Vanilla Biomes+ (Beta)

Although it's still in beta, Vanilla Biomes+ already overhauls the Birch forest completely changing the overall look to be more like the concept art we saw in the 1.19 update announcement!
- Creator: xXIndigoDuskyXx
- YouTube
Birch Forests
- New trees
- New flowers and ground cover
- New feature generation, such as rocks, bushes, and fallen logs!
- Better grass generation
The easiest way to find a biome is using the "/locate biome birch_forest" command.
Generating Features
Birch Bushes
- 7 variants generate in Birch Forests
- Made of Birch leaves and Birch fences
Large Rocks
- 7 variants generate in Birch Forests
- Made of Tuff and Andesite
Fallen Birch Log
- Has 4 variants
- Custom block model
- Rotatable
Star Flower
- Double tall flower
- Generates in groups
- Can be crafted into 2 Light Gray Dye
Small Flowers
- Has 4 Layouts, and 6 different textures that are random each time!
- Adds much-needed color to Birch Forests
- Can be crafted into 2 Magenta Dye
- Generates like grass
- Adds variation to the ground cover of Birch Forests
- Rotatable
Tree Mushrooms
- Has two models: Single and Double
- Automatically attaches to Birch trees and Fallen birch logs
Experimental Toggles
Three Experimental toggles are required for this pack to function correctly:
- Holiday Creator Features
- Custom Biomes
- Molang Features
Other toggles are optional, but not required for Vanilla Biomes+.