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SERPVZ (Plants vs. Zombies Addon) Playables and Equippables Update

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SERPVZ is the ultimate Plants vs. Zombies addon for Minecraft Bedrock. You can decide the order of your plants, defend your house, expand your lands, explore environments infested with enemies, and equip yourself to survive the zombie apocalypse! This addon will be constantly updated, adding new plants, zombies, and mechanics. This addon is compatible with other addons!

Welcome to the world of Plants vs. Zombies, I hope you are hungry, because in this place EVERYONE is hungry. Explore the world, create your own tools to survive, defend your house from lonely zombies, or prepare for the waves of zombies that will hit your home. In each update, more plants and zombies will be added.

Day Plants



It costs 4 suns, shoots one pea at a time, and has low damage resistance.



It costs 2 suns. Every 15 seconds, it releases a sun, with which you can buy more plants or pruners in the store.

Cherry Bomb

Cherry Bomb

It costs 6 suns. Is a throwable grenade that hurts all entities inside 3x3 blocks.



It costs 2 suns, it is a plant made to resist attacks, it is very hard, and the zombies take a long time to devour it. Ideal to protect your house or your other plants.

Snow Pea

Snow Pea

It costs 7 suns. It reduces the mobility of any hostile mob and deals damage to anyone who gets in front of it.

Potato Mine

Potato Mine

It costs 1 sun and is a land mine that takes 30 seconds to load. Once it is ready, when it detects a hostile mob above it, it will explode and cause damage to anyone who has stepped on it. ideal for the most resistant or fast zombies and mobs.



It costs 4 suns, shoots two peas at a time, and has low damage resistance.



It costs 6 suns. Attacks any monster in front of it. It can only attack once, and after 20 seconds, it can attack again. Must eat without rush! Within the waiting period, it will be vulnerable to attacks.



It costs 5 suns. When it has an enemy nearby, it generates an explosion in a straight line that damages all the monsters ahead of the line.



It costs 4 suns. Tracks the nearest enemy, positions itself on top of it, and crushes it, dealing area damage within a 3 block radius.



It costs 4 suns, zombies don't eat it, and if a zombie gets on top of it, it will slow down and take damage.



It costs 7 suns. It sets fire to all the peas that pass over it. If torchwood is destroyed, it will explode, dealing damage to all nearby monsters within a 2 block radius.

Night Plants

Sun Shroom

Sun Shroom

It costs 1 sun. Every 30 seconds and each 15 when it grows, it releases a sun, with which you can buy more plants or pruners in the store. Sleeps at day.

Puff Shroom

Puff Shroom

It costs 0 suns, shoots one spore at a time, and has low damage resistance. Sleeps at day.

Fume Shroom

Fume Shroom

It costs 3 suns, shoots one burst spore at a time, and has low damage resistance. Sleeps at day.

Scaredy Shroom

Scaredy Shroom

It costs 1 sun, shoots one spore at a time, and has low damage resistance. Hides if the enemy is near and sleeps at day.



It costs 3 suns. After being eaten, this mushroom causes a hallucinogenic effect on the attacker, which makes him our ally for a few seconds. After 7 seconds, the zombie ally will die. Its effect only works at night. Sleeps during the day.

Grave Buster

Grave Buster

It costs 3 suns. If placed on a stone surface, then it will tunnel downwards.

Doom Shroom

Doom Shroom

It costs 5 suns, takes 5 seconds to explode when placed, and deals 120 damage to any entity within its radius except plants and lawn mowers.


Zombie Horde Leader

Zombie Horde Leader

He has a flag, he is the one who directs the other zombies to their objective.

Zombie Basic

Zombie Basic

It is the weakest zombie, it will attack your plants or you every chance it gets. He, like the other zombies, has the ability to break any type of gate and can hear you through the walls of your home.

Zombie Conehead

Zombie Conehead

It is like the basic zombie, but it has a cone on its head that makes it more resistant to attacks.

Zombie Buckethead

Zombie Buckethead

It is the most resistant of the basic zombies. The bucket on his head allows him to withstand many attacks.

Ducky Tube Zombie

Ducky Tube Zombie

Similar to a basic zombie, but can swim.

Pole Vaulting Zombie

Pole Vaulting Zombie

He is an experienced olympic athlete, no wall can stop him. When he has his pole, he runs faster and also has more resistance than usual.

Newspaper Zombie

Newspaper Zombie

Even if he can't read, he seems very interested in the newspaper he carries. If you take it away, he will get angry, going faster and hitting harder.

Screen Door Zombie

Screen Door Zombie

The door it carries gives it great resistance. Only the fume shroom is able to cross it quickly, the rest of the plants take longer.

Zombie All-Star

Zombie All-Star

This zombie is especially fast and strong, he can make things difficult for any player. In the past, he was an excellent football player, but he injured his knee.

Jack-in-the-box Zombie

Jack-in-the-box Zombie

It moves quickly while making its box ring, and after 3 seconds, it will have a chance to explode, doing the same damage as the Cherry Bomb.

Zombie Gargantuar & Imp

Zombie Gargantuar & Imp

The Gargantuar zombie and the Imp are the typical dynamic duo, the Gargantuar zombie is very strong but gives slow hits, and it also has little mobility. When he dies, he releases his imp. The Imp hits very fast, runs fast, but has very little health.


Welcome Screen: Screenshot

When you start a world, Crazy Dave will welcome you and gift you a shop. With that store, you can exchange rotten meat for useful objects such as suns or lawn mowers, as well as buy plants.

Store Recipe

Store Recipe


If you are crouched and using your cell phone, various functions will be displayed.

Store: Screenshot 1

If you are not crouched, your current seeds will be shown.

Store: Screenshot 2

The store is the most important tool for your stay in this world of plants vs. zombies. It is very easy to do, and in it you will be able to sell zombie meat in exchange for suns. In addition, in it will be all the seeds of the plants as well as the lawn mowers.

Lawn Mower

Lawn Mower

The last line of defense for every home. When a hostile mob gets too close, the mower powers up and moves forward, killing any mob in front of it. It costs 12 suns and can only be used once.

All Items


You don't have seeds available? Use the shotgun! It is short range and will help you get rid of the closest zombies. You must have the ammunition in your left hand.

It is forbidden to redistribute, edit the files or steal the codes of this addon. If you make a review, please give credits. Apps in the Play Store and other pages are illegal, please don't support them. ModBay and MCPEDL are the only official sites.

This addon was uploaded to ModBay and MCPEDL, it is not associated with any application, such as mods for Minecraft Bedrock, or platforms other than ModBay and MCPEDL.

All the entities and objects in this addon are based on the characters from the video game series: Plants vs Zombies.

Updated on January 22

  • Compatible with Minecraft 1.21.51+
  • Better animations
  • Gun now has more damage
  • Cabbage pult was added
  • Kernel pult was added
  • Fire peashooter was added
  • Tangle kelp was added
  • Better projectiles damage calculator
  • Better plant system
  • Torchwood lag was fixed
  • Better lawn mower behavior
  • Better plant placing filters
  • Vanilla Repeater bug was fixed
  • Zombie imp despawn method was fixed
  • Zombies spawn rules were fixed
  • More optimization
  • Minor bugs were fixed
Changelog for August 31 / Old Update
  • Compatible with Minecraft 1.21.22+
  • Better animations
  • Gun now has more cadence
  • Zombies has new loots
  • Zombie imp spawn was fixed
  • New bullet texture
  • New equippables
  • Plants live longer
  • Chomper is fixed
  • Plants automatically center when placed
  • More optimization
  • Minor bugs were fixed
Changelog for July 24 / Old Update
  • Compatible with Minecraft 1.21.2+
  • Better animations
  • More optimization
  • Minor bugs were fixed
Changelog for May 06 / Old Update
  • Compatible with Minecraft 1.20.80+
  • More optimization
  • Minor bugs were fixed
Changelog for February 15 / Old Update
  • Compatible with Minecraft 1.20.60
  • Now you don't lose suns
  • Some particles and sounds were fixed
  • More optimization
  • Minor bugs fixed
Changelog for February 03 / Old Update
  • Compatible with Minecraft 1.20.50+
  • Removed particles were fixed
  • Better store buttons
  • More optimization
  • Minor bugs fixed
Changelog for November 21 / Old Update
  • Compatible with Minecraft 1.20.41+
  • Shooter plants were fixed
  • More optimization
  • Minor bugs fixed
Changelog for November 12 / Old Update
  • Compatible with Minecraft 1.20.40+
  • The suns' despawn time was increased
  • Script weight reduced
  • Torchwood fire was optimized
  • Fixed the death screen in english
  • More texts added to the store
  • More optimization
  • Minor bugs fixed
Changelog for August 23 / Old Update
  • Compatible with Minecraft 1.20.10+
  • New welcome screen
  • New store screen
  • Better sun UI
  • The store design was changed to a cellphone
  • Jalapeno was added
  • Squash was added
  • Torchwood was added
  • Hypno shroom was added
  • Zombie all star was added
  • Zombie gargantuar was added
  • Imp was added
  • Better optimization
  • More balance
  • Store recipe was changed
  • Minor bugs fixed
Changelog for February 09 / Old Update
  • Welcome screen was added
  • Repeater was added
  • Sun shroom was added
  • Puff shroom was added
  • Fume shroom was added
  • Scaredy shroom was added
  • Nespaper Zombie was added
  • Screen door Zombie was added
  • Suns are now scores
  • Store Now needs API beta
  • Better optimization
  • More balance
  • Store recipe was changed
  • Minor bugs fixed
Download links
Supported versions
1.21.50 1.21.0
3 590
1 comment
  1. No avatar image WABBY WABBO Guest