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Raiyon's More Enchantments

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Are you looking for an add-on for Minecraft? Bored of mining and not seeing ores in deep caves? If so, this addon is for you! making the ores more visible.

New! Deepslate Enchantment Table

Deepslate Enchantment Table Recipe

How to use the new Enchantment Table

Deepslate Enchantment Table: Showcase

Hit the table with a book in the hand to open the enchantment interface.

Deepslate Enchantment Table: Screenshot 1

Select enchantments if you have enough XP levels.

Deepslate Enchantment Table: Showcase 2

Hit the table with an item to enchant it.

Deepslate Enchantment Table: Screenshot 2

The table shows compatible tool icons for each enchantment.

Deepslate Enchantment Table: Showcase 3

You can use (new enchanted books from this addon) directly on the table by hitting it.

Deepslate Enchantment Table: Showcase 4

Right-click (or hold on touch) to remove the current enchantment from the table.

Books Level Stacking

If the item has the same enchant and level as the table the level will level up (like an anvil).

Weapon Enchantments

Soul Fire

Soul Fire: Demonstration

Does not inflict as much damage as fire aspect but slows down mobs and can ignite those immune to normal fire, each level increases the fire duration.

- Sword

Soul Fire Particles By TitaniumGrunt7

Sweeping Edge

Sweeping Edge: Demonstration

Inflict area damage to nearby mobs, each level increases the damage.

- Sword


Leeching Enchantment

Killing a mob heals you a percentage of the mob's life, each level increases the percentage.

- Any weapon

Meteor Smash

Meteor Smash: Demonstration

Causes Mace Smash attacks to ignite nearby mobs.

- Mace

Tools Enchantments


Smelting: Demonstration

Mined metal ores and sand are automatically smelted (works with both the shovel and the pickaxe). Each level increases the experience gained.

- Pickaxe

Deep Breaker

Deep Breaker: Demonstration

Mining stone type blocks will be faster as they can be destroyed in a 3x3 area.

- Pickaxe

Armor Enchantments

Glowing Aura

Glowing Aura: Demonstration

Emits light around you, which intensifies with each level.

- Helmet


Vitality Enchantment

Increases maximum health by 2 hearts per level. It has 5 levels.

- Chestplate, Elytra


Cowardice Enchantment

Having all of your hearts will increase your speed enormously for each level.

- Leggings

Double Jump

Double Jump: Demonstration

Allows double jumps. Each level increases the height of the double jump.

- Boots

Elytra Enchantments

Wind Charge

Wind Charge: Demonstration

Each time you jump to glide, you get a boost.

Iron Wings

Iron Wings Enchantment

As long as you are not flying, you will receive the resistance effect.

Ranged Enchantments

Multi Arrow

Multi Arrow: Demonstration

Allows you to shoot 2 extra arrows similar to multishot.

- Bow


Boomshot: Demonstration

When the bow is completely charged, the arrow will explode causing area damage.

- Bow

Sonic Charge

Sonic Charge: Demonstration

Instead of firing arrows, you will fire a very short range sonic attack similar to the warden.

- Crossbow

Fire Charge

Fire Charge Enchantment

Ignites your arrows.

- Crossbow

Shield Enchantments


Bounce: Demonstration

Increases shield knockback with each level.


Applies damage to melee attackers. Each level increases damage.

Update 2.1

New Creative Group

Now the new enchanted books have their own group in the creative menu.

Enchanted Books in Bookshelf

Now the new enchanted books can be placed on bookshelves like any other books.


You can as well get the new enchantments by killing mobs, and looting chests as well.

Updated on March 04

  • Now the new enchanted books have their own group in the creative menu.
  • Now the new enchanted books can be placed on bookshelves like any other book.
  • Fixed dummy spawn eggs in the creative menu.
Changelog for January 12 / Old Update
  • The lighting system was upgraded and has been improved overall.
  • The Glowing Aura Enchantment now works underwater.
Changelog for January 09 / Old Update
  • Fixed bugs with glowing aura enchantment lighting.
  • Added a new enchantment.
Changelog for August 10 / Old Update
  • Added Soul Flame enchantment.
  • Soul Flame enchantment works with bows and ignites arrows with soul fire.
Changelog for July 28 / Old Update
  • Added a new bow enchantment, Boomshot.
  • Improved a bit scripts.
Changelog for July 22 / Old Update
  • Double Jump enchantment grants slow falling for a few seconds when jumping.
  • Deep Breaker enchantment is more lag-friendly and works with silk touch.
Changelog for April 29 / Old Update
  • Fixed dropping of enchanted books on an active enchanted table.
  • Only compatibility with 1.20.40+ & 1.20.80+
  • Increased the rate and chance to get new enchanted books in structures.
Changelog for January 25 / Old Update
  • Fixed Bugs Enchanting
  • Added New Enchantments
  • Added Glowing Aura, Slime Falling And Mining Speed
  • Only Compatibility With 1.20.40+ & 1.20.50+
Changelog for December 03 / Old Update
  • Added new enchantments.
  • Only compatible with 1.20.40+
  • Experimental features are no longer needed.
  • No player.json, compatible with other tools such as hammers, and other types of vanilla tools.
  • Reworked the entire addon.
Changelog for August 01 / Old Update
  • Added compatibility with Minecraft 1.20.1+ and 1.20.10+
Changelog for June 26 / Old Update
  • Mobs killed by sweeping edge now drops items and XP.
  • Added compatibility with Minecraft 1.20+
  • Optimized pyro walker enchantment blocks path.
  • Fixed visual bugs with tree chopper and extraction enchantments.
Changelog for June 08 / Old Update
  • Added compatibility with Minecraft 1.19+
  • Fixed visual bugs with tree chopper and extraction enchantments.
  • Mobs killed by sweeping edge now drops items and XP.
  • Increased the light level of soul light enchantment.
Download links
Mo' Enchantments Behavior Pack V2.1
Mo' Enchantments Resource Pack V2.1
Supported versions
1.21.60 1.21.50 1.21.40 1.21.30 1.21.20 1.21.10 1.21.0
24 986
  1. Doesn’t work on realms!
  2. No avatar image Trey Guest
    downlod link not working jan 12, 2025
  3. Nice work! i really find useful this addon, btw when are you adding back the tree captaitor?
  4. SsTzRn profile avatar SsTzRn
    Raiyon you the goat fr
  5. No avatar image michi1342 Guest
    Para las personas de Android o iOS que no puedan descargar el archivo solo pongan la página en sitio de sobremesa (o de computadora) le dan a los tres puntos de la parte derecha del archivo y les saldrá la opción de descargar y luego de cargar la siguiente página les aparecerá un panel que pregunta si quieren descargar el archivo, le ponen que si.

    For people on Android or iOS who cannot download the file, just put the page on a desktop or computer site, click on the three dots on the right side of the file and click download.
    1. g87tfy profile avatar g87tfy
      aww man, my laptop is broken right now, this mod will be very good on my mc smp, but I can't download it
  6. No avatar image fell4milkman Guest
    Can the books be found through villagers/enchantment table or only in chests?
  7. No avatar image odk Guest
    How to download from curseforge??
    1. No avatar image bedrock lover Guest
      You need a pc if you have look YouTube there’s a lot of tutorials
    2. Turn on your Chrome (desktop site)
  8. No avatar image ousay Guest
    Someone play this pls review me this can work in pe
  9. mortal profile avatar mortal
    i cant use the table nothing comes up when i interact with it.
    1. Bro you need to find the book first, then you use the book to interact on the table, and after that you can interact your tools or armor to get enchanted
  10. Sabiour profile avatar Sabiour
    Is it compatible with other addons?
    1. DG0097 profile avatar DG0097