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Soul Magic

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This addon gives you the skills and abilities of a necromancer! Call upon the dark side and cast magic that summons the undead! Become a necromancer with this magic and easily deal with your enemies with your powerful minions and other soul skills!

Soul Magic


  • Soul Essence [Damage]
  • Activates for 5 seconds every 5 seconds interval.
  • Deals Wither effect level 3 to entities getting real close to you.

Passive with Soul Magic

Basic Attack:

  • Soul Shot [Effect]
  • Shoots soul skulls that can pass through blocks and gives wither level 3 effect for 2 seconds.

Basic Attack with Soul Magic

Skill 1:

  • Soul Switch [Transfer | Hindrance]
  • Shoots a projectile which when hits mobs, switches your position with them and makes them motionless for 5 seconds. (Can also be used to pass through blocks, just be careful, check the video below on how it works)

Skill 1 with Soul Magic

Skill 2:

  • Undead Summoning [Summoning]
  • Summons 4 undead zombies that attack entities around you.

Skill 2 with Soul Magic

Skill 3:

  • Creeper Head [Explosion]
  • Throws a projectile that summons a creeper head and explodes after a short time.

Skill 3 with Soul Magic


  • Warden's Rampage [Summoning]
  • Summons a warden and undead that attacks entities around you.

Ultimate with Soul Magic

These minions and the passive will only affect non-soul magic users.

To acquire magic in SURVIVAL, when you first load the world, you will be given an option to choose a magic (for now it's just soul). Once you've chosen, it will occupy your first 5 slots in your hotbar. (The same goes for everyone in the world.)

There is also a mana system in this addon. Your mana recovers slowly through time and the maximum is 100.

Updated on February 18

Download links
Soul Magic [1-21-5].mcaddon
Supported versions
1.19.80 1.19.70 1.19.60 1.19.50 1.19.40 1.19.30 1.19.20 1.19.10 1.19.0
  1. That's a great concept, I'm excited for the next update!
  2. This is an interesting idea. I can't wait to see where this will be taken next.