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The Mickey Dweller

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Meet Mickey Dweller, a terrifying giant mouse that stalks the night surface, striking fear with its imposing stature, lightning-fast speed, and menacing presence, leaving victims trembling in the dark.

Mickey Dweller is a terrifying creature that casts a dark shadow with its imposing presence. This giant mouse reaches staggering heights, its speed is chilling, and its gaze can freeze blood. Its dark, grimy fur and sinister glowing eyes make it a formidable predator, striking fear into those who cross its path. Its intimidating size and unexpected agility make Mickey Dweller a harbinger of dread and destruction, whispered in hushed tones among those brave enough to venture into the darkness.

  • Original Creator: SweakySneaker
  • Port: ElPapuMisterioso

Mickey Dweller: Screenshot 1

Mickey Dweller: Screenshot 2

Updated on November 25

¿What's new?

  • Final spawn rules, shine, features for 1.21.2 like spotted and fading away! 👍
Changelog for November 14 / Old Update
  • Fixed the appearance, now only 1 appears.
  • Added ambient sounds for a better experience!
Download links
The Mickey Dweller V3[mcaddon, 2.04 Mb] / Downloads: 186
Supported versions
1.21.40 1.21.30 1.21.20 1.21.10 1.21.0 1.20.80 1.20.70 1.20.60 1.20.50 1.20.40 1.20.30 1.20.10 1.20.0
6 089
  1. No avatar image Yetikadaver Guest
    wait that sounds to good... does he spawn natrually?
    1. No avatar image Yetikadaver Guest
      okay now after a bit of testing i can say YES they spawn natuarly! by the way i said THEY on Purpose because after waiting for the Night to come one spawned instantly chasing me...littel me tryed to hide inside a Village house didnt knowing that this thing fits trough 2 block places and can break doors....after a few Minutes the whole night was filled with aggrasive mouses trying to eat me while i tryed to name them with a Nametag....big mistake now i am gonna have Nightmares about 10meter mouses XD
  2. No avatar image Felipe santana Guest
    Ele não some na morte e nem quando não morre porfavor ajeita isso cara
  3. Spawnea constantemente y no se va durante casi toda la partida, además siento que es muy grande, Pero fuera de eso tiene buen diseño y sonidos tetricos
  4. ElPapuMisterioso profile avatar ElPapuMisterioso Author
    Guys, this is probably the final update since I think I've already added everything you need for your enjoyment :)
    1. No avatar image Jhoan_ling Guest
      La verdad esque spawnea a cada instante y es muy estresante o creo que solo me pasa ami :v
  5. No avatar image Helloo^^ Guest
    Does this require payment??? Because this mod is too good
    1. No avatar image Guest Kevin Guest
      It seems this mod is for free
    2. ElPapuMisterioso profile avatar ElPapuMisterioso Author
      Thanks Bro, no payment needed, hope you enjoy my ports :)
  6. No avatar image Jhoan_ling Guest
    Gran mood hermano, se te quiere
    1. No avatar image Jhoan_ling Guest
      Gran mood* xd
      1. No avatar image Jhoan_ling Guest
        Mod* :v
        1. ElPapuMisterioso profile avatar ElPapuMisterioso Author
          Thanks bro
  7. No avatar image Yess Guest
    Does it spawn naturally
    1. ElPapuMisterioso profile avatar ElPapuMisterioso Author
      Yes, in the next update it will have a 30% chance of appearing
  8. No avatar image Johan Guest
    Oigan soy nuevo aqui me dicen como se descargan los mods
    1. ElPapuMisterioso profile avatar ElPapuMisterioso Author
      Con el archivo bro
  9. Clyde profile avatar Clyde
    can you make the man from the shadows, please?
    1. ElPapuMisterioso profile avatar ElPapuMisterioso Author
      I will
      1. No avatar image bill Guest
        can you teach me modeling and addon making please i want to be yur student if so please sir contact me at [email protected]
        1. No avatar image Guest Jhon Guest
          Mano eu também quero, me ensine por favor🙏😔 meu e-mail
          [email protected] 🤫🥺
  10. hola, quería decir que este mod es muuuuuuuuuy bueno, lo recomiendo 100% si quieren una experiencia terrorífica!!!
  11. Hey bro yo si hablo español puedes confiar en mi si quieres que califique tus mods a por cierto, están de maravilla ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐👌👌👌👌
    1. ElPapuMisterioso profile avatar ElPapuMisterioso Author
      Muchas gracias bro🫂