiders, they get turned sideways while climbing on a wall so they actually look like they are climbing the wall
- Can be tamed, bred, tempt and healed using the following items:
- Any kind of leaves
- Both types of overworld mushrooms
- Apple
- Wheat
- Sea Pickle
- The bark block you get when crafting 4 logs
- Grass (not the dirt block with grass above it)
- 1 Block Flowers
Piranha - Updated!
- Use a book or a feather on one to get this information in-game
- 1.5 hearts health.
- 0-1.5 hearts attack damage with slowness 1 for a second.
- 2 main variants
- Spawn in lakes, rivers and swamps in groups of 3-5
- Every 10-60 seconds an untamed piranha will attack and random nearby non-tamed mob that isn't another piranha and every other piranha nearby will attack that mob too.
- They aren't attacked by any mob but other mobs might kill them over self defense.
- The fish sword can be used to kill 5 at them at the same time like cod.
- When they attack a mob it will never be killed instantly but when it dies piranhas will either collect or eat its loot so the ocean doesn't get littered. They also eat dropped food items
- Afraid of mercats
- Several rare variants
- Drop raw piranha and sometimes a few items from the addon
Piranha launcher
- Crafted with a raw piranha, three iron ingots and a piece of redstone power
- Can't shoot while you are sneaking or while you are underwater, useful information for when you are trying to pick up a piranha
- Can pick up to 2 piranhas, to pick up a piranha just use the piranha launcher on a piranha
- Mobs able to pick up items can use it too
- Works best out of water and on mobs that are currently locked into another target
Banana Duck
- Use a book or a feather on one to get this information in-game
- 4 hearts
- You can put the hat on it, you can take it off by attempting to put another hat while it's already wearing one
- Tamed, lured, bred and healed using picklepet fertilizer or bread
- Every 3-9 seconds there is a 10% chance a banana duck will flap its wings and float up then fall down slowly
- Because of the petting feature, to make a rideable banana duck sit or stand you need to sneak while holding a fish sword or a golden fish sword
- No fall damage even though they don't fall slowly like chickens
- If you feed an apple to a banana duck, it'll give you a desert banana, desert bananas can be eaten to get positive potion effects or fed to any tamed mob from the add-on, vanilla cats, cod, parrots, tropical fish and salmon for the same effect
- Every 5 desert bananas you get, you lose a level
- Banana ducks cannot be fed bananas, but apples have the same effect on them
- Ducks and banana ducks protect each other, if you hit a duck or a banana duck all ducks and banana ducks around it will bend their neck forward, chase you and bite you for 10 seconds
- The orange ducks in the background are orange because I gave them the colorful potion and the screenshot was taken while they were orange
- They have secret variants, try breeding them or spawning them in strange places or doing something with the other birds of the add-on
- Sleep with their owner or randomly when it's night, you can wake them up by coming very close to them
- Duck armor
- You can only put armor on banana ducks you own
- I don't know if I'll make it useable for the rest of the pets
- Use dirt to remove the armor
- See "Items/Duck Armor" in this page for information about each armor piece and either the in-game crafting table recipe book or the "Recipes" pictures in the end of this for the recipes
- Use a book or a feather on one to get this information in-game
- 3 hearts
- Spawns in coral reefs
- You can get pickle juice to drink or for the colorful potion by using a bottle on it
- Can be boosted with an orange on a stick, an orange peel or a chocolate catfish
- Tameable and healable with sea pizza
- After you tame it you can ride it, look straight or slightly up and it'll float up slowly, look up while moving and it'll float up faster, look down and it'll sink, there is no way to make it go completely straight but maybe I'll try
- You can also leash it after taming it
- Because of the petting feature, do not sneak while trying to ride a cucumbeel
- When you jump out of water using a cucumbeel, you get water breathing for 5 seconds
- Not attacked by and doesn't attack anything (yet?)?
- The light cyan thing glows in the dark
- The rocks in the dirt in the background are from a January 2021 version of this
Pickle Cat
- Use a book or a feather on one to get this information in-game
- Randomly give nearby tamed mobs water breathing, allowing you to have mercats and mergeese in aquariums with a closed top
- 3 natural color variants but dyeable
- You can get pickle juice to drink or for the colorful potion by using a bottle on it
- Can only breathe water when it's wild, but can breathe both water and air when tamed
- Tameable with sea pizza or raw fish
- Brings you sea items when you wake up
- Wild ones can only breathe water, but tamed ones can breathe both air and water
- Everything else is the same with vanilla cats
Velvet Worm
- Use a book or a feather on one to get this information in-game
- 5 hearts health
- 3 hearts attack damage and drop a useful item called velvet slime most of the time whenever they attack
- It also has a blue fire immune variant
- Tamed with fermented spider eyes, but can be healed/bred/lured with spider eyes/strings too
- You can put the duck armor on them, it's invisible but the protection is added and they don't shoot end rods when they wear end rod armor because that would make them not drop velvet slime when they attack, and it's removed with dirt just like on the ducks
- Attack everything tagged as "spider", "silverfish", "insect" or "arthropod", expect for tamed ones like tamed spider pigs from this
- Break webs like ravagers break grass
- Spawn in light levels 5-8 in the biomes pigs cows and chickens spawn quite rarely but much more commonly in jungles
- Velvet Slime
- Velvet slime balls can be thrown like snowballs and deal damage and slowness for some seconds, this uses the proper way of adding throwables so the addon is still compatible with other addons
- Velvet Slime Blocks
- 0 breaking time, inflameable and 0 explosion resistance
- Break when pushed with a piston
- Velvet Slime Block (the green-purple colored one)
- Gives slowness and withering to monsters that step on it
- Put a pickle on a crafting table surrounded by 8 velvet slime balls
- Mobs don't avoid stepping on it
- Blue Velvet Slime Block (the blue-green colored one)
- Gives a lot of speed to players that step on it
- Put a sea pizza on a crafting table surrounded by 8 velvet slime balls
- Mobs avoid stepping on it, as if it was a damage block or a fence
- Mixed Velvet Slime Block (...)
- Gives regeneration and speed for 2 seconds to players that step on it
- Put a velvet slime block, a blue velvet slime block and piece of sugar in a crafting table and you'll get 2 of these
- Mobs avoid stepping on it, as if it was a damage block or a fence
- Desperately needs a remodel and is getting one soon
- Use a book or a feather on one to get this information in-game
- 1.5 hearts health
- Cats attack untamed hamsters
- Spawn in deserts on top of sand, in savannas on top of grass, and underground in both deserts and savannas on top of stone at any light level
- Tameable with seeds and carrots
- Randomly twerk and sniff
- Many colors, not just the one shown in the picture, white ones are dyeable, red, lime, blue, cyan, magenta and yellow ones are rare and dyeable
- The hamster ball is gonna be removed and replaced with a better use but for now: You can put them in a hamster ball, you can craft it using a cyan glass block and a piece of funny dust
- If you make them sit and feed them funny powder while they are on a redstone wire they'll be like some sort of redstone clock, if you have an idea of a better use pls say, you can stop them by making them stand, if you feed them the powder while they are standing they'll just do the animation without doing anything to the redstone, I think I can make that not happen but for now to fix that make them sit and stand again
- Hamsters are invincible in the hamster ball, but the hamster ball breaks after 2 hits of any damage, expect most potion effects, most potion effects pass through the hamster ball, this was done so the angel cats' regeneration effect doesn't break the hamster ball because regeneration triggers the damage sensor component too
- Getting an actual use and a better and smaller model soon
- Use a book or a feather on one to get this information in-game
- 4.5 hearts health
- 3 hearts attack damage
- Randomly attack in groups anything that isn't a goose
- Spawn wherever there's water but it's not an ocean, mainly in swamps, but in the dusk and in the night instead of in the day like ducks
- They'll hold whatever items you drop them and then eat them if they are food
- Drop a melon-related item to make them drop the item they are holding
- Tamed with melon related items (melon slices, glistering melons or melon blocks)
- Healed/bred/etc with seeds, carrots and melon related items
- Can only pick up items when they are not sitting
Hammerhead Shark
- Use a book or a feather on one to get this information in-game
- Health: 20 hearts
- Spawns in oceans that are neither deep nor cold
- 7.5 hearts attack damage
- Attacks anglerfishes, mercats, swordfishes, pizzafishes, cods and monsters
- Drops: cod, bones and shark teeth, drops more teeth on tame that on death
- They also drop teeth randomly, less commonly than great whites, and when they attack something, shark teeth can be used to upgrade the fish sword into a golden fish sword (information about it in "Items") or usedd to craft the shark tooth sword whcich can't be enchanted andd hass quite low durability, but it deals quite a lot of damage and has a sweeping edge effect that ddoesnt affect tamedd mobss
- Many size variations, the biggest ones are hostile and kind of rare and spawn with a saddle of a drowned riding them, if you kill the drowned and feed the shark sea pizza you can ride it and control it, but you can't go up or down, but it looks funny
- Three personalities
- Shy: fears players, 1/3 chance
- Hostile: attacks players, doesn't spawn naturally but when a player hits a shy shark it permanently becomes hostile
- Neutral: neutral to players, 2/3 chance
- Use a book or a feather on one to get this information in-game
- Either 1, 1.5, or 2 hearts health depending on the size
- Mostly spawn anywhere in water expect for oceans and biomes tagged as cold or frozen, but can also spawn in non-deep oceans rarely
- Attacked by anything that attacks salmon
- Similarly to vanilla fish, if you don't want the other fish to eat them tame them with seeds instead of sea pizza
- Pizza
- Drop raw catfish, which can be either:
- Fed to vanilla cats or anything in the add-on that can be fed salmon
- Eaten raw to get a string
- Combined with cocoa bean in a crafting table and then cooked to get an item that has a chance to give speed 4 when eaten and can also be fed to terraphins and cucumbeels while riding them
- Getting a vanilla-like remodel and a use aside from death drop soon
- Use a book or a feather on one to get this information in-game
- 2 hearts health
- Spawn in most forests
- Tamed, bred and healed with either raw snail or cooked snail but after being tamed they can also be bred and healed with seeds
- Attack untamed snails
- I couldn't find any free kiwi sounds, so they just do high-pitched and distorted pigeon sounds
- You can put the hat on it
- Can be sheared for their fur, which is used to craft the pet hat and duck armor
- You can also kill them for their fur but you'll only get one piece of fur or nothing
- The pet hat can be put on vanilla cats, parrots, birds from this addon and most of the recently added/updated mobs
Duck Centipede - Boss - Fixed
- Length is random with no limit, if you get one so big it lags the game do /function billdespcenti
- Spawn egg has a chance of being dropped when a velvet worm is killed by a duck
- The duckling in the end of it can be tamed and it shoots end rods quite fast to monsters and whatever you hit, however its end rods are messy and will probably hit you and your pets as well
- Attack everything that isn't another duck centipede
- Spawn it in a mostly flat area, or it might tear apart in pieces and make the fight much harder
- The first time it's killed it'll drop some XP and a colorful powder
- During the fight, you'll get "Throw a Duck" Items
- Not a good weapon against the duck centipede
- Thrown like snowballs
- Thrown ducks attack everything over than ducks, tamed mobs and the player that threw them
- You can pick up the thrown ducks by pressing the button you press to shear sheep, however if the thrown duck was damaged there's a 50% chance it won't drop the item when picked up and just disappear instead
- More details in "Items>Miscellaneous>Throw a Duck" in this page
- Oops, I forgot to take a screenshot of them with the new duck model, the screenshot below is outdated
Betta Fish
- Use a book or a feather on one to get this information in-game
- Spawn kind of rarely in any place that has water, is in the overworld, isn't an ocean and isn't cold or frozen
- 1 to 2.5 hearts health depending on size
- Tameable with sea pizza and spider eyes, breedable with those, raw snail, cooked snail, sea grass, seeds and carrots
- Adults drop an item that can be eaten raw to get an interesting combination of effects or cooked for an actual food source
- Attacked by anything that attacks cods
- 19 variants, 10 of them spawn naturally and the other 9 need to be obtained by crossbreeding the naturally spawning variants or even the non naturally-spawning ones. You'll get hints when you complete advancements (scroll down; after the mobs)
- Non naturally-spawning variants may glow, "dance" or emit particles
- Quite ironically, they don't attack anything other than players holding anglerfish lights, even if something hits them
- This is because I could not come up with a behavior that would not ruin their purpose of looking good in large amounts
- They are nowhere as common as in the picture
- They need a use and a better texture
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Electric Eel
- Use a book or a feather on one to get this information in-game
- Spawn kind of rarely in any place that has water, is in the overworld, isn't an ocean and isn't cold or frozen
- 2.5 to 4 hearts health depending on size
- Tameable with sea pizza and spider eyes, breedable with those, raw snail, cooked snail, sea grass, seeds and carrots
- Do not need to be tamed to be bred, if you want to farm them, then don't tame them because the fish sword can only be used on untamed ones
- Attacked by anything that attacks cods
- 4 variants, though there are some interesting rare ones
- They are nowhere as common as in the picture
- Randomly shock mobs around them, causing them to drop the items that large electric eels drop
- Tiny ones don't drop anything
- Medium ones drop either raw cod or raw betta fish
- large ones drop (not all of these items at once btw):
- Cooked cod
- Cooked betta fish
- Coal
- Charcoal
- Copper nugget
- Iron nugget
- Chicken nugget
- Diamond nugget
- Copper and diamond nuggets can be crafted into their respective ingots by putting 9 of them in a crafting table and chicken nuggets can be eaten extremely quickly for a bit of saturation and half a hunger icon or crafted into cooked chicken by using 9 of them
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Orange Penguin
- Use a book or a feather on one to get this information in-game
- Spawn in mesa biomes
- 15 hearts health
- 3.5 hearts attack damage
- Defend each other
- 3 (naturally spawning) variants
- Can be healed, bred, grown up and lured with tropical fish and raw betta fish
- Adults are tamed with betta fish and babies are tamed with tropical fish
- The more health they have the more leaves they'll have on their head
- Randomly regenerate, which means feeding them fish, and angel cats can speed up leaf growth
- Will grow an orange on top of their head if they have all 3 leaves on their head for some seconds
- They can only breed if they have an orange on top of their head
- You can get it if you use shears on them or if you punch them, they won't get mad don't worry
- Poultry oranges (that's what the items are called) are edible and about as good as cooked fish and take away poison, fatal poison and withering
- When you eat a poultry orange you get an orange peel which can be used to boost terraphins and cucumbeels while riding them, you can also craft 9 orange peels back into a poultry orange
- Use a book or a feather on one to get this information in-game
- Spawn in forests, including snowed ones and flower forests during the night and dusk
- 3 main naturally spawning variants depending on the biome where they spawn, if one is spawned by a spawn egg or a command somewhere where they don't naturally spawn it'll randomly choose one of the 3
- Try breeding two ones of a different variant
- 6 hearts attack damage
- Attack kiwis, snails, hamsters and orange penguins
- Sleep during the day when there's a block over them and there's no thunderstorm
- Tamed with raw hamster, poultry oranges or raw snail
- Protect their owner
- Rideable and controllable with a "terraphin staff", crafted with a fishing rod, (a poultry orange, a raw withering snail or a regeneration snail) and a happy powder
- Can be boosted with an orange on a stick, an orange peel, a sand banana or a chocolate catfish
- To make them sit or stand sneak while holding a fish sword, a golden fish sword, a stick, or an orange on a stick
- They kinda find diamond ores and mob spawners in a (hopefully) 256 block radius that they can walk to, when they find something, they make an xp noise and try to walk towards it
Mergoose - Updated!
- Use a book or a feather on one to get this information in-game
- Spawn anywhere where there's water, but it's not an ocean
- 17.5 hearts health
- 3 hearts attack damage and can attack from quite a long distance using their spiky tongue, meaning they can kill most mobs without getting hit once
- randomly attack non-tamed random mobs when wild
- tameable with sea pizza, but don't follow you unless you use a stick on them, though, due to addon limitations, like mercats, they can only teleport to you if you are on land, so leash them or put them on a boat if you want to move them across land distances on water
- New: Mergeese shed pieces of their tongue whenever they attack something, that can be used with an iron sword in a crafting table to craft a "Mergoose Sword". The mergoose sword has about the same durability as an iron sword, the same damage as a diamond sword and can hit from a really long distance if you do what you do to throw items (long tap on mobile, right click on pc).
- Need to breathe air, either by swimming to the surface or going to bubble columns (which don't exist where they naturally spawn but whatever) and can currently survive forever out of water; however, you can't make them sit when they are tamed, and they'll try to go to the nearest body of water
- Drop various river related items, and pieces of their tongue that can be cooked and when eaten make you lose 1.5 hearts and give golden apple-like saturation, 3 hunger bar icons, strength and a bit of regeneration
- Use a book or a feather on one to get this information in-game
- Spawn in biomes where pigs and cows spawn, in the dusk
- 8 hearts health
- When hurt they'll curl into a ball and when they've curled into a ball all damage they take will be divided by 2 and subtracted by 1, not sure in which order
- Can't/don't attack anything
- 10 naturally spawning variants, and you can get 12 more variants by breeding 2 ones of a different variant, not all variant combinations will result in another variant though
- Can be fed/tamed with poultry oranges, orange peels, apples or sweet berries
- You can put the hat on them
- Every like 10-20 seconds, woodlice will make a vanilla crop grow up one stage, and non naturally spawning woodlice will instead turn full-grown wheat into woodlouse wheat which drops a random food item from the addon
- You can boost them by feeding them pigeon poop
- Use a book or a feather on one to get this information in-game
- Spawn in swamps
- 9 hearts health
- 3 hearts attack damage
- Attack in groups
- Hiss at their target, their hiss slows down their target and gives a bit of regeneration, strength and resistance to nearby dinosaurs (including birds from this addon)
- take half as much fall damage as most mobs
- you can put the hat on them
- have a chance to drop a deinonychus feather every time they are damaged which can be used in place of vanilla feathers to craft slowness arrows instead
Yutyrannus - Updated!
- Use a book or a feather on one to get this information in-game
- Spawn quite rarely in snowed plains, and quite commonly in ice spikes
- Attack in groups
- Randomly dance
- Heal by 1.5 hearts every time they kill something
- Have a chance to drop a yutyrannus feather when they get hurt, which can be used in place of vanilla feathers to craft arrows of decay
- Adult:
- 60 hearts health
- 12.5 hearts attack damage
- "Roar" (btw don't worry their roar doesn't sound like a mammal's) before attacking, their roar damages and inflicts withering on mobs other than tamed mobs and players that have tamed a yutyrannus
- Can't be tamed normally (see power banana in "Items" in this page)
- When wild they'll occasionally attack random mobs, including players and excluding mobs from vanilla or billey's mobs that are too small (chickens, hamsters etc.), and they'll also instantly attack any monsters or players that get too close to their babies
- Baby:
- 6 hearts health
- 2.5 attack damage
- Tameable with chicken, hamster or rabbit
- Tamed:
- Defend their owner
- You can put the hat on them
- Can be fed most vanilla meat and raw hamsters
- Rideable when adult (currently without a saddle because I was too lazy to make a saddled texture)
- Slower than most horses
- You can also ride them on the surface of water
- Can be ridden by at most 2 players
- Sneak while holding a stick to make one sit
Stick Bug - New!
- Use a book or a feather on one to get this information in-game
- Spawn in jungles and forests in the dusk (which is a pretty short part of the day)
- Most commonly in dark oak forests
- 1.5 hearts health
- 1 hearts attack damage
- Feeding one mergoose spikes makes it deal 3 hearts instead and also doubles its attack radius
- Becomes invisible before they attack something, and the mob it attacks won't fight back unless it's one of the mobs that attack everything ("Johnny" illagers, wardens, duck centipedes, zoglins, withers, monsters from some add-ons, etc.)
- Tameable with poultry oranges, sweet berries and apples
- Defends its owner
- You can put the hat on them
- Randomly turns full-grown potato crops into potato sticks, which can be eaten instantly
- Can be boosted with pigeon poop
- Ignore the question marks in the background of the photo there are no secret variants of them yet
Rat - New!
- Use a book or a feather on one to get this information in-game
- Rarely spawn in swamps on the surface while it's night, but spawn often in dimly lit underground areas regeradless of time of the day
- 5 hearts health
- When wild: Eat crops, but scared of and attacked by cats
- Tameable with poultry oranges, sweet berries or apples, but after being tamed they can also be fed seeds.
- When you breed 2 ones of a different color you'll get a pattern that is a combination of the 2 colors, but getting a good looking one will probably be hard, and there's a 25% chance the baby will just be identical to one of its parent
- Will attack monsters and make them drop what they were holding, either randomly or when you hit a mob holding an item. Rats can only do that with items that vanilla monsters can spawn holding.
- There's a chance the item rats steal will become enchanted
- You can put them on your head by petting them (sneak + right click or long tap), while on your head, they are immune to any kind of damage
- The already-existing pet hat looks like a chef hat when put on rats, if you drop/use on a rat a bowl, it'll start **cooking ratatouille**, ratatouille gives regeneration, resistance, night vision and 3.5 hunger icons when eaten, but its saturation is slightly worse than meat and it can't be stacked
- Model and base texture by HypsiEeze
Advancements - Challenges - New!
They all give XP and hints on how to get betta fish variants. Challenges also reward you with 10 power bananas. I'm open to suggestions for more.
- Shiny Duck
- Get the secret rideable duck
- Be near an angry duck or kill a duck
- How Rude...
- Shear a pizzafish
- Pizzafish Transplantation
- Put a sea pizza on a sheared/bitten pizzafish
- Pretty
- Use the colorful potion
- Radioactive Fish
- Get a green glowing betta fish
- Centipede Stomper (please suggest a better name)
- Kill a duck centipede
- Feline Necromancer
- Tame a zombie cat or a skeleton cat
- Spooky Cat
- Tame an endercat or an end angel cat
- Le Fishe au Chocolat
- Eat a chocolate catfish
- Use a piranha launcher or throw a throwable duck
- Ratatouille
- Make a rat cook ratatouille for you and then eat it
- Duck Warrior
- Equip a duck or banana duck with armor
- Banana Duck Breeder
- Find one of the secret banana duck variants
- Duck Army
- Equip 50 ducks or banana ducks with armor
- Ornithologist
- Get every single banana duck variant, expect the weird oddly specific one
- In order to get the ornithologist advancement the banana ducks must be earnt the intended secret way and not by using a funny potion on a duck
If you're trying to get this in multiplayer make sure you are the closest player to the banana duck you just discovered
/function nearduckrideable
- Makes the nearest tamed duck rideable and controllable with the fish sword, but there is another way of getting a rideable duck that is also rideable in the surface of water without commands
/function nearbananaduckrideable
- Makes the nearest tamed banana duck rideable and controllable with the fish sword, but there is another way of getting a rideable banana duck without commands
/function billdespcenti
- Despawns all duck centipedes in case you got one so big it lags the game
/kill @e[tag=!tamed]
- Kills everything that isn't a tamed mob from this addon or a tamed cat, cod, salmon and tropical fish, still kills tamed vanilla wolves, horses, parrots etc. and pets from most other addons, might wanna add a type selector, eg. /kill @e[type=billey:duck,tag=!tamed] would be useful if you spawned a lot of ducks and want to get rid of them but not your pet ducks
Recipes on the end of this page or in the in-game recipe book.
Also not every item is listed here, some are listed in the mob used to obtain them
Special Spawn Eggs
In the creative inventory there are some spawn eggs that have their name in yellow text, these don't spawn any new mobs but just variants of existing ones
Picklepet Fertilizer
- Can be crafted
- Can be fed to banana ducks
- See "Picklepet" for its use on picklepets
Anglerfish Light
- Makes fish when you are in survival mode attack you dealing little to no damage instead of being afraid of you
- Chance of being dropped by anglerfish
Desert Banana
- Obtained when feeding a banana duck an apple
- If you feed an apple to a banana duck, it'll completely regenerate and give you a banana, bananas can be eaten to get positive potion effects or Fed to any tamed mob from the add-on, vanilla cats, parrots, cod, tropical fish and salmon for the same effect
- Banana ducks cannot be fed bananas, but apples have the same effect on them plus completely restoring their health
Power Banana
- Can be crafted
- Gives all beneficial effects at once
- Can be used to tame any mob of the addon, including adult yutyrannuses which wouldn't have been tameable otherwise, probably useful in creative mode
Throw a Duck
- billey:yeet_duck
- Obtained while fighting the duck centipede, not a good weapon against it though
- Thrown like snowballs
- Thrown ducks attack everything that isn't a duck, tamed, holding seeds or another duck item, or a duck centipede
- You can pick up the thrown ducks by holding a "Throw a Duck" item and then pressing the button you press to shear sheep, however if the duck was damage there's a 50% chance it won't drop the item when picked up and just disappear instead
- They follow the player who threw them if they go too far away
- Hold seeds if you lost one
- They have a death message
- To target in commands only ducks that spawned by a "throw a duck", do @e[tag=thrown_duck]
- The 3d item is done the proper way, so it doesn't cause any incompatibilities with player animation addons or addons that add 3d items the old way
Snail Helmet
- Crafted with snail shells
- Has same protection as iron, enchantability of leather, and durability between iron and leather
Sea Pizza
- Dropped by pizzafish
- Small chance to give you slowness or regeneration for some seconds
- Used to tame most of the fish
- billey:pizzapiece
Pickle Juice
- Obtained by using an empty bottle on a pickle cat or cucumbeel
- It can be used to craft the colorful or colorless potions
- Or drank to get poison, speed and night vision, 1/3 chance each
Swordfish Items
Swordfish Meat
Swordfish Fillet
- Can be cooked into swordfish steak
- 1.5 hunger bars
- Has a small chance of giving you fatal poison
Dropped by Swordfish
- billey:swordmeat
- Swordfish Steak
- 3.5 hunger bars
- Takes slightly less time to eat than vanilla food
- Has a small chance of giving water breathing
- billey:swordcooked
Fish Sword
- Deals 7 hearts of damage to fish and 3 hearts ("+5", as much as stone swords) damage to mobs that aren't fish
- When used to kill a cod, salmon, catfish. betta fish, piranha or electric eel it kills 5 nearby ones as well
- Used to control rideable ducks while riding them
- Can be cooked into a swordfish steak at any durability
Golden Fish Sword
- Quite a lot of durability
- Deals around 9.25 hearts of damage to fish and 4 hearts ("+7", as much as diamond swords) damage to mobs that aren't fish
- When used to kill a cod, salmon, catfish. betta fish, piranha or eel it kills 5 nearby ones as well and cooks the drop of the first 4 listed here
- Used to control rideable ducks while riding them
- Can be cooked into a gold ingot at any durability
To use any of the potions in the add-on, you need to tame the mob and be the one who tamed it.
Sad Potion
- Cat, Skeleton Cat → Withered Cat
- billey:zcat_bottle
Happy Potion
- Withered Cat → Cat
- billey:cat_bottle
Boring Potion
- Withered Cat, Cat → Skeleton Cat
- Banana Duck → Duck
- billey:scat_bottle
Funny Potion
- Skeleton Cat → Cat
- Duck → Banana Duck
- billey:wcat_bottle
Pet Equipment
Colorful Potion
- Makes any tamed mob from the add-on, a tamed cat, parrot, tropical fish, cod or salmon get a color changing overlay.
- The color changing overlay can be inherited by breeding
- To use any of the potions in the add-on, you need to tame the mob and be the one who tamed it.
- billey:colorful_potion
Colorless Potion
- billey:colorless_potion
- Removes the color changing overlay from a mob that was given the colorful potion
Pet Hat
- Absorbs a single hit of any kind of damage
- Dyeable by dying a mob while it's wearing one
- You can take it off by attempting to put one on a mob that's already wearing one
- billey:pet_hat
- If I ever mentioned some "bird hat" it's the same as this
- You can put it on vanilla parrots, cats and several mobs from this add-on, mostly the birds nd the mobs that were recently added or updated
Duck Armor
- 30% less damage, dyeable by dying the duck while it's wearing it
- 40% less damage, makes the duck fire immune
- 55% less damage, slight tint of the color you previously dyed leather armor or the hat
- 70% less damage
- 40% less damage
- 50% less damage
- Knockback resistance
End Rod
- 80% less damage
- Some knockback resistance
- Dyeable
- Makes the ducks shoot end rods to anything that they'd normally attack
Changes to existing mobs
Cats have 5 new variants, spawn at jungles but still also spawn at villages. Raise and move their tail when you hold food, have a new walking animation and can be equipped with the bird hat.
Parrots can now have the colorful potion and the bird hat put on them and be fed sand bananas, also you can now heal them with seeds (preferably not the wheat ones) and they can no longer be killed using cookies.
See "Taming the fish" below
Other features
Putting the fish in a bucket
Every fish in the addon can be put in a bucket, even though the bucket might look like it has a cod in it after you put the fish
Taming the fish
If you want an aquarium with multiple types of fish and don't want them to eat each other then tame them. Most of the fish from this add-on and vanilla fish are tamed using sea pizza which is dropped by pizzafish, with the exception of pizzafish which are tamed with rotten flesh, vanilla fish and catfish which can also be tamed with seeds or carrots, and betta fish and electric eels which are either tamed with spider eyes or sea pizza. You can also heal fish with the item used to tame them and leash them after taming them.
You can now make tamed fish (including orcas and mergeese) follow you by right-clicking/long tapping them, right click them again to make them stop following you, though if you get out of water they'll teleport to you and then they might suffocate
Pet Health
Some of the pets will shiver and stop quacking when damaged and all of them will produce green particles when fully healed
Petting the Mobs
You can pet any mob in the addon, vanilla cats, parrots, cod, salmon and tropical fish after taming it by sneaking and then pressing the button you press to shear sheep. Petting a mob has a chance to give it positive effects without particles, regeneration is very rare. The cats purr and make animations when pet.
Tamed Mob Wandering instead of Following
Right click/long tap on a tamed mob from the addon that can fly or walk or a vanilla cat or parrot with a stick to make it walk around instead of following you, do it again for it to follow you again. Only the owner of the mob can do it and it does not work on snails for some reason, though they never teleported to their owner, so it shouldn't be much of a problem
Tamed Mobs Avoiding Explosions
All tamed mobs added or modified by the addon fear mobs that are currently exploding, and will even stand up from their sitting position to get away from the exploding mob and then sit again if the explosion didn't damage them. Though it's not guaranteed that this will work and the mob might not move at all or run towards the wall or near the exploding mob
Giving pets away - New!
- To make your tamed mob (cat, salmon, cod, tropical fish, parrot or mob from the addon) able to be tamed by other people, interact(long tap or "Untame" button on mobile, right click on PC) with it with an untaming stick (crafted with stick + any feather from the add-on, or swordfish stick + vanilla feather)
- Only the owner of the mob can use the swordfish stick on it
- Most mobs will still follow their owner and be possible to sit or stand until someone tames them
- English US, English UK and Greek, by me
- Some type of Chinese (ltdhj#5181 on Discord, only a few spawn eggs, feel free to complete the translation)
- Russian (Pixel#0129 on Discord, only a few spawn eggs, feel free to complete the translation)
- Both types of Spanish (some spawn eggs are by @_GlitchMC on Twitter, but most of it is by ChatGPT, so let me know if it made a mistake)
- Italian (by Ftere, only most spawn eggs and a few items)
- Brazilian Portuguese (by Lobafofa100, only most spawn eggs and a few items)
- Information about contacting me can be found below if you want to translate the addon or complete/improve a translation
In order to use this or most addons on realms, (if you haven't done this already, of course) download the realm's world, turn on Holiday Creator Features, Upcoming Creator Features and Molang Features, and then upload the world to your realm and of course add the addon afterward. Note that turning on experimental toggles on already made worlds has caused random chunks to disappear in the past, so either create a new world or use the realm's backups if something goes wrong
This addon modifies the model, animation, behavior, client entity file and render controller of vanilla cats and fish, so make sure to put it above (in the resource pack and behavior pack world settings) anything that modifies these because their reason for modifying these files is probably less important, eg. JujuStyle7's New Mutant Creatures modifies the cat's behavior just to make it run away from mutant creepers and several bug fix and java parity packs modify the cat model for probably nothing noticeable, probably tail fighting which this addon also fixes
Just put both packs above anything that does any sort of modification to vanilla cats and fish. Common examples include: JujuStyle7's New Mutant Creatures, Java Parity and Bug Fix Packs, and add-ons that do something to every single mob like the advancement add-on, not putting this above such packs will cause these:
- Behavior pack:
- Vanilla fish not tameable and die normally instead of disappearing when a fish from the addon eats them
- Vanilla cats can't have the colorful potion used on them
- When a funny potion is used on a skeleton cat or a happy potion on a withered cat the resulting cat will always be a white cat slightly larger than adult cats, that is neither tamed nor tameable
- If the behavior pack is correctly above such packs, but the resource pack isn't then the color changing overlay of the colorful potion won't appear and some withered cats will have a weird skeleton sticking out
Also this add-on doesn't modify player.json in case you were wondering
Planned Features - Suggestion Guidelines - Mob Contests
Planned Mobs:
- Remasters (better models and better uses) to existing mobs, sharks and hammerhead sharks will probably be the first
- Netherrats
- Will have bat wings in place of their front legs like bats and wyverns do
- Will rob mobs differently than regular rats
- Rat king (boss)
- Don't worry, it won't look as digusting as most images of them on Google are
- Will drop throwable rats
- Berry Geese
- You'll be able to somehow obtain gooseberries from them, which will also have a use apart from food
- Duckatrice
- Big scary looking duck that will fly and be rideable, will also have a long spiky tongue that it uses to attack targets from a long distance like mergeese do, but they'll have more feathers than and probably be smaller than a cockatrice
- Tiktaalik
- Will probably have Ditto-like abilities, such as being breedable with every mob in the add-on resulting in that mob
- Nether/end stick bugs and/or woodlice
- Dogs
- Will spawn with random colors and porpotions and you'll have to breed in actual dog breeds, kinda like rats
- Winner of the mob contest in my Discord server, submission deadline is 29th July meaning you likely still have time to submit a mob, my Discord server's link is in the download links
- All of the upcoming mobs will have at least 1 good use, I'm open to suggestions for what the uses may be
Other Planned Features
- The leveling system, getting up a level will be kinda hard but mobs will become progressively more OP. Mobs will level up as they do their uses and will become better at doing their uses as they level up
- Some kind of quest system, probably just a craftable scroll item that lists some advancements you haven't completed yet along with rewards for them
- Dungeons related to the mobs maybe?
Suggestion Guidelines/About real life animals
- I'm not open to mob suggestions unless it's something that will really fit in the add-on and I'll really like. Your only chance to get a real life animal into the add-on is probably the current mob contest, since future mob contests will be mostly fictional-only
- Rats, dogs, and the winner of the current mob contest will be the last extant real life animals to be added in a long time, this is a mostly fictional mob add-on from now on
Terms of Use
Feel free to look at the code to learn, even if I didn't want you to nothing would stop you, but don't just copy an entire mob's file and make some minor changes to it because I might find out
You don’t have to ask me to use this for a map or a modpack just credit me and the add-on, but I'd appreciate it if you let me know
Contacting Me
Report bugs, suggest stuff, vote and participate in mob contests, and get betas of the add-on in my Discord server. You can also report bugs and suggest stuff in this post's comments or tag/DM me on Twitter @billeyzambie.
ᶜᵒᵒˡ ᵉᵃˢᵗᵉʳ ᵉᵍᵍ ʰᶦⁿᵗ: ᵈᵘᶜᵏ, ᵖᵉⁿᵍᵘᶦⁿ
Experimental Toggles Required
Turn on Holiday Creator Features, Upcoming Creator Features and Experimental Molang.
Also, put this add-on above any add-on that modifies vanilla cats and fish because that add-on's reason for modifying them is probably less important, since when 2 addons modify the same vanilla asset only the top pack's modifications get applied