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Secrets of Sand

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Secrets of Sand introduces a variety of exciting new items, three unique blocks, fresh potions, and engaging mechanics to Minecraft, guaranteed to enhance your gameplay experience!

Notice - This addon is still in progress!

Secrets of Sand is an addon that adds treasure sand to the game. These sand blocks, when mined, give out loot. Every feature or item that is added by this addon resolves around or can only be gotten from these sand blocks. This addon also adds many powerful items, like food with status effects, potions that gives multiple effects instead of one and a super powerful sword that can kill almost any foe in a single strike.

Many New Items

I am currently working on a wiki for this addon!

You can check the wiki here - Wiki

Support This Addon

If you wanna contribute to the author of this addon please visit this Ko-Fi page - Here


Common Treasure Sand

This is the most common treasure sand block that can be found in the world [river and beach biomes]. This block gives off a little bit of light so you can easily find it at night. It can also be crafted using a Mistry trinket and normal sand block.


Common Treasure Sand Recipe

Common Treasure Sand

Rare Treasure Sand

This block is similar to common treasure sand and can be found in the world [river and beach biomes], but it generates less frequently and is hard to find, but in return it gives far more superior loot than common treasure sand.

It can also be crafted using common treasure sand as ingredients.


Rare Treasure Sand Recipe

Rare Treasure Sand

Legendary Treasure Sand

This is the ultimate treasure sand. It is very, very hard to find in the world but luckily it can be crafted using rare treasure sand as material.

This block gives out loot that is on another level and it is the only source of some items that can't be found anywhere, like the new Heroes Sword.


Legendary Treasure Sand Recipe

Legendary Treasure Sand

Loot Tables

Loot Tables

Soul Essence

This all starts with this. Soul essence is a necessary item in this addon and it can be acquired by defeating Zombies, Husks and Drowned.

Keep in mind each mob has a different drop rate and it only drops when players or pets defeat the Zombies and other variants.

Soul Essence

Mistry Trinkets

This is a basic ingredient in crafting the common treasure sand.


Mistry Trinkets Recipe

Fuel Sources
Wood Bark

It is a junk item that comes from treasure sand loot and does not have any use except as furnace fuel.

Wood Bark

Broken Wheel

This is another junk item that comes out of treasure sand.

Broken Wheel

Slime Oil

This is a really useful item that can be used as fuel and as a potion ingredient. It can be gotten from treasure sand and slime.

As fuel, it can smelt 10 items and it can be used to brew moon mix potion.

Slime Oil

Galoop Berry

This is a very useful food item as it can give night vision when consumed, perfect for underwater explorations and cave diving sessions. As a food source, it gives high saturation as well.

Galoop Berry

Kalom Pod

This fruit, when consumed, gives saturation and strength effects.

Kalom Pod


The Meiloorian is a powerful fruit that grants strength and haste effects when eaten.


Sage's Brew

Drinking Sage's Brew grants fire resistance (120s), strength (60s), absorption (40s), resistance (100s) and night vision (60s) effects.


This item can be brewed in a brewing stand.

To brew this item, you need these:

  • Awkward Potion - Base
  • Sage's Flower - Reagent

Sage's Brew Recipe

Sage's Brew

Moon Mix

Drinking Moon Mix grants jump boost (120s) and speed (120s) effects.


This item can be brewed in a brewing stand.

To brew this item, you need these:

  • Awkward Potion - Base
  • Slime Oil - Reagent

Moon Mix Recipe

Moon Mix

Twisted Herb Potion
  • A potion that grants healing but at a cost.
  • Grants regeneration (80s), hunger (40s) and weakness (10s) effects.

This item can be brewed in a brewing stand.

To brew this item, you need these:

  • Awkward Potion - Base
  • Twisted Herb - eagent

Twisted Herb Potion Recipe

Twisted Herb Potion

Important - This addon does not require any experimental features to be enabled!

Compatibility - This addon is fully compatible with other addons!

No Required Experiments

Supported Languages

This addon supports these languages:

Important - All of the translations are done by AI so there might be some mistakes. Please report them to me so I can fix them.

Supported Languages

Known Issues and Bugs
  • There are some spelling mistakes in the item names. ๐Ÿ˜œ (I will fix them in next update!)
  • Treasure sand blocks do not consume any durability. (I forgot to add a component to the block.json file, very easy fix, but in the next update!)

But if you find anything else, please report it to the comment section of this page.


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Crunch Cover

Download links
Secrets of Sand BP [Linkvertise]
Secrets of Sand RP [Linkvertise]
Supported versions
1.21.40 1.21.30 1.21.20 1.21.10 1.21.0