Keys & Crates (v1.9.10)

This add-on will add a different type of crate that generates naturally in your world, and by using the keys and other equipment, the crate will drop random loot from a low-tier item to a high-tier item.
Version: 1.9.10
- Updated for compatibility with Minecraft version 1.21.51.
"Additional & Changes"
- Added the Pale Oak Wood Crate.
- Added the Pale Oak Sapling, Pale Moss Carpet, Resin Clumps, and Resin Brick on wooden crates loot.
- Crates Trader can now also trade a Pale Oak Wood Crate.
- Piglin Crates Trader will now also get angry when players break any type of wood crates.
- Added the Pile of Pale Oak Wood Crate with 9 variants that generate only in the Pale Garden biome.
- Increase the Pile of Cherry Wood Crate generation.
- NOTES: Crates are not a storage block like chest or barrels.
Wood Crates
Oak Wood Crate
Crates Trader
- Rarity: Common
- Craftable: NO
- Stackable: 64
- Blast Resistance: 15.0
- Hardness: 2.0
- Flammable: YES
- Drops on breaking: Oak Wood Crate
- Mining Tool: Axe
- It can found naturally in overworld surfaces and underground.
- Use the Flint Axe to open or loot the wood crate.
Spruce Wood Crate
Crates Trader
- Rarity: Common
- Craftable: NO
- Stackable: 64
- Blast Resistance: 15.0
- Hardness: 2.0
- Flammable: YES
- Drops on breaking: Spruce Wood Crate
- Mining Tool: Axe
- It can found naturally in overworld surfaces and underground.
- Use the Flint Axe to open or loot the wood crate.
Birch Wood Crate
Crates Trader
- Rarity: Common
- Craftable: NO
- Stackable: 64
- Blast Resistance: 15.0
- Hardness: 2.0
- Flammable: YES
- Drops on breaking: Birch Wood Crate
- Mining Tool: Axe
- It can found naturally in overworld surfaces and underground.
- Use the Flint Axe to open or loot the wood crate.
Jungle Wood Crate
Crates Trader
- Rarity: Common
- Craftable: NO
- Stackable: 64
- Blast Resistance: 15.0
- Hardness: 2.0
- Flammable: YES
- Drops on breaking: Jungle Wood Crate
- Mining Tool: Axe
- It can found naturally in overworld surfaces and underground.
- Use the Flint Axe to open or loot the wood crate.
Acacia Wood Crate
Crates Trader
- Rarity: Common
- Craftable: NO
- Stackable: 64
- Blast Resistance: 15.0
- Hardness: 2.0
- Flammable: YES
- Drops on breaking: Acacia Wood Crate
- Mining Tool: Axe
- It can found naturally in overworld surfaces and underground.
- Use the Flint Axe to open or loot the wood crate.
Dark Oak Wood Crate
Crates Trader
- Rarity: Common
- Craftable: NO
- Stackable: 64
- Blast Resistance: 15.0
- Hardness: 2.0
- Flammable: YES
- Drops on breaking: Dark Oak Wood Crate
- Mining Tool: Axe
- It can found naturally in overworld surfaces and underground.
- Use the Flint Axe to open or loot the wood crate.
Mangrove Wood Crate
Crates Trader
- Rarity: Common
- Craftable: NO
- Stackable: 64
- Blast Resistance: 15.0
- Hardness: 2.0
- Flammable: YES
- Drops on breaking: Mangrove Wood Crate
- Mining Tool: Axe
- It can found naturally in overworld surfaces and underground.
- Use the Flint Axe to open or loot the wood crate.
Bamboo Wood Crate
Crates Trader
- Rarity: Common
- Craftable: NO
- Stackable: 64
- Blast Resistance: 15.0
- Hardness: 2.0
- Flammable: YES
- Drops on breaking: Bamboo Wood Crate
- Mining Tool: Axe
- It can found naturally in overworld surfaces and underground.
- Use the Flint Axe to open or loot the wood crate.
Cherry Wood Crate
Crates Trader
- Rarity: Common
- Craftable: NO
- Stackable: 64
- Blast Resistance: 15.0
- Hardness: 2.0
- Flammable: YES
- Drops on breaking: Cherry Wood Crate
- Mining Tool: Axe
- It can found naturally in overworld surfaces and underground.
- Use the Flint Axe to open or loot the wood crate.
Crimson Hyphae Crate
Piglin Crates Trader
- Rarity: Common
- Craftable: NO
- Stackable: 64
- Blast Resistance: 15.0
- Hardness: 2.0
- Flammable: NO
- Drops on breaking: Crimson Hyphae Crate
- Mining Tool: Axe
- It can found naturally in overworld surfaces and underground.
- Use the Flint Axe to open or loot the wood crate.
Warped Hyphae Crate
Piglin Crates Trader
- Rarity: Common
- Craftable: NO
- Stackable: 64
- Blast Resistance: 15.0
- Hardness: 2.0
- Flammable: NO
- Drops on breaking: Warped Hyphae Crate
- Mining Tool: Axe
- It can found naturally in overworld surfaces and underground.
- Use the Flint Axe to open or loot the wood crate.
Pale Oak Wood Crate
Crates Trader
- Rarity: Common
- Craftable: NO
- Stackable: 64
- Blast Resistance: 15.0
- Hardness: 2.0
- Flammable: YES
- Drops on breaking: Pale Oak Wood Crate
- Mining Tool: Axe
- It can found naturally in overworld surfaces and underground.
- Use the Flint Axe to open or loot the wood crate.
- Use the Flint Axe to open or loot the Wood Crates.
- Wood crates are the most common crates you can find in the overworld.
- Wood crates don't need any keys to loot; you just need Flint Axe to interact with the crates, and then the loot will drop.
- Wood Crate drops random common items.
Locked Crates
Copper Crate
Crates Trader
- Rarity: Common
- Craftable: NO
- Stackable: 64
- Blast Resistance: 45.0
- Hardness: 2.5
- Flammable: YES
- Drops on breaking: Copper Crate
- Mining Tool: Axe
- It can found naturally in overworld underground.
- Use the Copper Crate Key to open or loot the copper crate.
Golden Crate
Crates Trader
- Rarity: Common
- Craftable: NO
- Stackable: 64
- Blast Resistance: 45.0
- Hardness: 2.5
- Flammable: YES
- Drops on breaking: Golden Crate
- Mining Tool: Axe
- It can found naturally in overworld underground.
- Use the Golden Crate Key to open or loot the golden crate.
Diamond Crate
Crates Trader
- Rarity: Common
- Craftable: NO
- Stackable: 64
- Blast Resistance: 45.0
- Hardness: 2.5
- Flammable: YES
- Drops on breaking: Diamond Crate
- Mining Tool: Axe
- It can found naturally in overworld underground.
- Use the Diamond Crate Key to open or loot the diamond crate.
Piglin Crate
Piglin Crates Trader
- Rarity: Uncommon
- Craftable: NO
- Stackable: 64
- Blast Resistance: 150.0
- Hardness: 5.0
- Flammable: NO
- Drops on breaking: Piglin Crate
- Mining Tool: Pickaxe
- It cannot found naturally.
- It can only be obtainable through trade with Piglin Crates Trader.
- Use the Piglin Crate Key to open or loot the Piglin Crate.
Piglin Crate Key
Piglin Crates Trader
- Rarity: Common
- Craftable: NO
- Stackable: 64
- It can only be obtainable through trade with Piglin Crates Trader.
- It can be used to open or loot the Piglin Crate.
Piglin Crates Trader
- Rarity: Common
- Behavior: Neutral
- Mob type: Trader, Piglin, Humanoid
- Spawn only inside the Piglin Crates Trader House.
- Health: 20
- Speed: 0.30
- It can breathe in Air.
- It can barter with Gold Ingot.
- It can trade with players.
- Drops on death: Gold Nugget & XP Orbs.
- Avoids: Nether Soul Wisp, Soul Fire Bird, & any soul-type light sources.
- Aggressive toward: Wither Skeleton & Players without gold armor equipped.
- Equipped weapon: Flint Axe
- Melee attack damage: 5
- It can pick up weapons and equip it.
- It can pick up armor and equip it.
- It can pick up gold-type items and store them in its inventory.
- It can transform into Zombified Piglin when exposed to other dimensions other than the Nether.
- It can broadcast its enemies to all nearby Piglin.
- It can be aggressive towards players if they open or break Crates, Chest, Barrel, Shulker Box, Gold Block, Gold Ores, or attack other Piglins.
Pile of Wood Crates
Crates Trader House
Known Issues/Bugs
- Most of the custom blocks are not able to be waterlogged.
- Wooden crates and locked crates loot spawns aren't centered on block location.
- To help resolve this issue, please vote on the bug on Mojang: MCPE-156080
- Some custom blocks always act like interactable blocks and can't place a block on them.
- The only way to place a block on them is when the player is sneaking.
- To help resolve this issue, please vote on the bug on Mojang: MCPE-179928
- Subscribe to my YouTube channel:
https://www.youtube.com/@nicothekid8316 - Donation to keep me working on my add-ons:
https://ko-fi.com/dangelarts - Discord server for all my add-ons:
https://discord.com/invite/5RfKGtQA3S - Follow me on Twitter:
Add-On Notes:
- Add-ons may only be compatible with Minecraft version 1.21.50 or higher.
- This add-on is NOT using a 'player.json' file.
- This add-on is mostly compatible with other add-ons.
- Add-on will work on the realm or server; just make sure you install the correct file and enable the experimental gameplay options correctly.
- Add-on is not tested yet on the beta and preview versions of Minecraft, so expect some bugs if you are using those versions.
- Remove the old packs before installing the new version of the packs.
- If you make a review, gameplay, or showcase about the add-ons, please don't forget to give credit or put the original link (this ModBay page).
- Do not provide the direct link (mediafire) or any other download link that I didn't provide.
Download Guide
- Click the download option below 'Keys & Crates (v1.9.10) [Behavior]'. It will lead you to the Boostellar site.
- On the Boostellar site, find and click 'Click on Ad'.
- An ad article will pop up. After 15 seconds, just go back or close the ad page.
- On the Boostellar site again, find and click 'Unlock Content'. This will take you to the Mediafire site.
- On Mediafire, click the download button to download the file.
- Toggle OFF the creator setting options, this may prevent some lag in your gameplay and also keep the error logs from popping up.
- Make sure that you download and install both the behavior and resource packs of the add-on.
- This add-on doesn't need any experimental options to toggle on.
- Download both the 'Behavior Pack [BP]' and the 'Resource Pack [RP]'.
- Use the 'Server Pack' just in case the 'BP' or 'RP' don't work on servers or realms.