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The Zombie Hordes

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The Zombies Hordes is an add-on that introduces large zombie hordes, increasing the difficulty of your world. (This add-on is also customizable.)

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The Zombie Hordes is an add-on aimed at increasing game difficulty by adding large zombie hordes, giving your world a more post-apocalyptic feel.

This add-on is designed to be easily customizable, allowing you to adjust the difficulty of the hordes to your preference.


  • The Zombie Hordes is compatible with any Minecraft Bedrock add-on.
  • Easily configurable from the add-on files.
  • No resource pack installation is required to function.
  • Increases the difficulty of your worlds.
  • You can choose to play with enhanced zombies or vanilla zombies.
  • And many other features!

Default Configuration

Zombies will start to appear every 12 minutes after 5 days have passed in Minecraft. Each horde will consist of a total of 35 zombies. (Players in Creative Mode won't be affected by the hordes).


To configure the add-on, the first thing you need to do is locate the configuration file in the Scripts folder. Once you've found it, open it to start customizing.

Config File

  • Location: scripts/hordeConfig.js


The Zombie Hordes: Screenshot 1

The Zombie Hordes: Screenshot 2

Experimental Options

Currently, the add-on does not require any experimental options.

Download links
The Zombie Hordes 1.0.1.mcpack
Supported versions
  1. how do we change the difficulty or the addon settings
  2. No avatar image Aaa Guest
    You should make it a ominous bottle event or something like that.