Gapple Cows Add-on (Golden Apple Cows)

This add-on introduces new Apple, Golden Apple and Enchanted Golden Apple cows. You can also craft new foods and try new golden and enchanted milks to improve your gaming experience!!!
Apple Cows:
Spawn naturally in the world and in the Mushroom Island.
- Loot: Apple and Loot Normal Cow
- Requires: Wheat
Golden Apple Cows:
Spawn naturally in the world and in the Mushroom Island.
- Loot: Golden Apple and Loot Normal Cow
- Requires: Golden Wheat
Enchanted Golden Apple Cows:
Spawn Only naturally in the Mushroom Island.
- Loot: Enchanted Golden Apple and Loot Normal Cow
- Requires: Enchanted Golden Wheat
Totemificied Cows:
Spawn Only naturally in the Dark Oak Forest And Roofed Forest.
- Loot: Totem of Undying and Loot Normal Cow
- Requires: Golden Wheat
Items Recipes:
Golden Wheat
Used to reproduce Golden Apple Cows and Totemificied Cows.
Enchanted Golden Wheat
Used to reproduce Enchanted Golden Apple Cows.
New Breads:
The new breads are similar to apples only with different durations of effects
- Golden Bread
- Gives you Regeneration and Absorption
- Recover 3 food points
- Enchanted Golden Bread
- Gives you Regeneration, Absorption, Resistance and Fire Resistance
- Recover 3 food points
New Milk Buckets:
It is better than milk since it removes only all the negative effects that the player has.
- Golden Milk Bucket
- Obtainable through the Golden Apple Cow and Totemificied Cow
- Gives you Absorption
- Enchanted Golden Milk Bucket
- Obtainable through the Enchanted Golden Apple Cow
- Gives you Regeneration and Absorption
New Apple Stews:
They are obtained by clicking with a bowl in hand (the stew depends on the type of cow)
- Apple Stew
- Obtainable through the Apple Cow
- Recover 2 food points
- Golden Apple Stew
- Obtainable through the Golden Apple Cow
- Recover 2 food points
- Gives you Regeneration (equivalent to 3 hearts)
- Enchanted Golden Apple Stew
- Obtainable through the Enchanted Golden Apple Cow
- Recover 2 food points
- Gives you Regeneration (equivalent to 7 hearts)
Mushroom Mechanic:
- With scissors, you can remove the apples without the need to kill them (this works with all apple cows)
- Loot: Kills the apple cow and gives one or two apples
- Shears: Gives three or four apples (the apple cows convert into cow normal)
This addon is translated into all languages available in the game!
- "English (US) & English (UK)"
- "Deutsch (Deutschland)",
- "Español (España) & Español (México)",
- "Français (France) & Français (Canada)",
- "Italiano (Italia)",
- "日本語 (日本)",
- "한국어 (대한민국)",
- "Português (Brasil) & Português (Portugal)",
- "Русский (Россия)",
- "简体中文 (中国)",
- "繁體中文 (台灣)",
- "Nederlands (Nederland)",
- "Български (BG)",
- "Čeština (Česká republika)",
- "Dansk (DA)",
- "Ελληνικά (Ελλάδα)",
- "Suomi (Suomi)",
- "Magyar (HU)",
- "Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesia)",
- "Norsk bokmål (Norge)",
- "Polski (PL)",
- "Slovensky (SK)",
- "Svenska (Sverige)",
- "Türkçe (Türkiye)",
- "Українська (Україна)"