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Gapple Cows Add-on (Golden Apple Cows)

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This add-on introduces new Apple, Golden Apple and Enchanted Golden Apple cows. You can also craft new foods and try new golden and enchanted milks to improve your gaming experience!!!


Apple Cows:

Spawn naturally in the world and in the Mushroom Island.

  • Loot: Apple and Loot Normal Cow
  • Requires: Wheat

Apple Cow

Golden Apple Cows:

Spawn naturally in the world and in the Mushroom Island.

  • Loot: Golden Apple and Loot Normal Cow
  • Requires: Golden Wheat

Golden Apple Cow

Enchanted Golden Apple Cows:

Spawn Only naturally in the Mushroom Island.

  • Loot: Enchanted Golden Apple and Loot Normal Cow
  • Requires: Enchanted Golden Wheat

Enchanted Golden Apple Cow

Totemificied Cows:

Spawn Only naturally in the Dark Oak Forest And Roofed Forest.

  • Loot: Totem of Undying and Loot Normal Cow
  • Requires: Golden Wheat

Totemificied Cow


List of Items in the Gapple Cows Addon

Items Recipes:

Golden Wheat

Used to reproduce Golden Apple Cows and Totemificied Cows.

Golden Wheat Recipe

Enchanted Golden Wheat

Used to reproduce Enchanted Golden Apple Cows.

Enchanted Golden Wheat Recipe

New Breads:

The new breads are similar to apples only with different durations of effects

  • Golden Bread
    • Gives you Regeneration and Absorption
    • Recover 3 food points

Golden Bread Recipe

  • Enchanted Golden Bread
    • Gives you Regeneration, Absorption, Resistance and Fire Resistance
    • Recover 3 food points

Enchanted Golden Bread Recipe

New Milk Buckets:

It is better than milk since it removes only all the negative effects that the player has.

  • Golden Milk Bucket
    • Obtainable through the Golden Apple Cow and Totemificied Cow
    • Gives you Absorption
  • Enchanted Golden Milk Bucket
    • Obtainable through the Enchanted Golden Apple Cow
    • Gives you Regeneration and Absorption

New Apple Stews:

They are obtained by clicking with a bowl in hand (the stew depends on the type of cow)

  • Apple Stew
    • Obtainable through the Apple Cow
    • Recover 2 food points
  • Golden Apple Stew
    • Obtainable through the Golden Apple Cow
    • Recover 2 food points
    • Gives you Regeneration (equivalent to 3 hearts)
  • Enchanted Golden Apple Stew
    • Obtainable through the Enchanted Golden Apple Cow
    • Recover 2 food points
    • Gives you Regeneration (equivalent to 7 hearts)

Milk Buckets and Stews of Different Cows

Mushroom Mechanic:

  • With scissors, you can remove the apples without the need to kill them (this works with all apple cows)
  • Loot: Kills the apple cow and gives one or two apples
  • Shears: Gives three or four apples (the apple cows convert into cow normal)

Removing Apples from the Cow

This addon is translated into all languages ​​available in the game!

  1. "English (US) & English (UK)"
  2. "Deutsch (Deutschland)",
  3. "Español (España) & Español (México)",
  4. "Français (France) & Français (Canada)",
  5. "Italiano (Italia)",
  6. "日本語 (日本)",
  7. "한국어 (대한민국)",
  8. "Português (Brasil) & Português (Portugal)",
  9. "Русский (Россия)",
  10. "简体中文 (中国)",
  11. "繁體中文 (台灣)",
  12. "Nederlands (Nederland)",
  13. "Български (BG)",
  14. "Čeština (Česká republika)",
  15. "Dansk (DA)",
  16. "Ελληνικά (Ελλάδα)",
  17. "Suomi (Suomi)",
  18. "Magyar (HU)",
  19. "Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesia)",
  20. "Norsk bokmål (Norge)",
  21. "Polski (PL)",
  22. "Slovensky (SK)",
  23. "Svenska (Sverige)",
  24. "Türkçe (Türkiye)",
  25. "Українська (Україна)"
Download links
Download Texture Pack [MCPACK]
Download Behavior Pack [MCPACK]
Supported versions
1.20.40 1.20.30 1.20.10 1.20.0 1.19.80 1.19.70 1.19.60 1.19.50 1.19.40 1.19.30 1.19.20 1.19.10 1.19.0 1.18.31 1.18.30 1.18.12 1.18.10 1.18.2 1.18.1 1.18.0 1.17.41 1.17.40 1.17.34 1.17.32 1.17.30 1.17.11 1.17.10 1.17.2 1.17.0 1.16
1 079
  1. I like this, but one thing that could be changed is making the apples on the cows a 3x3/4x4 cube instead of multiple cubes, and maybe make the stems a flat cube? but i do like the textures the cows have
    1. ZyprehX profile avatar ZyprehX Author
      It would be fine, although I would think more about adding 3d apple cubes to the game for later.
      It's done like this so it doesn't look so different from the original game