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Hide Name Tag Add-On (v1.3.0)

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Have you ever wondered about hiding name tags for entities and players? This behavior pack can do this task for you! With this add-on, you can hide and show entity name tags with a chat command.

How to use:

There are 2 ways to use this add-on, custom command or slash command.

  • Type /scriptevent jayly:showign false to hide entity nametags for everyone.
  • Type /scriptevent jayly:showign true to show entity nametags for everyone.

Entities with hide nametag disabled:

Entities with hide nametag disabled

Entities with hide nametag enabled:

Entities with hide nametag enabled

This slash command is only available to players with operator permission.

Download links
Download Hide Name Tag Add-On
Supported versions
1.21.0 1.20.0 1.19.0