Mr. Cray Fish Furniture Add-on (Unofficial Port)

🪑Mr Cray Fish Furniture Add-on (Unofficial Port)🪑
Mr. Cray Fish Furniture Add-on adds a wide variety of blocks to decorate your home, most of them even work!
This is an unofficial port of the mod "MrCrayfish's Furniture Mod" made by MrCrayfish
The original mod is under the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE & contains the following:
"The licenses for most software and other practical works are designed to take away your freedom to share and change the works. By contrast, the GNU General Public License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change all versions of a program--to make sure it remains free software for all its users. We, the Free Software Foundation, use the GNU General Public License for most of our software; it applies also to any other work released this way by its authors. You can apply it to your programs, too."
What allows me to make this port
You can see this fabulous mod on its official page: https://mrcrayfish.com, or from CurseForge: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/mrcrayfish-furniture-mod
You can see his channel here: https://www.youtube.com/c/MrCrayfishMinecraft/
What is included?
- Hundreds of pieces of furniture, in different colors and materials.
- Each piece of furniture has its own recipe (more than 300).
- Most of them are functional, such as lamps or cabinets.
Crafting Recipes:
New Food:
Bedside Cabinet
Bar Stool
Mail Box
Coffee Table
Kitchen Counter Sink
Kitchen Counter
Counter Drawer
Modern Couch
Door Mat
Wall Cabinet
Shower Head
Upgraded Fence (all wood variants and nether bricks)
Upgraded Gate
Door Bell
Modern Chair
Modern Table
Modern Coffee Table
Modern Stairs
White Fence
White Gate
Electric Fence
Christmas Tree
Fairy Light
Grand Chair
Mantel Piece
How to use the present: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/6073K-MAvzg
Desk Cabinet
Digital Clock
Oven (works similar to a crafting table)
Microwave (accepts beef or potatoes)
Grill (accepts beef, sausage and raw kebab)
New Food:
Bread Slice (used in the toaster to obtain toast)
Toast (received from the toaster)
Sausage (use it on the grill)
Cooked Sausage (cooked on the grill)
Raw Kebab (use it on the grill)
Cooked Kebab (cooked on the grill)
Flesh (by right clicking on the fridge with a rotten flesh you get this)
Cooked Flesh (cooked in the oven)
❓ F.A.Q.
None of the blocks appear in my world
Make sure that you have put the add-on in place and activated all experimental functions.
I can't find the sofa or the fences
Make sure you are on the latest version of Minecraft (not Previews), sometimes the latest version may break the add-on a bit, just be patient for me to fix it.
Textures of blocks and items are purple and black squares or invisible.
Make sure you have activated the resource pack.
Remember, this is an unofficial port, MrCrayFish has nothing to do with it.
◆ Activate all experimental functions!, and make sure you are on the latest version (1.20.60, not Previews).
◆ Something is not working correctly, but you think you have done everything right?
Fill out this form and submit the bug report: Submit Bug Report - PUPY200MINE'S ADD-ONS (weebly.com)