Ranks with Permissions and Customization Options (Script) (1.21.60) v0.0.4

Create and manage ranks with ease using this script! Assign permissions like Can Build, Can Break, Can Interact, Can Chat, Device Information, and Can Spam. Customize each like you want it.
Turn on the Beta APIs Feature:
Join Message & Owner Permission:
Rank Menu:
Add Rank:
Player Ranks: (add players a rank)
Change Rank: (customize the rank)
Custom Glyphs: (Unicodes, Smiley)
Here is a Tutorial how to edit and add Unicodes: (Glyphs, Emojis)
Rank Colors and Customisations:
These are all Colors the Script can use:
Rank Color:
Rank Outlines:
[Rank] (Rank) -Rank- {Rank} $Rank$ /Rank/ <Rank> Rank
Name Color:
Message Color:
Permissions for the Rank:
Device Info: (Nametag)
Updated on March 11
- General bug fixes to improve stability and performance.
- Updated to support Minecraft 1.21.60.
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed generally problems with chat bugs.
- Added new permission to player ranks.
- World owner & rank permission menu - true or false.
- Added other permissions to general rank change.
- Can creative & can spectator.