IndoArsenal 2.1 Good & Clean Update | 3D Guns Addon

Do you like high-quality military themed addon and have the best attachment features? Yes, we are here for those specifications.
IndoArsenal is an addon with Indonesian national military theme, the weapons in this addon are based on rifles commonly used by Indonesian national army (TNI), yes we introduce rifles made in indonesia in this addon, but rifles like FN Minimi, AK-101, AUG are also included in this addon, This addon has the best low poly model style and pretty good animation.Not only that, this addon also features new NPCs and armor, namely vests and helmets.
Oh yes, one more thing, this addon "has used inventory reloading" you don't need to hold ammo on offhand anymore.
Creator Content Warning: If you want to make a showcase about this addon, include a link on this page, also we strongly request not to use our content in any addon projects, be it models, textures and code.
Required Experiments:
Why should you choose IndoArsenal?
- We have the best low poly model quality!
- Has a complex attachment system! You can make gun customizations
- We have pretty good animations
- All the guns we release are strictly based on research
- And most importantly, Ada Indonesia Coy
โค๏ธ Big Thanks To:
- Matt (Known, one of the developers at molten pixel studio) (Help me to fix dps)
- Mecha (Our Main Modeler)
- DaFu (Our uniform maker)
- Nz (our artist items)
- Electro (our animator)
Known Issues:
- We haven't fixed a bug with the swimming/crawling animation when holding gun (BugsIDAR-0004)
- Some guns are less stable in the animation
- The creative inventory category is missing, this bug can be removed by using this command: /gamerule recipesunlock false or disable Recipe unlocking!
๐ซ List of weapons in this addon:
Assault Rifle
Pindad SS2 (Senapan Serbu 2):
- Has attachment
Pindad SS1 (Senapan Serbu 1):
- Has attachment
Komodo Armament D5:
- Has attachment
Kalashnikov AK-101:
- Has attachment
Steyr AUG:
- Has attachment
PT Armament IFAR-22:
Bolt-Action Sniper
Komodo Armament D7CH:
- Has attachment
Pindad SPR-2 (Senapan Runduk 2):
Pindad PM3 (Pistol Mitraliur 3):
Pindad G2 Elite:
Light Machine Gun
FN Minimi:
- Has attachment
Grenade Launcher
Pindad SPG:
- Mounted On SS2 Rifle Via Attachment
- Put 40mm on Your Offhand to Reload GL
How to get them?
You can already access some of the rifles in survival mode via Crafting, but for some of the weapons that still can't be made, we will add them in the next update.
Attachment System
You can access attachments through the Blueprint Desk that you can get in survival mode via crafting.
Eh? What about the Blueprint itself? Here.
Hold the Blueprint, click the Blueprint Desk and follow these steps, and here we go, you can craft the gun now in your survival world.
Updated on September 25
ChangeLog 2.1:
- New Particle effect visuals
- Added two new rifles! IFAR-22 and G2 Elite
- Fix Hunger Bug (BugsIDAR-0002)
- Reanimate D7-CH and AUG
- Add AUG and D7-CH Sight Column
- Cleaned up some code
Discord Link: https://discord.com/invite/uJvdSYTte9
If you have questions, you can ask them in the comments column on my YouTube channel : Krep