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Starship Troopers Addon

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Also, the mobs are not animated but here's the list of them:

Warrior Bug:

The warrior bug is the main bug in this mod but this bug has a cooldown, gets stunned by a shield for 5 seconds and attacks in hordes.

Worker Bug:

The worker bug is a fast and weak arachnid but it can disable shields and it attacks in hordes with little info.

Drone Bug:

The drone is a small, fast, weak arachnid but it's very annoying. It can disable shields also.

Starship Troopers Model 1

Starship Troopers Model 2

Starship Troopers Model 3

Starship Troopers Animation

Download links
Warrior Bug
Worker Bug
Drone Bug
Supported versions
1.21.50 1.21.40 1.21.30 1.21.20
  1. bitcode profile avatar bitcode
    i liked that film actually

    also i can remodel and retexture if u want
    1. Balloony addons profile avatar Balloony addons Author
      btw if you don't know I'm a big fan of it
    2. Balloony addons profile avatar Balloony addons Author
      Also ok