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Better Cave Dweller

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The Cave Dweller is a grotesque, deformed creature that seems to have been shaped by the shadows and darkness of caves. Its body is a mix of humanoid and reptilian, thick with thick, scaly, and dark. Deep within the darkest and most forgotten caves, there exists a creature that has evolved to master darkness and terror. Known as the Cave Dweller, this beast is the product of centuries of adaptation and survival in a hostile environment. Its existence is a mystery, but its legacy is one of fear and death. Prepare to discover the horrifying truth behind this creature.

  • Original Creator: idk_someguy
  • Port: ElPapuMisterioso

Cave Dweller: Screenshot

Updated on December 09

What's new?

  • Modified spawn rules, new ambient sounds, new animations and more range.
Changelog for November 16 / Old Update

What's new?

  • Ambient sound and spawn rules have been fixed.
Download links
Better Cave Dweller V4[mcaddon, 736.32 Kb] / Downloads: 155
Supported versions
1.21.50 1.21.40 1.21.30 1.21.20 1.21.10 1.21.0 1.20.80 1.20.70 1.20.60 1.20.50 1.20.40 1.20.30 1.20.10 1.20.0
5 282
  1. No avatar image Cattynip WAH Guest
    why does he float when u go up? can u please fix that
  2. No avatar image Cattynip WAH Guest
    i tried to find this guy, but i couldnt find him :C
  3. No avatar image counter type dude Guest
    Sería mucho mejor si agregaras la mecánica "manchada" al mod, lo mejoraría mucho junto con la música original. EN GENERAL, 8/10, lo suficientemente cerca

    (también usando un traductor, perdóneme).
  4. Hello it's very cool mod it creeps me out in the cave but the way it chase me is so goofy it takes away the creepiness only when being chased makes me wanna aight I'm here lil bro kill me something like that
    1. ElPapuMisterioso profile avatar ElPapuMisterioso Author
      Many people already told me that I should fix that and definitely in the next update apart from adding features for 1.21.2 I will add more range for the Cave Dweller and maybe new animations.
  5. does this have ambience and functions?
    1. ElPapuMisterioso profile avatar ElPapuMisterioso Author
      It doesn't have one, but I'll investigate and put some ambiance on it.
    2. ElPapuMisterioso profile avatar ElPapuMisterioso Author
      You already have it :D
  6. No avatar image Saint_Rainworld_Fan Guest
    "with thick with thick, scaly, dark." Please fix this minor issue :)
    1. ElPapuMisterioso profile avatar ElPapuMisterioso Author
      Sorry, I speak Spanish and to upload the addon I had to use the translator so there are mistakes in some parts :(