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[1.3.0] Better Ores

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Hello! I present Better Ores, an ores addon for your Minecraft Bedrock! In this addon you will find armor, tools, swords and much more!


This addon is a port of a Java mod, all rights reserved to the creator, those of us who worked on this project were 3: Chinolol, Jeroo, The Observer.


Permission from Chinolol

Discord Server: Argus Studios.

Java Link: Better Metals.

Don't forget to activate experimental options.


Let's start by explaining each mineral of the addon.


Better Ores now have compatibility with trims! (only vanilla armor models)

Armor Trims on Copper Armor

Armor Trims on Prismarite Armor

Armor Trims on Sapphire Armor

[spoiler=3x3 Hammers]

3x3 Hammers

Hammers for: Ruby, Topaz, Sapphire, Steel, Silver, Rose Gold, White Gold, Green Gold and Platinum.

Code by: Gravel's Hammers

3x3 Hammers


[spoiler=Platinum and Star Platinum]

Platinum and Star Platinum

The Platinum is obtained naturally in the overworld, and to make the Star Platinum you will need to combine a platinum ingot with a Nether Star to get the best armor in the game.

When wearing the Star Platinum armor, you will receive strength 2 and resistance 2.

Platinum and Star Platinum


[spoiler=Bronze, Tin and Steel]

Bronze and Tin

Tin is a very common metal, and it is used to make bronze.

Bronze is crafted with copper and tin at the crafting table!

  • Damage: 6 > 2
  • Durability: 457

Bronze and Tin


The Steel is better than iron armor, but it gives you slowness, it is crafted with steel Ingots, which in turn are obtained by crafting raw steel.

  • Durability: 400



[spoiler=Amethyst, Sapphire, Ruby, Topaz, Onyx and Dalcitum]


Can only be found in snowy tundras, the block can give you strength if you stand on it. Also, it can be used to make diamond armor tougher and the tools deal more damage.

  • Damage: 8 > 4
  • Durability: 1200



Ruby is the counterpart of sapphire and has the same damage and durability.



Can only be found in forests, the block can give you resistance if you stand on it, like amethyst it can be used to make diamond armor more resistant to damage and the tools more durable.

  • Damage: 8 > 4
  • Durability: 840



Onyx is the counterpart of topaz, and has the same damage and durability.



Dalcitum spawns in the end and has the same values as diamond, but armor made from it also gives you strength 1.



[spoiler=Rose Gold, White Gold and Green Gold (Reworked in 1.2.1!)]

Rose Gold

Rose Gold, this can be crafted with gold and copper, with these ingots you can upgrade your gold gear, giving it the durability of iron, it can also be used to craft rose gold apples which can give you haste and speed for mining.

  • Damage: 7 > 3
  • Durability: 350

Roze Gold

White Gold

It is used to upgrade gold, it is a straight upgrade to it, it is kind of like iron, can be crafted with raw gold and quartz.

  • Damage: 7 > 3
  • Durability: 950

Now when wearing this armor you can push enemies with your horns!

White Gold

Green Gold

Is crafted with gold and silver, it can also rarely spawn as an ore in mesa biomes, is weak, but it packs a punch, you can craft green gold apples, if you are about to fight someone.

  • Damage: 6 > 2
  • Durability: 300

Now when wearing this armor you can push enemies with your horns!

Green Gold




Silver, an uncommon metal only found in biomes that are warm, and it can also be found in the nether, where is more common than in the overworld, only spawns in basalt deltas.



[spoiler=Titanium and Durasteel (NEW!)]


Titanium is found in the Nether and has the same damage as Iron. Also, it's used to craft Durasteel Armor.

  • Durability: 250



Better than Iron.

  • Durability: 2250




New Apples that will give you unique effects.

List of Apples

[spoiler=Apple Effects:]

  • Copper Apple: Absorption II (0:50)
  • Diamond Apple: Regeneration I (1:00); Strength II (1:00); Health Boost II (1:00); Absorption II (2:00)
  • Emerald Apple: Regeneration II (0:40); Hero of the Village III (1:00); Absorption II (2:00)
  • Lapis Apple: Regeneration III (0:55); Strength III (0:50); Conduit Power II (1:00); Absorption II (2:30)
  • Netherite Apple: Regeneration III (1:10); Strength II (1:10); Fire Resistance I (2:30); Health Boost III (2:30); Absorption III (2:30)
  • Onyx Apple: Regeneration I (0:45); Absorption I (1:10)
  • Quartz Apple: Regeneration II (0:15); Strength II (1:10); Fire Resistance I (1:40); Health Boost II (0:50)
  • Rose Gold Apple: Regeneration I (0:15); Absorption I (0:50)
  • Ruby Apple: Regeneration III (0:35); Strength II (2:00)
  • Sapphire Apple: Regeneration II (0:25); Water Breathing I (1:10); Absorption II (1:20)
  • Steel Apple: Strength II (1:10); Resistance III (1:10); Fire Resistance I (0:50); Absorption I (1:10)
  • Topaz Apple: Regeneration I (0:15); Haste II (1:20)



[spoiler=Artifacts (NEW Golden Foot!)]

Golden Foot

When you have it in your inventory, it will give you jump boost and speed 2.

Golden Foot

Magic Star

Gives haste and strength when used.

Magic Star

Silver Mirror

Gives invisibility when used.

Silver Mirror


The following rings have been added to the game:

  • Diamond Ring
  • Emerald Ring
  • Flourite Ring
  • Ruby Ring
  • Sapphire Ring
  • Topaz Ring

List of Rings

New rings that will provide you with unique effects! They can give you the effects when you have them in your inventory.

Ring Effects

To get these rings, the following crafting recipes will help you:

Craft recipe for Stone Hammer

Craft recipe for Gold Plate

Craft recipe for Gold Ring

Craft recipes for Rings

Turkey Feather

Drops from Turkey and gives slow falling when used.


[spoiler=Prismarite, Diamond Emerald, Golden Amethyst and King Villager (1.2.1)]


Gives you Water Breathing, and has the same durability and protection as netherite armor.


Craft Recipe of Prismarite

Diamond Emerald

Gives you Village Hero and Haste, and has the same durability as diamond armor.

Can be traded with the King Villager.

Diamond Emerald

Trade for Diamond Emerald

King Villager

Golden Amethyst

Better that Amethyst. Also, when wearing this armor you can push enemies with your horns!

Golden Amethyst


Updated on December 22

  • The crafting of some apples was changed, and in any case, the steel and quartz apples were nerfed
  • Ring crafting will no longer require gold nuggets and will now require gold blocks
  • A candy armor is added to commemorate Christmas, this can be crafted with wood and is simply decorative

Candy Armor

  • Removed armor particles due to lag on low-end devices
  • Obsidian armor was nerfed and now protects between iron and diamond armor (durability increased from 800-900 to 300-400)
  • Fixed the generation of dalcitum (ficticie ore) in the end, before, they did not appear, but now they do
  • Translation solutions for some items and solutions to incorrect textures in others

[spoiler=Changelog for October 26 / Old Update]

  • Added compatibility with 1.20 armor trims!


[spoiler=Changelog for September 29 / Old Update]

  • Updated to 1.20.30
  • New 3x3 Hammers
  • Ores now are generated correctly!


[spoiler=Changelog for August 04 / Old Update]


  • Golden Foot
  • Wither Bone
  • King Villager
  • Diamond Emerald
  • Golden Amethyst


  • Emerald
  • White Gold
  • Green Gold


[spoiler=Changelog for July 31 / Old Update]

  • Added Titanium
  • Added Durasteel
  • Added new artifacts
  • Added Turkey mod
  • Added Turkey Feather
  • Links Fixed


[spoiler=Changelog for December 08/ Old Update]

  • Added Ore Apples!
  • Added Ore Backpacks!
  • Fixed the texture bug of the Star Platinum Armor and Bronze Armor
  • Changed links


[spoiler=Changelog for November 26 / Old Update]

  • Added Rings!
    • With unique effects, unique crafting too
    • New Gold Plate


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Supported versions
3 781
  1. Why don't I have backpacks?
  2. Tรก faltando os itens de star platinum, como ingot, barra de minรฉrio e ferramentas de trabalho. Tirando isso, o addon estรก muito bom.