Craftkai: Book I, Chapter I [FANMADE]
![Thumbnail: Craftkai: Book I, Chapter I [FANMADE]](/uploads/posts/2023-02/craftkai-addon-main-cover.jpg)
Like The Mimic? Like Minecraft?? Oh boy. I got something for you. This addon adds the monsters and their respective lanterns from the Roblox horror game The Mimic into Minecraft. This is a fan made project and in no way involved with the actual game.
uh. Actual mimic developers. If you’re seeing this and you don’t want me doing this let me know and this addon is getting thrown away. (and if you do gimme a shoutout? nah jk….. unless-) Sorry In advance for the yelling in each section. It makes it easier to organize when it’s angry and bold.
This addon includes loud noises and jumpscares.
Table of Contents
- Creator: ItsDarkwolf6
Permission for ModBay:
Required experimental options:
Credits & Appreciations:
- Big thanks to @Splex64942199 on twitter for the help! They helped me come up with the weapons idea and flesh out certain monsters!
- Huge Thanks to The Mimic. They 100% don't know I exist but if I wasn't obsessed with this game and challenged myself to remake the monster my models would of NEVER gotten to this level so far.
- HUGE thanks to AdamTaylorGaming for modeling Sama! he carried the first chapter of this addon!
- All sounds for Chapter I content was grabbed from The Mimic Wiki.
- Sama is hot
Basic Information
Ha ha! Hello! Before we dive in I’m required to give basic pointers for the addon so that you know what’s going on.
- Each monster behaves basically the same, but a very few of them will have differences. If they do, it will be specified in their section.
- Unless specified, each monster will just chill and walk around until they spot a player. When they spot a player they will start chasing the player. When caught, a jumpscare will play.
- Monsters cannot be killed.
- They do not spawn naturally and have to be spawned through commands or the creative inventory.
With that being said, here is the addon.
Craftkai: Chapter I
If you enjoyed the trailer or my content in general, feel free to subscribe! Join me on my journey to get on the Minecraft Marketplace!
I release my addons early on my YouTube channel for a first come first serve kind of thing so if you like my stuff feel free to tag along.
Welcome to Chapter I of Craftkai! This chapter focuses on recreating all of the monsters of Book I, Chapter I of the mimic. This chapter focuses on slowly getting the player involved into the story. and with that, here are the characters:
Sama is the main antagonist of book I, the world eater of Control. She is a tall woman in black clothing and very sharp claws. And other things which I forgot here.
Sama is the fastest monster of the chapter one monsters. if she chases you, it’s over. Egen jumpscared, she picks you up and slashes you.
Modeled by: AdamTaylorGaming
Hiachi is a little girl in all white clothing. the little girl that freed Sama from her seal. When released, she turned her into her puppet.
Hoachi has moderate chase speed, you can only get jumpscared when not careful. When jumpscared, she… chokes you? Idk.
Modeled by: ItsDarkwolf6
Biwaki is a little girl dtessed in all white. Her dad got tricked by the witch and got cured along with her father. She carries and plays a biwaki like her dad.
Biwaki has a pretty moderate speed. So be care when around her. When jumpscared, she will bonk you with her biwaki.
Modeled by: ItsDarkwolf6
Shizu is some statue you run into in chapter I.
Shizu acts a small bit different from the other monsters in chapter I. When spawned, she is randomized with random sizes where she will stay still. She has a 0.25% of spawning in a “active form”. When in her active form, she will chase and jumpscare players.
When jumpscared, she screams in your face.
Modeled by: ItsDarkwolf6
Kuriko is the final monster you come across in chapter I. She is a handicapped girl once possessed by Kintoru.
She has moderate speed, so keep an eye out. When jumpscared, she… idk what she does.
Modeled by: ItsDarkwolf6
This update features Shinigami, the star of the limited time Halloween event. As of now, he does not naturally spawn and he can only be spawned by his egg in creative.
This addon comes with a candle that is handy in dark places. It can light up and give off light.
USE the item to turn it on, when the item is switched, it will automatically turn off.
More lanterns will be added in future chapters and updates.
Shinigami Lantern
Acts exactly the same as the normal lantern, but looks nicer.
End of Chapter I
This is all that is here for chapter one so far. This addon will be updated later down the line adding more and more, but I want to take my time not adding too much so that I can add things as cleanly as possible.
If you want more, below are multiple Pre-Releases, and the BETA version of this addon, which has LOADS of other monsters to play around with which will be ported to the main pack later on. Please keep in mind that these monsters are pretty old and are pretty buggy.
Also its my older work so the quality is awful.
Path AI Instructions
Don’t want monsters to randomly walk around? No problem! Most monsters come with path AI built in, but it comes with a bit of setup.
To make a path:
- Run a minecart track under the path where you want this monster to walk.
- Name an Endermite “chaseme“, put it in a minecart, and have it ride the track.
- The monster will then chase the endermite up and down the track. They will immedietly see the endermite under the ground and start chasing it.
- If monsters locks onto the endermite, their chase theme will play if they have one. It is recommended to have the spawn point of your map far from the path. Just in case this happens, I set the chase theme to stop if you are 20 blocks away from them. This was my main concern of making monsters with chase themes attack mobs other than players.
If you would like monsters to move non-stop around your map, there is a command to make them path like crazy.
To ENABLE this feature, use this event with the /event command on the mob you want to move around a lot:
To DISABLE this feature, use THIS event:
Craftkai, Pre Release III: Christmas Trials
If you enjoyed the trailer or my content in general, feel free to subscribe! Join me on my journey to get on the Minecraft Marketplace!
I release my addons early on my YouTube channel for a first come first serve kind of thing so if you like my stuff feel free to tag along.
Welcome to the 3rd pre-release of Craftkai! This update we further polish the way my AI works and their behavior. In this update, we focus on the Christmas spirit and Krampus, the main star of the Christmas Trials.
The star of this Pre-Release stars Krampus, the main character of The Christmas Trials from The Mimic.
You can swap Krampus into his NIGHTMARE variant by using this command:
- /event entity @e[family=krampus] craftkai_beta:nightmaremode_event
You can swap Krampus into his NORMAL variant by using this command:
- /event entity @e[family=krampus] craftkai_beta:normalmode_event
You can ENABLE the ability for players to grab a key off of Krampus with this command:
- /event entity @e[family=krampus] craftkai_beta:keyevent_start
You can DISABLE the ability for players to grab a key off of Krampus with this command:
- /event entity @e[family=krampus] craftkai_beta:keyevent_stop
If you know your way around selector arguments you can pinpoint which Krampus you want to be turned but this is just a quick way of doing so with all of them.
(Krampus in his normal mode & Nightmare Mode states.)
This Pre-Release comes with a new lantern. Like the lantern in Pre-Release II, this lantern has dynamic lighting and does not need to be manually turned on.
If the addon is loaded in any world, the lantern is obtained in the creative inventory. But in the map it is granted to you for completing nightmare mode.
NOTE: The when this lantern is turned off all light blocks around you will be cleared. Please keep this in mind when using this for other maps.
Christmas Trials Map
Like the others, this Pre-Release comes with a map! This map acts like the original map from The Mimic.
You spawn in front of Krampus’ house, you walk in and talk to the elf in the basement. She has you do tasks to help Santa and the elves to save Christmas!
If you have never played the mimic before, here is some gameplay from the original map.
Anything used in this map or its assets, you are ALLOWED TO USE IT IN YOUR MAP. All I ask is that YOU GIVE ME CREDIT.
You may also make videos on my map. Just please credit/tag me so I can get your opinions on what I can do better. I love watching and reading things about my content and improving!
That is all for Pre-Release III.
Craftkai, Pre Release II: Control
Welcome to the second pre-release to Craftkai! In pre releases, we test and add features that give me a safe place to test things without screwing over the main addon. all features and monsters will eventually be ported to the main addon. In this update, we focus on improving monster AI even more. The star of this update is Sama, the main antagonist of book I.
Sama Remodel
This pre-release focuses on Sama. She has a new model, animations, and some new AI to show off. You know what, let’s just list off all of her main features.
- New Remodel
- New Animations / Jumpscare
- Built in path AI capabilities for map makers.
All of these features will be ported to all other monsters in time, but as for now we’re slowly going through things.
New Lantern
This update comes with a new lantern, The Spirit Lantern! fancy, I know. This lantern unlike the others, has dynamic lighting. This lantern does not need to be manually turned on.
NOTE: To be transparent, when the lantern is off all light blocks around you are cleared. If you plan to use this lantern in maps please keep this in mind.
Sama’s Maze Map
IMPORTANT: Make sure that the addon is installed before you join the world. If it is not, Sama will not spawn, neither can you progress in the map.
This pre-release comes with a map! To be specific, the old version of the Chapter II, Part III map. Here you run to a butterfly spirit, grab it, run to the exit door, and escape.
Anything used in this map or its assets, you are ALLOWED TO USE IT IN YOUR MAP. All I ask is that YOU GIVE ME CREDIT.
You may also make videos on my map. Just please credit/tag me so I can get your opinions on what I can do better. I love watching and reading things about my content and improving!
That is all for pre release II.
Craftkai, Pre Release I: Jigoku
Subscribe, you won't.
I wanted some modeling practice and some AI revamps before I started on the main show. So I made this pre release for some fun. no clue how many of these I’m gonna make but this is number one. Onto the update.
This update features Shinigami, the star of the limited time Halloween event. As of now, he does not naturally spawn and he can only be spawned by his egg in creative.
Shinigami Orbs
These orbs again can only be spawned in the creative inventory via eggs or by commands. When interacted with, they will fade out of existence.
Map makers, you might like this one. When interacted with, they add +1 to the “orbcollect” score. If you know your way around scoreboards, you can use this for something.
Shinigami Lantern
This update also comes with a new lantern! It’s no different from any other lantern at the moment. but still looks cool.
I'm not at all good with keeping the addon in the map during release so please bare with me here.
If you plan on playing the map, make sure you install BOTH THE ADDON AND THE WORLD. Once that’s done, MANUALLY INSTALL THE ADDON INTO THE WORLD. If you do not. The in game check WILL NOT ALLOW THE MINIGAME TO START. Onto the details.
This pre release comes with a map! With contains a recreation of The Fallen Kings palace. Run in, start the game. Collect the orbs. Avoid demon daddy. And at the end, get a lantern! this map was made to show off Shinigami‘s mechanics.
Anything used in this map or its assets, you are ALLOWED TO USE IT IN YOUR MAP. All I ask is that YOU GIVE ME CREDIT.
You may also make videos on my map. Just please credit/tag me so I can get your opinions on what I can do better. I love watching and reading things about my content and improving!
That is all for pre release I.
Update v0.3.1b: Book II Hotfix
If you enjoyed the trailer or my content in general, feel free to subscribe! Join me on my journey to get on the Minecraft Marketplace!
I'm gonna start releasing my addons early on my YouTube channel for a first come first serve kind of thing so if you like my stuff feel free to tag along!
Bug fixes brought up by the community, enjoy!
- Craftkai has been updated for 1.19
- Tenome has been renamed to "Kyogi" to match the lore.
- Kyogino longer breaks blocks in his last stand.
- Updated Kyogi's chase animation
- Fixed Tsukiya's Idle animation.
- Mobs now have smoother animation transitions.
- Touched up the monsters' hitboxes.
- Made hyakume bigger.
- Futakuchi-Onna now avoids chains. Hang them up!
- Increased the lighting of the Duality Lantern from 6 to 8
- Lanterns no longer break Grass, Slabs, Doors, etc.
- using the event command, Futakuchi-Onna now has an event that can force her to scream. (craftkai_iii:force_scream)
- using the summon command, Futakuchi-Onna now has an event that disables her screaming when spotting a player (craftkai_iii:disable_scream)
- using the summon command, Futakuchi-Onna now has an event that disables her screaming AND jumpscare (craftkai_iii:disable_scream_and_jumpscare)
- When the player is being chased, speed is now given to the player to simulate the in game FOV effect.
- Monsters speed has been adjusted.
- Hyakume is still a waste of a model.
Update v0.3b: Book II
(Pre Release)
New Monsters
Futakuchi-Onna (Remodeled & Revamped)
Starting with the first monster of the chapter. Futakuchi-Onna is found in the Jealousy Book. (Book II, Chapter I) and is the first monster you run into. She originates from a Japanese urban legend of a woman with two mouths. Rin can be naturally found in forests, plains, and jungles.
She can be killed by feeding her pufferfish or poisonous potato’s directly like you’re taming her. (Like how you poison her in the actual game.) When you successfully tame her, she will die and drop the “Mio Lantern”.
When she spots a player, she also has a 25% chance of doing her little scream.
(PLEASE ignore her tendrils in the last image. These are straight from Blockbench 😭)
I really have to give a description of him. Fine. Next off is Kurobozo. Kurobozo can be naturally found in jungles at night.
They do not have a big purpose in this addon yet. Just another monster to be spooped of.
Tsukiya, one of my favorites. Just like all the other monsters of the addon, (get used to me saying that) she can be found in jungles at night. Later on I want her to do something with candles but I don’t know yet. But she’s here in her amazing glory!
The ship monsters have a slightly different mechanic. Unlike other monsters where they jumpscare you and you die. When they get you, the player in inflicted with slowness and wither, slowly killing you.
If you want to hunt these monsters, bring milk with you.
Hyakume can be naturally found in swamps. Alone. Where he belongs. Separated from the other monsters. Next.
Kishin, like the others, does not have a lot of use yet. He’s just there being cool… and annoying like he normally is. He can be found in jungles as well.
Ok. Kiyoki isn’t here for no reason so listen up.
Kiyoki, a monster who definitely knows more then he’s leading on debuts in this update. He can be naturally found in the jungle.
"Trying to escape little rat?"
Unlike the normal monsters, Tenome can be killed. When killed, he will do a part of his monologue. When he’s done he will start chasing whoever is nearby. When he loses who he’s chasing, he will instantly despawn and nearby players will be rewarded with the Tenome Lantern.
New & Revamped Lanterns
Kiyoki’s Lantern
Kiyoki’s Lantern can be obtained by surviving outrunning Kiyoki in his last stand. At the moment, this is the brightest shining lantern so far at a light level of 12.
- To turn the lantern ON, Crouch and use the item.
- To turn the lantern OFF, Crouch and hit a block.
The light unfortunately WILL stay on when you die or unequip the lantern as of the witch trials update. All lanterns in the world turn off in intervals of 30 seconds. It’s a weird workaround I know but it works.
“My master demands your head”
Mio’s Lantern
When Rin is killed, she will drop her lantern. When the lantern is on the area around you will be lit up and you can walk around. Kind of like a dynamic lighting effect.
- To turn the lantern ON, Crouch and use the item.
- To turn the lantern OFF, Crouch and hit a block.
The light unfortunately WILL stay on when you die or unequip the lantern as of the witch trials update. All lanterns in the world turn off in intervals of 30 seconds. It’s a weird workaround I know but it works.
Update v0.2b: The Witch Trials
"Control was sent to the east, where she was unable to feast. Jealousy was sent to the bottom of the sea, part of a forgotten legacy, Rage was trapped in his strongest cage, seething with wrath and counting her days. Rebirth was forced deep into the earth, endlessly watching the world in reverse. Four shall stand, all shall fall..."
This is the first part of the witch trials update. This adds all of the main stars of the Witch Trials. The Fleshbags, Kazeko, and Hanzu will be added in a future update.
New Monsters
Kintoru / Sama
"For what use is a pawn, if you cannot control it. 制御"
Kintoru, Sama, Mom- uh. Has been added in this update. She is limited to her one for in this update, But when the others are added she will be able to transform into them. for now she can be naturally found in the Forest.
Hiachi has also been added in this update. She can also be naturally found in the Forest. I wish there was more to say... Her hat is nice?
Hiachi and Sama are pretty bare bones at the moment. All of the meat in this update comes from my girl Futaomote. Well, Considering she's a skeleton.. nvm. So let's get to them now.
"I became something much worse"
Futaomote (Both Futao and Mote) have been added. They can be naturally found in the forest wandering around. They are slightly faster than the player which makes getting the lantern slightly harder. Speaking of which, Let's get into that.
Butterfly Spirits
By walking up to either Futao or Mote and interacting with them, you will be given a Butterfly Spirit. When you use a butterfly spirit around the twin you get it from, you will kill that twin and be able to get the lantern.
Light Spirit - Kills Futao.
Corrupted Spirit - Kills Mote.
(They look way better in game)
If you're feeling fancy you can put them in your off hand so you can walk around with a friend!
New Lantern
When you kill either Futao or Mote, They will drop the Duality Lantern. The lantern can be carried around and be turned on then off.
- To turn the lantern ON, Crouch and use the item.
- To turn the lantern OFF, Crouch and hit a block.
The light unfortunately WILL stay on when you die or unequip the lantern as of the witch trials update. All lanterns in the world turn off in intervals of 30 seconds. It’s a weird workaround I know but it works.
Bonus: Weapons
I normally don't like adding fan made content, but someone brought up a fun idea I wanted to play around with. When you kill either Futao or Mote, They will drop their respective weapons. They don't do crazy amounts of damage but they're cool.
Known bugs & Final notes
- When the player dies, the light will stay where the player died. There IS a fix to this but it requires player.json. As of the official release this is still a thing.
- Jumpscare sounds not playing when jumpscared are HIGHLY REDUCED, NOT FIXED.
- Any feedback is VERY welcome. On how I could do things better, tweaks, or changes. Working on this addon was fun and I would love to make this better.
- You are free to review ANY of my addons or use them in your maps / servers. all I ask is that you credit me and let me know you did so that I can see your work for myself and see how well you did.
- Also. DO NOT show off my work as your own. that's just messed up.
- You are also completely allowed to look at and use the code. It's YOUR copy. why would I care? again. just please DO NOT post my work as your own. Mimic devs. if you want this gone, It's gone no questions asked.