Abandoned & Ruin Structures (v1.10.50)

Abandoned & Ruin Structures is an add-on that generates new structures such as an abandoned dungeon and ruin houses.
Add-on Videos
Abandoned & Ruin Structures (v1.10.20) - New Structures:
Abandoned & Ruin Structures (v1.10) - New Structures:
New Structures Underground - Abandoned & Ruin Structures (v1.5):
Abandoned & Ruin Structures is an add-on that generates new structures such as an abandoned dungeon and ruin houses. Structures generate in their specific biome, and each structure has a different distribution. Small structures had a higher chance to spawn, and large structures had a lower chance to spawn. Not all structures can be found on the surface; some can be generated on the ocean floor or underground. Most of the structures had different varieties, and some structures had a hidden mob spawner, loot chest, and ore.
Version: 1.10.50
- Updated for compatibility with Minecraft version 1.21.51.
- Ocean ship generation rates has decreased.
- Revamped the structure design of all of the abandoned houses, and they all now always spawn a zombie villager inside.
Abandoned Houses
Small Ruins
Small Wooden Structures
Wooden Watchtowers
Wooden Benches
Wooden Posts
Wooden Lantern Posts
Wooden Banner Posts
Wooden Campfires
Giant Fallen Logs
Known Issues/Bugs
- The structures may have broken or missing parts when they are generated in the world.
- Also, some structures end up colliding with other structures when they are generated in the world.
- Subscribe to my YouTube channel:
https://www.youtube.com/@nicothekid8316 - Donation to keep me working on my add-ons:
https://ko-fi.com/dangelarts - Discord server for all my add-ons:
https://discord.com/invite/5RfKGtQA3S - Follow me on Twitter:
Add-Ons Notes:
- Add-ons may only be compatible with Minecraft version 1.21.50 or higher.
- This add-on is NOT using a 'player.json' file.
- This add-on is mostly compatible with other add-ons.
- Add-on will work on the realm or server; just make sure you install the correct file and enable the experimental gameplay options correctly.
- Add-on is not tested yet on the beta and preview versions of Minecraft, so expect some bugs if you are using those versions.
- Remove the old packs before installing the new version of the packs.
- If you make a review, gameplay, or showcase about the add-ons, please don't forget to give credit or put the original link (this ModBay page).
- Do not provide the direct link (mediafire) or any other download link that I didn't provide.
Download Guide
- Click the download option below 'Abandoned & Ruin Structures (v1.10.50) [Behavior]'. It will lead you to the Boostellar site.
- On the Boostellar site, find and click 'Click on Ad'.
- An ad article will pop up. After 15 seconds, just go back or close the ad page.
- On the Boostellar site again, find and click 'Unlock Content'. This will take you to the Mediafire site.
- On Mediafire, click the download button to download the file.
- Toggle OFF the creator setting options, this may prevent some lag in your gameplay and also keep the error logs from popping up.
- Make sure that you download and install both the behavior and resource packs of the add-on.
- This add-on doesn't need any experimental options to toggle on.
- Download both the 'Behavior Pack [BP]' and the 'Resource Pack [RP]'.
- Use the 'Server Pack' just in case the 'BP' or 'RP' don't work on servers or realms.