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Bedrocktimize (Quick & Organized Settings + FPS Options)

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Bedrocktimize is a really useful resource pack that adds and allows you to access many settings that are organized in their respective settings panels. Bedrocktimize changes the settings interface and start screen interface while keeping minecraft's vanilla style.

Creator Information

Bedrocktimize Twitter โ€ข Creator Twitter โ€ข YouTube โ€ข Discord โ€ข ModBay Creations

A Letter To Content Creators And Youtubers:


You may review my pack IF you follow these steps:

  • โžค Include the MCPEDL/ModBay link in the description (NO MEDIAFIRE)
  • โžค Leave credits to my Twitter or YouTube channel (found above)

***If you break these basic rules, I will file a copyright complaint***

Addon Creators:

  • โžค Please do not reupload any packs or worlds with Bedrocktimize files. If you use any of my files, it takes away from MY pack that I worked hard on making.


Organized Settings โ€ข FPS Booster โ€ข Unlocked Options

Bedrocktimize focuses on the organization of settings and many qualities of life changes while also focusing on boosting player's performance. Some of these changes include 3 new setting panels, revamped start screen, quick toggles, clear water, lower mipmap levels, and much more I'll get to down below. Bedrocktimize is NOT made by optifine or linked to it. Bedrocktimize CAN however help you in some severe cases of lag/FPS issues.

Changes to Settings:

Changes to settings include the Player, Graphics, and Advanced Videos panels. The 5 new panels take the current video panel and divides them so certain options can be found quicker. I've also added options that can not be found in the current game, like VSync and the beta text toggle. (VSync is used to not limit your FPS to 60).

Player section settings in Bedrocktimize addon

Graphics section settings in Bedrocktimize addon

Advanced Settings section in Bedrocktimize addon

Bedrocktimize Info section

Quick Toggles:

Quick toggles are any mobile or controller player's best friends. While it isn't possible to place these UI elements on the HUD screen yet, they are at the top left of the settings screen and are easier to access. The top row of buttons allow mobile users to quickly switch between first and third person without the dropdown and scrolling getting in the way.

Quick Toggle buttons

Quality Of Life Changes:

The quality of life changes include:

  • โžค Clear water view distance
  • โžค Shorter "tall" flowers (sunflowers, roses, tall grass, etc)
  • โžค 5 sided dirt (grass) path blocks
  • โžค Live Clock compass, and recovery compass in the inventory screen
  • โžค Start screen revamp
  • โžค Chest Screen addons
  • โžค Armor and offhand slots on inventory hotbar
  • โžค Transparent spyglass
  • โžค Transparent pumpkin
  • โžค Drop Item Slots
  • โžค (And many small details)

Main game screen with Bedrocktimize addon

Clearer spyglass and pumpkin overlay

Player inventory with addon (screenshot 1)

Player inventory with addon (screenshot 2)

Player inventory with addon (screenshot 3)

Chest inventory with addon

Clear water with addon

Shorter tall flowers

Plus Packs:

Currently, there is only one "Plus Pack" for bedrocktimize. To apply Bedrocktimize "Plus Packs" you need to have these listed above all your other packs as shown below. A game restart is required after adjusting the subpack options.

Bedrocktimize Plus Pack

Advanced Render Distance:

This plus pack can be downloaded below. You can now set your advanced render distance with subpacks to be 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 chunks. Your default render distance (the one found in settings) will need to be at 6 chunks. This option is mainly for severe cases of lag. Entities and blocks apparently do not render behind fog, which gives a pretty significant FPS boost. This is a plus pack, so it can remain optional. (1 chunk is the default, slide the slider left to any desired number 1-5)

Render distance with Bedrocktimize pack

One chunk distance

(The image above is showcasing one chunk)


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Supported versions
1.19.0 1.18.30 1.18.10 1.18.0 1.17.40 1.17.30 1.17.10 1.17.0 1.16
1 319