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Raiyon's Tree Chop-Capitator

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Tired of spending too much time felling trees? If so, this addon is for you, adding a fast and dynamic tree felling mechanic.

Add-on Overview

  • Non Experimental Addon.


Logs previously placed in the world will have tree-felling mechanics when broken. (Don't sneak to break them as normal).
Sneak/crouch while breaking logs to chop trees.

Tree Capitator: Showcase 1

Tree Capitator: Showcase 2

This addon adds a mechanism where, when you chop the base or bottom of a tree while sneaking/crouching, the entire logs above it will fall down.

Tree Capitator: Showcase 3

As you chop the lower part of the tree, it will get thinner until it breaks.

Pale Wood Compatible | New!

Pale Wood: Screenshot

Nether Wood Compatible

Nether Tree: Showcase

Big Tree: Showcase

Works with any type of tree, but the bigger the tree, the longer it takes to chop it down. For example, a jungle tree.


Logs previously placed in the world will have tree-felling mechanics when broken. (Don't sneak to break them as normal).
Sneak/crouch while breaking logs to chop trees.


Only works with trees generated naturally or by saplings placed by the player.

Updated on February 02

  • It has been modified that in order for the whole tree to fall down you will have to sneak once and break the log, and not sneak until it breaks completely.
Changelog for December 12 / Old Update
  • Pale garden logs added.
Changelog for November 30 / Old Update
  • Fixed bugs where stripped logs couldn't be mined properly.
  • To use the add-on's functionality, you need to sneak. For some reason, this had stopped working.
Changelog for August 23 / Old Update
  • Fixed not being able to destroy logs with the hand.
Changelog for August 10 / Old Update
  • Efficiency enchantment now works with thin logs.
Changelog for August 08 / Old Update
  • Hotfixed logs, they couldn't be mined with the hand.
Changelog for July 28 / Old Update
  • Nether wood works with the addon.
  • More sound effects.
  • Fixed axes not taking durability when digging wood.
Download links
TreeChop V1.7 Resource Pack.mcpack
TreeChop V1.8 Behavior Pack.mcpack
Supported versions
1.21.50 1.21.40 1.21.30
90 135
21 comment
  1. No avatar image AkuOrengpintar Guest
    Gg modnya
  2. No avatar image Orang gabut Guest
    Mantap bang
  3. No avatar image Qril Guest
    Mantap kin
  4. No avatar image Guest satria Guest
    Mantab kontol
  5. No avatar image Guest satria Guest
  6. No avatar image Parel Guest
  7. No avatar image Juna Guest
    Mana add on nya
  8. No avatar image 78965 Guest
  9. No avatar image Juna Guest
  10. No avatar image Patatata Guest
    gg bggg
  11. Finally I found the mod
  12. No avatar image zikry Guest
    Gg bg
  13. No avatar image indonesia Guest
    For java?
  14. No avatar image camsebero Guest
    Ami parece que no me funciona
  15. No avatar image anormalplayer123 Guest
    The texture are bugged dude
    1. No avatar image anormalplayer123 Guest
      here the image

    2. No avatar image a Guest
      you need download the rs pack