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Radium's Armament v1.6

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A new and very realistic addon with various guns for your Minecraft world. 100% survival friendly, 16 guns, a grenade, targets, custom zombies (headshot detection), natural spawning of said zombies, gore/dismembering, physics, several custom blocks, an insane amount of animations, loads of visual effects, two game modes, and many other small details/features for these things.

WARNING: This will ONLY work in Minecraft versions 1.20.15+

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Add-on features

  • 100% Survival friendly
  • Natural & adjustable zombie spawning
  • 16 guns
  • Detonator
  • Grenade
  • Targets
  • 20 Weapon Displays
  • Radium Zombie
  • Physics
  • Gore/dismembering
  • Several custom blocks
  • Insane amount of animations
  • Insane amount of visual effects (water impacts, explosions, blood, muzzle flashes etc.)
  • Two game modes
  • Zombie Celebrates on kills
  • Zombie attacks animals
  • Zombie Crawler
  • PET Zombies
  • TNT Zombies
  • Hit detection on ALL entities
  • Bullets have fall-off damage
  • Blowback mechanic
  • Blowback weapons: AWM, Citori, Remington, Mini-Gun
  • Custom UI
  • Custom GUI
  • Custom XP Orbs

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Table of Contents


If you plan on showcasing this addon, please ONLY use my links I provide here and tag my YT in the description. DO NOT create your own links and/or claim this as your own creation. Thanks :)

Toggle these Experiments in world game settings

  • Holiday Creator Features
  • Beta APIs

Required experiments for Radium's Armament addon

Game settings

  • Hide Paper Doll: ON
  • FOV to "70-80", FOV can be altered by gameplay
  • View bobbing: ON
  • Camera-shake: ON
  • FOV Can Be Altered By Gameplay: ON

If you are playing on a low-end device, and are experiencing lag in your survival gameplay, toggle the Radium Zombie spawns to only be at NIGHT or OFF in the BP settings! This will improve performance!

- Radium

Permission for ModBay

Permission from aShadyDan

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v1.6 update video:

Basic descriptive videos:

v1.2 update video

v1.3 update video

v1.4 update video

v1.5 update video

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List of Guns

Each weapon has several custom animations for ADS'ing, shooting, reloading (most have two), inspecting, and sprinting.

New guns in Radium's Armament


MP5: screenshot 1.

MP5: screenshot 2.

Desert Eagle

Desert Eagle: screenshot 1.

Desert Eagle: screenshot 2.

Golden Desert Eagle

Golden Desert Eagle: screenshot 1.

Golden Desert Eagle: screenshot 2.


Sniper rifle, sniper

AWM: screenshot 1.

AWM: screenshot 2.


AR, assault rifle

AK-47: screenshot 1.

AK-47: screenshot 2.

Golden AK-47

Gold, golden, AR, assault rifle

Golden AK-47: screenshot 1.

Golden AK-47: screenshot 2.

Citori 725

Double-barrel, shotgun, shotty

Citori 725: screenshot 1.

Citori 725: screenshot 2.


SMG, machinegun

P90: screenshot 1.

P90: screenshot 2.


Super-weapon, pack-a-punch, AR, assault rifle

RA-MX115: screenshot 1.

RA-MX115: screenshot 2.


AR, assault rifle, machine-gun

M4a1: screenshot 1.

M4a1: screenshot 2.

M79 Grenade-Launcher

Grenade launcher, thumper, thump gun, explosives

M79 Grenade-Launcher: screenshot 1.

M79 Grenade-Launcher: screenshot 2.

Remington 870

Shotgun, pump shotgun, shotty

Remington 870: screenshot 1.

Remington 870: screenshot 2.

Mini-Gun "Meat-Grinder"

Mini-gun, machinegun

Mini-Gun Meat-Grinder: screenshot 1.

Mini-Gun Meat-Grinder: screenshot 2.

Thunder Gun

Super-weapon, super-gun

Thunder Gun: screenshot 1.

Thunder Gun: screenshot 2.

P250 Compact

Pistol, handgun

P250 Compact: screenshot 1.

P250 Compact: screenshot 2.


Grenade, explosives

Grenade: screenshot 1.

Grenade: screenshot 2.

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Reloading starts automatically if the gun magazine is empty. At the same time, there should be a magazine for the gun in your inventory.

You can also hit (left-mouse-button) to start reloading.

P90 reloading

Each gun requires a certain type of ammunition.

Magazines and ammunition

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Currently, only one throwing weapon is available - a Grenade.

(the GIF image was accelerated)

Animation of throwing and exploding grenades

Pay attention to the timer near the hotbar on the right. If the timer expires, and you don't throw a grenade, it will explode in your hands! Careful!

(the GIF image was accelerated)

The explosion of a game grenade in your hand

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Gun Sight

Most guns have a sight that is activated when the player is sneaking.

Gun sight

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Custom Zombies




Pet Zombies

Pet Zombies

TNT Zombies

TNT Zombies

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Targets are available. They react to the hit of any projectiles, including vanilla projectiles (like bow arrows).

Target blocks

It can be created by a Zombie Head Target egg. The model is randomized.

Zombie Head Targets

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  • ADS = Sneaking
  • Shoot = Use item (eat food button)
  • Reload = Attack (when ammo is low enough and you have magazines)
  • Inspect = Attack (when ammo is full, empty, or you have no extra magazines)


  • Each weapon requires a specific magazine to reload (excluding the shotguns)
  • Magazines can be anywhere in inventory (DO NOT place it in your off-hand)

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Custom recipes are available including new material, ammo and blocks.

New custom recipes

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When you have activated the Behavior pack, you can choose Radium Zombie spawn mode:

  • Deactivate Spawning
  • Night Spawning
  • Day;Night Spawning (by default)

Radium Zombie spawn settings

If you want the bullets to break blocks, like glass, and explosions to make holes/break blocks, turn on MOB GRIEFING in your game settings.

Mechanics of glass destruction in the addon

You can use the Weapon Display to display the weapon model. Sneak and interact to rotate.

All guns from addon on the Weapon Displays

Guns and Weapon Displays

Available in creative inventory.

Copper Weapon Display

So far, I've spent at least 400-500 hours over about 6 months making this addon for you! I hope you enjoy my first version of Radium's Armament !! I know, the links do have ads, but I thought that would be okay for you guys to spend an extra minute or so on the ads as a little compensation for my effort in making this free addon!

- Radium

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About Supported versions

Download links are available on my website! If you need help on how to download, watch this video from my YouTube: How-To-Download

There are also older versions of my addon that are playable on multiple versions of Minecraft. However, they will not have all the features.

  • Radium's Armament v1.0 = 1.17+
  • Radium's Armament v1.1 = 1.17+
  • Radium's Armament v1.2 = 1.19.81
  • Radium's Armament v1.3 = 1.20
  • Radium's Armament v1.4 = 1.20.10
  • Radium's Armament v1.5 = 1.20.10 - 1.20.12
  • Radium's Armament v1.6 = 1.20.15+

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Updated on September 15


  • M1 Garand

Bug Fixes:

  • MP5 animations
  • Zombie arm dismemberment now easier
Old Patch Notes
v1.5 (August 14)

Hello everyone, this update adds the Pet zombies, TNT zombies, and a detonator and some bug fixes!


This will ONLY work in Minecraft versions 1.20.10+

Toggle these Experiments in world game settings:

  • Holiday Creator Features
  • Beta APIs

Toggle these Settings in Video settings:

  • Hide Paper Doll
  • View Bobbing
  • Camera Shake
  • FOV Can Be Altered By Gameplay


  • New M4 reload animations
  • Loads of new zombie animations
  • New Zombie features
  • Custom XP orbs
  • More gore/dismembering
  • Loot
  • Pet Zombies
  • TNT Zombies
  • Detonator

Bug Fixes:

  • Weapon Displays
    • Can now use kill command to remove displays
    • Ra MX115 duplication glitch
v1.4 (July 24)

Hello everyone, this update adds the Desert Eagle to the gun family and some bug fixes!


This will ONLY work in Minecraft versions 1.20.10+

Toggle these Experiments in world game settings:

  • Crawling
  • Holiday Creator Features
  • Beta APIs

Toggle these Settings in Video settings:

  • Hide Paper Doll
  • View Bobbing
  • Camera Shake
  • FOV Can Be Altered By Gameplay

Bug Fixes:

  • Bullet damage to entities
  • Updated to 1.20.10


  • Slight particle reduction on zombies
  • Desert Eagle
  • Golden Desert Eagle
v1.3 (June 12)

Hello everyone, this is an exciting update! Many new features, animations, more gore, new shotgun, bug fixes, and much more!


  • Slight damage increase to all bullet types
  • 19 Weapon Displays
  • Horse GUI
  • MP5

Bug Fixes:

  • Bullet damage to entities
  • Riding animations
  • Sleeping animations
  • Blood particles on wrong material hits
  • Remington 870 reload bug
  • UI/hotbar for android


  • Revamp of ALL Zombie animations
  • Zombie Celebrates on kills
  • Zombie attacks animals
  • Zombie Crawler
  • Hit detection on ALL entities
  • M4a1 now has 2 reloads
  • Bullets now have fall-off damage
  • Blowback mechanic
  • Blowback weapons: AWM, Citori, Remington, Mini-Gun
  • Remington 870

Bug fixes:

  • Iron Golem stops attacking dead zombies
  • Crosshair is now invisible for guns

Bug fixes:

  • Player- hitbox fixed when dying,
  • Targets- breakable & craftable,
  • Particle reduction on bullets- improving performance "slightly",
  • Reload- animations getting stuck when sprinting,
  • Guns fixed for flat worlds- no more random lights,
  • Fog- gets removed when going to the nether, but not the end,
  • Bow & shield- However, if pressing pause, it will get messed up again. Just rejoin the world if that happens!


  • Citori- damage increase,
  • MX115- damage increase, reduced fire rate,
  • Mini-Gun- damage increase, reduced fire rate,
  • Zombie- health varies more


  • Zombie spawning is adjustable in BP settings,
  • More feedback for zombie hits,
  • Zombie splats when falling,
  • More feedback for player hits,
  • The player explodes/splats when flying/falling,
  • Golden AK
Download links
Download from Radium site
Radium's Armament RP v1.6
Radium's Armament BP v1.6
Radium's Armament GUI v1.2
Radium's Armament Template v1.6
Radium Patreon
Community Discord server
Radium PayPal support
Supported versions
1.20.30 1.20.10
101 115
  1. No avatar image ewiyew Guest
    do you need to download the gui and template?
    1. doesn't work anymore. gui does, but the addon is broken cuz holiday creator features are gone.
      1. No avatar image ewiyew Guest
        then how do I have them
  2. No avatar image Ugly fatty Guest
    Why the other guns can't shoot the zombie breh how to fix it
  3. No avatar image great haters Guest
    plis bro i can't back to the tab when i finish the ads plis i hate this fucki*g web
  4. No avatar image grifon Guest
    The description doesn't show how to craft / find weapon. And also it doesn't tell directly if it's possible to craft or find it in the survival mode.
  5. No avatar image gorgonzola Guest
  6. No avatar image eighhn Guest
    Pls make this free for all so more accessible
    1. No avatar image Guest Manny Guest
      It is
  7. No avatar image лëня Guest
    Когда новые обновления.
  8. Muchísimas gracias por a ver subido el complementó, Ojalá y funcione en mi dispositivo. Rey, ídolo, tigre, un beso enorme.
  9. hello, are there weapons crafting here? If not, please add
  10. alaa profile avatar alaa
    How I download it?
    1. D profile avatar D Author
      You can watch the video by Radium:

  11. Gowther profile avatar Gowther
    Hi I just wanted to said is some of the gun not working on like the bullet when through the zombie like the animation zombie kill or blowback shot just head shot or drop dead zombie animetion please help me 🥺
    1. D profile avatar D Author
      Hi! You need to go to the Radium discord server and describe the problem with the bug
  12. Download Site isn't working for me. Please use linkvertise.
  13. I freaking love it!! I liked how sprites aren't flat as other add-ons, these sprites are hand-drawn and vanilla friendly.
  14. Great addon, saw the development and ur videos can’t wait to see where it goes